Crystallography Open Database

Result : There are 1 entries in the selection

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Searching journal of publication like 'International Journal of Molecular Sciences' volume of publication is 23

COD ID: 1567599
CIF file Formula: - C16 H20 Cl N3 S -
Comments: Pivovarova, Ekaterina; Climova, Alina; Świątkowski, Marcin; Staszewski, Marek; Walczyński, Krzysztof; Dzięgielewski, Marek; Bauer, Marta; Kamysz, Wojciech; Krześlak, Anna; Jóźwiak, Paweł; Czylkowska, Agnieszka Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Thiazole-Based Derivatives with Potential against Breast Cancer and Antimicrobial Agents International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(17) (2022) 9844
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 1551.21
Cell parameters: 11.6247; 17.1959; 8.2511; 90; 109.867; 90;  

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