Crystallography Open Database

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9013121 CIFCl2C m c e6.1804; 4.4174; 8.1711
90; 90; 90
223.082Powell, B. M.; Heal, K. M.; Torrie, B. H.
The temperature dependence of the crystal structures of the solid halogens, bromine and chlorine Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 55 K
Molecular Physics, 1984, 53, 929-939
9013122 CIFCl2C m c e6.2235; 4.4561; 8.1785
90; 90; 90
226.811Powell, B. M.; Heal, K. M.; Torrie, B. H.
The temperature dependence of the crystal structures of the solid halogens, bromine and chlorine Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 100 K
Molecular Physics, 1984, 53, 929-939
9013123 CIFCl2C m c e6.2929; 4.5361; 8.1617
90; 90; 90
232.978Powell, B. M.; Heal, K. M.; Torrie, B. H.
The temperature dependence of the crystal structures of the solid halogens, bromine and chlorine Locality: synthetic Sample: at T = 160 K
Molecular Physics, 1984, 53, 929-939
9013688 CIFFe17.574 Ni0.24 S20C m c e6.893; 11.939; 28.635
90; 90; 90
2356.53de Villiers, J. P. R.; Liles, D. C.; Becker, M.
The crystal structure of a naturally occurring 5C pyrrhotite from Sudbury, its chemistry, and vacancy distribution Locality: Copper Cliff North Mine, Sudbury, Canada
American Mineralogist, 2009, 94, 1405-1410
9013785 CIFAl0.01 Ca0.04 Fe0.43 H5 Mn0.6 Na0.89 O7 PC m c e6.2499; 8.7479; 19.9554
90; 90; 90
1091.03Cooper, M. A.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Cerny, P.
The crystal structure of ercitite, Na2(H2O)4[Mn3+2(OH)2(PO4)2], and its relation to bermanite, Mn2+(H2O)4[Mn3+2(OH)2(PO4)2] Locality: Tanco granitic pegmatite, Bernic Lake, southeastern Manitoba, Canada
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2009, 47, 173-180
9016605 CIFFe0.96 Si2C m c e9.8362; 7.8301; 7.8655
90; 90; 90
605.788Li, G.; Sh, N.; Xiong, M.; Ma, Z.; Bai, W.; Fang, Q.
Rietveld structure refinement of new mineral luobusaite (beta-FeSi2)
Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, 2007, 27, 1-5
9016935 CIFAl Fe0.056 H3.994 Mn0.943 O7 PC m c e6.9263; 10.4356; 13.5234
90; 90; 90
977.473Diego Gatta, G.; Nenert, G.; Vignola, P.
Coexisting hydroxyl groups and H2O molecules in minerals: A single-crystal neutron diffraction study of eosphorite, MnAlPO4(OH)2*H2O Note: T = 20 K
American Mineralogist, 2013, 98, 1297-1301
9017537 CIFAl3 As4 K0.92 Na2.08 O16C m c e10.5049; 20.482; 6.3574
90; 90; 90
1367.87Ben Yahia, H.; Nilges, T.; Rodewald, U. C.; Pottgen, R.
New arsenates (V) NaKAl2O(AsO4)2 and Na2KAl3(AsO4)4
Materials Research Bulletin, 2010, 45, 2017-2023

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