Crystallography Open Database

Result : There are 1 entries in the selection

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Searching space group like 'C 1 n 1'

COD ID: 4130407
CIF file Formula: - C66 H36 O12 -
Comments: Hisaki, Ichiro; Nakagawa, Shoichi; Ikenaka, Nobuaki; Imamura, Yutaka; Katouda, Michio; Tashiro, Motomichi; Tsuchida, Hiromu; Ogoshi, Tomoki; Sato, Hiroyasu; Tohnai, Norimitsu; Miyata, Mikiji A Series of Layered Assemblies of Hydrogen-Bonded, Hexagonal Networks of C3-Symmetric π-Conjugated Molecules: A Potential Motif of Porous Organic Materials. Journal of the American Chemical Society 138(20) (2016) 6617-6628
Space group: C 1 n 1
Cell volume: 6464
Cell parameters: 20.128; 43.359; 7.4073; 90; 90.5085; 90;  

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