Crystallography Open Database

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Searching space group like 'P 2/c 1 1'

COD ID: 4002086
CIF file Formula: - Ca2 Co2 O5 -
Comments: Zhang, Junjie; Zheng, Hong; Malliakas, Christos D.; Allred, Jared M.; Ren, Yang; Li, Qing’an; Han, Tian-Heng; Mitchell, J.F. Brownmillerite Ca2Co2O5: Synthesis, Stability, and Re-entrant Single Crystal to Single Crystal Structural Transitions Chemistry of Materials 26(24) (2014) 7172
Space group: P 2/c 1 1
Cell volume: 859.45
Cell parameters: 5.2944; 14.8022; 10.9667; 90.078; 90; 90;  

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