Crystallography Open Database

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1011216 CIFFe2 NP 3 1 24.793; 4.793; 4.417
90; 90; 120
87.9Hendricks, S. B.; Kosting, P. R.
The crystal structure of Fe2P, Fe2N, Fe3N and FeB Locality: synthetic Note: forms solid solution with siderazot
Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie, 1930, 74, 511-533
1011217 CIFFe3 NP 3 1 24.668; 4.668; 4.362
90; 90; 120
82.3Hendricks, S B; Kosting, P R
The crystal structure of Fe2 P, Fe2 N, Fe3 N and Fe B.
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1930, 74, 511-533
1510798 CIFB2 O4.5 Pb1.5P 3 1 24.9253; 4.9253; 6.3884
90; 90; 120
134.211Al'-Ama, A.G.; Stefanovich, S.Yu.; Belokoneva, E.L.; Kurazhkovskaya, V.S.; Dimitrova, O.V.; Kabalov, Yu.K.
New oxygen- and lead-deficient lead borate Pb(I)0.9 Pb(II)0.6 (B O2.25)2 = 2 Pb0.75 (B O2.25) and its relation to aragonite and calcite structures
Kristallografiya, 2002, 47, 24-29
1522217 CIFGe O6 Sr TeP 3 1 25.06566; 5.06566; 5.40394
90; 90; 120
120.092Woodward, P.M.; Sleight, A.W.; Grey, C.P.; Du, L.-S.
Structural studies and order-disorder phenomenon in a series of new quaternary tellurates of the type A(2+) M(4+) Te(6+) O6 and A(1+)2 M(4+) Te(6+) O6
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1999, 147, 99-116
1522219 CIFBa Ge O6 TeP 3 1 25.09496; 5.09496; 11.57963
90; 90; 120
260.32Woodward, P.M.; Sleight, A.W.; Du, L.-S.; Grey, C.P.
Structural studies and order-disorder phenomenon in a series of new quaternary tellurates of the type A(2+) M(4+) Te(6+) O6 and A(1+)2 M(4+) Te(6+) O6
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1999, 147, 99-116

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