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Searching journal of publication like 'Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains'koi RSR, Seriya A: Fiziko-Tekhnichni ta Matematichni Nauki' volume of publication is 1967
COD ID: 1511130 | |
CIF file | Formula: - B Fe Nb - Comments: Kuz'ma, Yu.B. The crystal structure of Nb Fe B and Ta Fe B compounds Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains'koi RSR, Seriya A: Fiziko-Tekhnichni ta Matematichni Nauki 1967 (1967) 939-940 Space group: P -6 2 m Cell volume: 100.955 Cell parameters: 6.015; 6.015; 3.222; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1524751 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Cu Ga Zr - Comments: Kripyakevich, P.I.; Mel'nik, Ya.; Markiv, V.Ya. Crystal structures of the compounds Zr Ni Al, Zr Cu Ga and their analogues Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains'koi RSR, Seriya A: Fiziko-Tekhnichni ta Matematichni Nauki 1967 (1967) 750-754 Space group: P 63/m m c Cell volume: 99.019 Cell parameters: 4.197; 4.197; 6.491; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1524796 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Co0.87 W0.13 - Comments: Larikov, L.N.; Shmatko, O.A. The solubility of tungsten in cobalt in solid phase Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains'koi RSR, Seriya A: Fiziko-Tekhnichni ta Matematichni Nauki 1967 (1967) 540-542 Space group: F m -3 m Cell volume: 46.114 Cell parameters: 3.586; 3.586; 3.586; 90; 90; 90; |
COD ID: 1524797 | |
CIF file | Formula: - Co0.93 W0.07 - Comments: Larikov, L.N.; Shmatko, O.A. The solubility of tungsten in cobalt in solid phase Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains'koi RSR, Seriya A: Fiziko-Tekhnichni ta Matematichni Nauki 1967 (1967) 540-542 Space group: P 63/m m c Cell volume: 22.782 Cell parameters: 2.533; 2.533; 4.1; 90; 90; 120; |
COD ID: 1530865 | |
CIF file | Formula: - C2 Cr2 V - Comments: Telegus, V.S.; Kuz'ma, Yu.B.; Kripyakevich, P.I. The crystal structure of the compound V Cr2 C2 Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains'koi RSR, Seriya A: Fiziko-Tekhnichni ta Matematichni Nauki 1967 (1967) 545-546 Space group: C m c m Cell volume: 185.449 Cell parameters: 2.854; 9.284; 6.999; 90; 90; 90; |
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