Crystallography Open Database
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Searching journal of publication like 'Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-)' volume of publication is 7
COD ID: 4001724 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Ag1.28 Cs Fe0.72 Te2 - Comments: Yglesias, R.A.; Guo, H.-Y.; Li, J.; Emge, T.J. Cs Fex Ag2-x Te2 (x=0.72): the first quaternary iron telluride synthesized from molten salt Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 7 (1995) 599-601 Space group: I 4/m m m Cell volume: 313.846 Cell parameters: 4.5058; 4.5058; 15.4587; 90; 90; 90; |
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