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Searching year of publication is 2006

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COD ID Blue up arrow Links Formula Up arrow Space group Up arrow Cell parameters Cell volume Up arrow Bibliography
1101142 CIFF2 Li5 O8 P2 VP 1 21/c 16.3589; 10.7795; 10.3836
90; 90.019; 90
711.75Yin, S.-C.; Herle, P. Subramanya; Higgins, A.; Taylor, N. J.; Makimura, Y.; Nazar, L. F.
Dimensional Reduction: Synthesis and Structure of Layered Li~5~M(PO~4~)~2~F~2~ (M = V, Cr)
Chemistry of Materials, 2006, 18, 1745-1752
1101148 CIFB3 Ca4 Na O9A m a 210.68004; 11.28574; 6.48521
90; 90; 90
781.68Li Wu; Xia Long Chen; Yan Ping Xu; Yan Ping Sun
Structure Determination and Relative Properties of Novel Non-centrosymmetric Borates MM'~4~(BO~3~)~3~ (M=Na, M'=Ca and M=K, M'=Ca, Sr)
Inorganic Chemistry, 2006, 45, 3042-3047
1101149 CIFB3 Ca4 K O9A m a 210.63455; 11.51705; 6.51942
90; 90; 90
798.49Li Wu; Xia Long Chen; Yan Ping Xu; Yan Ping Sun
Structure Determination and Relative Properties of Novel Noncentrosymmetric Borates MM'~4~(BO~3~)~3~ (M = Na, M' = Ca and M = K, M' = Ca, Sr)
Inorganic Chemistry, 2006, 45, 3042-3047
1101150 CIFB3 K O9 Sr4A m a 211.03843; 11.98974; 6.88446
90; 90; 90
911.14Li Wu; Xia Long Chen; Yan Ping Xu; Yan Ping Sun
Structure Determination and Relative Properties of Novel Noncentrosymmetric Borates MM'~4~(BO~3~)~3~ (M = Na, N = Ca and M = K, M' = Ca, Sr)
Inorganic Chemistry, 2006, 45, 3042-3047
1101151 CIFC44 H88 Mn12 O42P 1 21/n 111.8465; 14.2914; 20.564
90; 96.596; 90
3458.5Yangguang Li; Wolfgang Wernsdorfer; Rodolphe Clerac; Ian J. Hewitt; Christopher E. Anson; Annie K. Powell
New Valence-Sandwich [MnII4MnIII4MnII4] Aggregate Showing Single-Molecule Magnet Behavior
Inorganic Chemistry, 2006, 45, 2376-2378

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