Crystallography Open Database

Result : There are 4 entries in the selection

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Searching journal of publication like 'Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-)' volume of publication is 182

COD ID: 1008451
CIF file Formula: - Cl2 Cs2 H6 O6 Te -
Comments: Averbuch-Pouchot, M T Crystal structure of a new telluric acid adduct : Te(OH)~6~ 2CsCl Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-) 182 (1988) 291-295
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 522.2
Cell parameters: 6.243; 11.154; 7.862; 90; 107.48; 90;  

COD ID: 1008452
CIF file Formula: - F2.47 Gd0.735 K0.265 -
Comments: Le Fur, Y; Aleonard, S; Gorius, M F; Roux, M T Structure cristalline de K~0.265~Gd~0.735~ F~2.47~ Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-) 182 (1988) 281-290
Space group: I m m m
Cell volume: 3093.7
Cell parameters: 11.652; 8.152; 32.57; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 8103731
CIF file Formula: - Co0.93 Mn1.07 O4 Si -
Comments: Untersteller, E.; Hellner, E.; Treutmann, W.; Schweiss, P.; Hosoya, S.; Heger, G. Strukturelle und magnetische Untersuchungen an (Mn,Co)-Olivin- Mischkristallem Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-) 182 (1988) 261-263
Space group: P n m a
Cell volume: 310.677
Cell parameters: 10.51; 6.129; 4.823; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 8104241
CIF file Formula: - Mn Na6 S4 -
Comments: Bronger, W.; Balk-Hardtdegen, H.; Muller, P. Zusammenhaenge zwischen Struktur und magnetischen Eigenschaften von Manganverbindungen mit tetraedrisch koordinierten Mn(II) Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-) 182 (1988) 47-49
Space group: P 63 m c
Cell volume: 492.144
Cell parameters: 9.036; 9.036; 6.96; 90; 90; 120;  

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