Crystallography Open Database

Result : There are 2 entries in the selection

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Searching journal of publication like 'Advanced Materials' volume of publication is 12

COD ID: 1521371
CIF file Formula: - Cu0.978 In Se1.988 -
Comments: Kaplan, L.; Leitus, G.; Lyakhovitskaya, V.; Frolow, F.; Hallak, H.; Kvick, A.; Cahen, D. Synchrotron X-ray diffraction evidence for native defects in the photovoltaic semiconductor Cu In Se2 Advanced Materials 12(5) (2000) 366-370
Space group: I -4 2 d
Cell volume: 391.177
Cell parameters: 5.7955; 5.7955; 11.6464; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 1521373
CIF file Formula: - Cu0.974 In Se1.989 -
Comments: Kaplan, L.; Leitus, G.; Lyakhovitskaya, V.; Frolow, F.; Hallak, H.; Kvick, A.; Cahen, D. Synchrotron X-ray diffraction evidence for native defects in the photovoltaic semiconductor Cu In Se2 Advanced Materials 12(5) (2000) 366-370
Space group: I -4 2 d
Cell volume: 389.488
Cell parameters: 5.7877; 5.7877; 11.6274; 90; 90; 90;  

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