Crystallography Open Database

Result : There are 3 entries in the selection

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Searching journal of publication like 'Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Supplement Issue'

COD ID: 8103430
CIF file Formula: - Au0.54 Eu Ge1.46 -
Comments: Grin', Yu.; Poettgen, R. Die Kristallstrukturen von Eu5 Si3, Eu Zn Ga und Eu Au.54 Ge1.46 Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Supplement Issue 12 (1997) 137-137
Space group: P 6/m m m
Cell volume: 71.799
Cell parameters: 4.3043; 4.3043; 4.4749; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 8103436
CIF file Formula: - Au1.89083 Te3.03167 -
Comments: Edenharter, A.; Bente, K.; Steins, M. Strukturuntersuchungen an Montbrayit, Au2 Te3 Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Supplement Issue 3 (1991) 63-64
Space group: P 1
Cell volume: 1574.93
Cell parameters: 12.123; 13.42; 10.783; 104.36; 97.45; 108.03;  

COD ID: 8104104
CIF file Formula: - C2 K2 O6 -
Comments: Dinnebier, R.E.; Vensky, S.; Jansen, M.; Stephens, P. Crystal structure of K2 (C2 O6) - first proof of existence and constitution of a peroxodicarbonate ion Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Supplement Issue 19 (2002) 42-42
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 598.383
Cell parameters: 8.38052; 10.76409; 7.11671; 90; 111.239; 90;  

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