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Searching journal of publication like 'Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-)' volume of publication is 13

COD ID: 4001730
CIF file Formula: - Au Sn Yb -
Comments: Poettgen, R.; Hoffmann, R.D.; Kussmann, D.; Muellmann, R.; Mosel, B.D. Secondary Au-Au and Sn-Sn interactions in the superstructure of Yb Au Sn - missing link in the series of K Hg2 superstructures Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 4019-4025
Space group: I m m 2
Cell volume: 836.436
Cell parameters: 4.697; 21.912; 8.127; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4001744
CIF file Formula: - B Li O3 Sr -
Comments: Zhang, H.; Zheng, F.-K.; Lin, Q.-S.; Cheng, W.-D.; Chen, J.-T. Syntheses, crystal and electronic structures, and linear optics of Li M B O3 (M= Sr, Ba) orthoborates Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 1841-1847
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 279.251
Cell parameters: 6.48; 6.68; 6.84; 90; 109.41; 90;  

COD ID: 4001748
CIF file Formula: - B10 Ca La2 O19 -
Comments: Wang, J.-X.; Liu, J.-G.; Fu, P.-Z.; Wu, Y.-C.; Wang, G.-F.; Zhou, H.-Y.; Chen, C.-T. A new lanthanum and calcium borate La2 Ca Bi10 O19 Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 753-755
Space group: C 1 2 1
Cell volume: 661.408
Cell parameters: 11.043; 6.563; 9.129; 90; 91.47; 90;  

COD ID: 4001749
CIF file Formula: - B Ba Li O3 -
Comments: Chen, J.-T.; Cheng, W.-D.; Zhang, H.; Lin, Q.-S.; Zheng, F.-K. Syntheses, crystal and electronic structures, and linear optics of Li M B O3 (M = Sr, Ba) orthoborates Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 1841-1847
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 288.748
Cell parameters: 6.372; 7.022; 7.058; 90; 113.89; 90;  

COD ID: 4002303
CIF file Formula: - Co Li2 O8 W2 -
Comments: Alvarez-Vega, M.; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J.; Reyes-Cardenas, J.G.; Fuentes, A.F.; Amador, U. Synthesis and characterization of new double tungstates Li2 M(II) (W O4)2 (M = Co, Ni and Cu) Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 3871-3875
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 136.34
Cell parameters: 4.9218; 5.6675; 5.8826; 69.49; 91.46; 116.14;  

COD ID: 4002304
CIF file Formula: - Li2 Ni O8 W2 -
Comments: Alvarez-Vega, M.; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J.; Reyes-Cardenas, J.G.; Fuentes, A.F.; Amador, U. Synthesis and characterization of new double tungstates Li2 M(II) (W O4)2 (M = Co, Ni and Cu) Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 3871-3875
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 134.374
Cell parameters: 4.907; 5.602; 5.8403; 70.92; 88.52; 115.45;  

COD ID: 4002305
CIF file Formula: - Cu Li2 O8 W2 -
Comments: Alvarez-Vega, M.; Amador, U.; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J.; Reyes-Cardenas, J.G.; Fuentes, A.F. Synthesis and characterization of new double tungstates Li2 M(II) (W O4)2 (M = Co, Ni and Cu) Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 3871-3875
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 138.289
Cell parameters: 4.9669; 5.4969; 5.8883; 70.72; 85.99; 66.04;  

COD ID: 4002306
CIF file Formula: - I2 O8 U -
Comments: Bean, A.C.; Peper, S.M.; Albrecht-Schmitt, T.E. Structural relationships, interconversion, and optical properties of the uranyl iodates, U O2 (I O3)2 and U O2 (I O3)2 (H2 O): a comparison of reactions under mild and supercritical conditions Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 1266-1272
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 355.781
Cell parameters: 4.2454; 16.636; 5.284; 90; 107.57; 90;  

COD ID: 4002307
CIF file Formula: - H2 I2 O9 U -
Comments: Bean, A.C.; Peper, S.M.; Albrecht-Schmitt, T.E. Structural relationships, interconversion, and optical properties of the uranyl iodates, U O2 (I O3)2 and U O2 (I O3)2 (H2 O): a comparison of reactions under mild and supercritical conditions Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 1266-1272
Space group: P b c n
Cell volume: 799.328
Cell parameters: 8.452; 7.707; 12.271; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002308
CIF file Formula: - Bi3.04 Na0.96 O10 V2 -
Comments: Bliesner, R.; Sleight, A.W.; Uma, S.; Yokochi, A. Structure of Na Bi3 V2 O10 and implications for ionic conductivity Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 3825-3826
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 238.238
Cell parameters: 5.538; 7.058; 7.12; 107.66; 112.21; 95.65;  

COD ID: 4002309
CIF file Formula: - Co2 H9 N O12 P2 V -
Comments: Boudin, S.; Raveau, B.; Chardon, J. A novel cobalt(II) vanadophosphate with a quasi zeolithic intersecting tunnel structure N H4 Co2 (H2 O)2 H V O2 (P O4)2 Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 4101-4104
Space group: P m c 21
Cell volume: 471.456
Cell parameters: 6.4394; 7.4299; 9.854; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002310
CIF file Formula: - C Cr Fe O9 Sr4 -
Comments: Breard, Y.; Michel, C.; Hervieu, M.; Nguyen, N.; Ducouret, A.; Suard, E.; Studer, F.; Maignan, A.; Raveau, B. A layered oxycarbonate involving trivalent chromium: Sr4 Fe Cr O6 C O3 Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 2423-2429
Space group: I 4/m m m
Cell volume: 420.129
Cell parameters: 3.89477; 3.89477; 27.6961; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002311
CIF file Formula: - Eu4 Ga8 Ge16 -
Comments: Bryan, J.D.; Stucky, G.D. Eu4 Ga8 Ge16: a new four-coordinate clathrate network Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 253-257
Space group: C m c m
Cell volume: 617.803
Cell parameters: 4.1349; 11.2842; 13.2408; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002312
CIF file Formula: - Cs H3 Na2 O12 S3 -
Comments: Chisholm, C.R.I.; Cowan, L.A.; Klooster, W.T.; Haile, S.M. Synthesis, structure and properties of compounds in the Na H S O4 - Cs H S O4 system. 1. Crystal structures of Cs2 Na (H S O4)3 and Cs Na2 (H S O4)3 Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 2574-2583
Space group: P 21 3
Cell volume: 1180.26
Cell parameters: 10.568; 10.568; 10.568; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002313
CIF file Formula: - Cs2 H3 Na O12 S3 -
Comments: Chisholm, C.R.I.; Cowan, L.A.; Haile, S.M.; Klooster, W.T. Synthesis, structure and properties of compounds in the Na H S O4 -Cs H S O4 system. 1. Crystal structures of Cs2 Na (H S O4)3 and Cs Na2 (H S O4)3 Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 2574-2583
Space group: P 63/m
Cell volume: 634.957
Cell parameters: 8.5712; 8.5712; 9.98; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 4002314
CIF file Formula: - F Nb2 O6 Rb0.9 Sr -
Comments: Choy, J.-H.; Kim, J.-Y.; Kim, S.-J.; Sohn, J.-S. New Dion-Jacobson-type layered perovskite oxyfluorides, A Sr Nb2 O6F (A = Li, Na and Rb) Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 906-912
Space group: P 4/m m m
Cell volume: 167.285
Cell parameters: 3.8503; 3.8503; 11.2841; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002315
CIF file Formula: - F Li0.9 Nb2 O6 Sr -
Comments: Choy, J.-H.; Kim, S.-J.; Kim, J.-Y.; Sohn, J.-S. New Dion-Jacobson-type layered perovskite oxyfluorides, A Sr Nb2 O6 F (A = Li, Na and Rb) Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 906-912
Space group: I 4/m m m
Cell volume: 305.72
Cell parameters: 3.8304; 3.8304; 20.837; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002316
CIF file Formula: - C2 H9 N O16 P4 Ti2 -
Comments: Liu, Y.-L.; Shi, Z.; Zhang, L.-R.; Li, B.-Z.; Pang, W.-Q.; Chen, J.-S.; Fu, Y.-L.; Hua, J. Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of two three-dimensional titanium phosphates Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 2017-2022
Space group: P 1 21/n 1
Cell volume: 1353.56
Cell parameters: 10.7455; 6.3469; 20.48; 90; 104.286; 90;  

COD ID: 4002317
CIF file Formula: - C6 H20 N2 O48 P12 Ti7 -
Comments: Liu, Y.-L.; Shi, Z.; Zhang, L.-R.; Hua, J.; Chen, J.-S.; Li, B.-Z.; Fu, Y.-L.; Pang, W.-Q. Hydrothermal synthesis and characterization of two three-dimensional titanium phosphates Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 2017-2022
Space group: R -3 :H
Cell volume: 3037.78
Cell parameters: 16.864; 16.864; 12.334; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 4002318
CIF file Formula: - Al0.9 La1.1 Mg0.1 O4 Sr0.9 -
Comments: Magrez, A.; Cochet, M.; Louarn, G.; Joubert, O.; Ganne, M.; Chauvet, O. High internal stresses in Sr1-x La1+x Al1-x Mgx O4 solid solution (0 <= x <= 0.7) characterized by infrared and Raman spectroscopies coupled with crystal structure refinement Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 3893-3898
Space group: I 4/m m m
Cell volume: 179.929
Cell parameters: 3.76932; 3.76932; 12.6641; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002319
CIF file Formula: - Al0.7 La1.3 Mg0.3 O4 Sr0.7 -
Comments: Magrez, A.; Louarn, G.; Joubert, O.; Cochet, M.; Ganne, M.; Chauvet, O. High internal stresses in Sr1-x La1+x Al1-x Mgx O4 solid solution (0 <= x <= 0.7) characterized by infrared and Raman spectroscopies coupled with crystal structure refinement Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 3893-3898
Space group: I 4/m m m
Cell volume: 182.283
Cell parameters: 3.79121; 3.79121; 12.6821; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002320
CIF file Formula: - Al0.6 La1.4 Mg0.4 O4 Sr0.6 -
Comments: Magrez, A.; Ganne, M.; Cochet, M.; Chauvet, O.; Joubert, O.; Louarn, G. High internal stresses in Sr1-x La1+x Al1-x Mgx O4 solid solution (0 <= x <= 0.7) characterized by infrared and Raman spectroscopies coupled with crystal structure refinement Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 3893-3898
Space group: I 4/m m m
Cell volume: 183.573
Cell parameters: 3.80413; 3.80413; 12.6852; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002321
CIF file Formula: - Al0.5 La1.5 Mg0.5 O4 Sr0.5 -
Comments: Magrez, A.; Cochet, M.; Joubert, O.; Louarn, G.; Ganne, M.; Chauvet, O. High internal stresses in Sr1-x La1+x Al1-x Mgx O4 solid solution (0 <= x <= 0.7) characterized by infrared and Raman spectroscopies coupled with crystal structure refinement Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 3893-3898
Space group: I 4/m m m
Cell volume: 184.702
Cell parameters: 3.81611; 3.81611; 12.6832; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002322
CIF file Formula: - Al0.3 La1.7 Mg0.7 O4 Sr0.3 -
Comments: Magrez, A.; Cochet, M.; Ganne, M.; Joubert, O.; Louarn, G.; Chauvet, O. High internal stresses in Sr1-x La1+x Al1-x Mgx O4 solid solution (0 <= x <= 0.7) characterized by infrared and Raman spectroscopies coupled with crystal structure refinement Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 3893-3898
Space group: I 4/m m m
Cell volume: 187.245
Cell parameters: 3.84414; 3.84414; 12.671; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002323
CIF file Formula: - Ho Mn O3 -
Comments: Munoz, A.; Alonso, J.A.; Martinez-Lope, M.J.; Casais, M.T.; Martinez, J.L.; Fernandez-Diaz, M.T. Evolution of the magnetic structure of hexagonal Ho Mn O3 from neutron powder diffraction data Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 1497-1505
Space group: P 63 c m
Cell volume: 372.753
Cell parameters: 6.1413; 6.1413; 11.4122; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 4002324
CIF file Formula: - H18.9 Na8 O47.45 Si12 Ti5 -
Comments: Nair, S.; Jeong, H.-K.; Tsapatsis, M.; Chandrasekaran, A.; Kuznicki, S.M.; Braunbarth, C. Synthesis and structure determination of ETS-4 single crystals Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 4247-4254
Space group: C m m m
Cell volume: 1162.05
Cell parameters: 23.2272; 7.1751; 6.9727; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002325
CIF file Formula: - H17.6 Na0.5 O47.05 Si12 Sr4 Ti5 -
Comments: Nair, S.; Jeong, H.-K.; Chandrasekaran, A.; Tsapatsis, M.; Braunbarth, C.; Kuznicki, S.M. Synthesis and structure determination of ETS-4 single crystals Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 4247-4254
Space group: C m m m
Cell volume: 1167.94
Cell parameters: 23.19; 7.2259; 6.9699; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002326
CIF file Formula: - O15 Rb2 Si6 Ti -
Comments: Nyman, M.; Bonhomme, F.; Maxwell, R.S.; Nenoff, T.M. First Rb silicotitanate phase and its K-structural analogue: new members of the SNL-A family (Cc - A2 Ti Si6 O15; A = K, Rb, Cs) Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 4603-4611
Space group: C 1 c 1
Cell volume: 1357.95
Cell parameters: 12.736; 7.3392; 15.061; 90; 105.29; 90;  

COD ID: 4002327
CIF file Formula: - K2 O15 Si6 Ti -
Comments: Nyman, M.; Bonhomme, F.; Maxwell, R.S.; Nenoff, T.M. First Rb silicotitanate phase and its K-structural analogue: new members of the SNL-A family (Cc - A2 Ti Si6 O15; A = K, Rb, Cs) Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 4603-4611
Space group: C 1 c 1
Cell volume: 1318.55
Cell parameters: 12.57; 7.2534; 15.082; 90; 106.49; 90;  

COD ID: 4002328
CIF file Formula: - As2 Mn0.996 O2 Sr2 Zn1.88 -
Comments: Ozawa, T.C.; Kauzlarich, S.M.; Gardner, J.S.; Wiebe, C.R.; Bieringer, M.; Greedan, J.E. The effect of interlayer cations on the magnetic properties of the mixed-metal pnictide oxides: A2 Mn Zn2 As2 O2 (A = Sr, Ba) Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 973-980
Space group: I 4/m m m
Cell volume: 317.178
Cell parameters: 4.122979; 4.122979; 18.65868; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002329
CIF file Formula: - Mn3 Na2 O7 -
Comments: Raekelboom, E.; Hector, A.L.; Owen, J.; Vitins, G.; Weller, M.T. Syntheses, structures, and preliminary electrochemistry of the layered lithium and sodium manganese(IV) oxides, A2 Mn3 O7 Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 4618-4623
Space group: P -1
Cell volume: 274.398
Cell parameters: 6.61909; 6.83962; 7.5282; 105.773; 106.841; 111.632;  

COD ID: 4002330
CIF file Formula: - Bi2.08 Cu0.84 O4 -
Comments: Henry, N.; Mentre, O.; Boivin, J.C.; Abraham, F. Local perturbation in Bi2 Cu O4: hydrothermal synthesis, crystal structure and characterization of the new Bi2 (Cu1-2x Mx) O4 (M = Bi, Pb) Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 543-551
Space group: P 4/n c c :2
Cell volume: 426.092
Cell parameters: 8.58; 8.58; 5.788; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002331
CIF file Formula: - Bi2 Cu0.92 O4 Pb0.04 -
Comments: Henry, N.; Boivin, J.C.; Mentre, O.; Abraham, F. Local perturbation in Bi2 Cu O4: hydrothermal synthesis, crystal structure and characterization of the new Bi2 (Cu1-2x Mx) O4 (M = Bi, Pb) Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 543-551
Space group: P 4/n c c :2
Cell volume: 423.382
Cell parameters: 8.535; 8.535; 5.812; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002332
CIF file Formula: - La0.5 Mn O4 Sr1.5 -
Comments: Hong, C.S.; Lee, K.W.; Kim, W.S.; Hur, N.H.; Chi, E.O.; Lee, C.H. Magnetic properties and structural evolution in Nd0.5 Sr1.5 Mn O4 Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 945-951
Space group: I 4/m m m
Cell volume: 185.245
Cell parameters: 3.8611; 3.8611; 12.4258; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002333
CIF file Formula: - Mn O4 Pr0.5 Sr1.5 -
Comments: Hong, C.S.; Chi, E.O.; Lee, K.W.; Hur, N.H.; Kim, W.S.; Lee, C.H. Magnetic properties and structural evolution in Nd0.5 Sr1.5 Mn O4 Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 945-951
Space group: I 4/m m m
Cell volume: 182.41
Cell parameters: 3.8362; 3.8362; 12.395; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002334
CIF file Formula: - Mn Nd0.5 O4 Sr1.5 -
Comments: Hong, C.S.; Hur, N.H.; Chi, E.O.; Kim, W.S.; Lee, K.W.; Lee, C.H. Magnetic properties and structural evolution in Nd0.5 Sr1.5 Mn O4 Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 945-951
Space group: I 4/m m m
Cell volume: 181.537
Cell parameters: 3.8311; 3.8311; 12.3685; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002335
CIF file Formula: - Al2 Na O12 P3 Rb2 -
Comments: Huang, Q.; Hwu, S.-J. High-temperature synthesis of two new aluminophosphates, Na Rb2 Al2(P O4)3 and Na Cs2 Al (P O4)2 in molten alkali metal chloride media Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 1794-1799
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 1128.08
Cell parameters: 4.849; 8.216; 28.317; 90; 90.52; 90;  

COD ID: 4002336
CIF file Formula: - Al Cs2 Na O8 P2 -
Comments: Huang, Q.; Hwu, S.-J. High-temperature synthesis of two new aluminophosphates, Na Rb2 Al2(P O4)3 and Na Cs2 Al (P O4)2 in molten alkali metal chloride media Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 1794-1799
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 1919.49
Cell parameters: 10.992; 9.192; 18.998; 90; 90.35; 90;  

COD ID: 4002337
CIF file Formula: - Bi8 Rb2 Se13 -
Comments: Iordanidis, L.; Kyratsi, T.; Brazis, P.W.; Ireland, J.; Ghelani, N.; Kannewurf, C.R.; Lane, M.; Chen, W.; Uher, C.; Kanatzidis, M.G.; Hogan, T.; Dyck, J.S. A2 Bi8 Se13 (A= Rb, Cs), Cs Bi3.67 Se6 and Ba Bi2 Se4: new ternary semiconducting bismuth selenides Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 622-633
Space group: P 1 21/m 1
Cell volume: 1385.75
Cell parameters: 13.4931; 4.1558; 24.876; 90; 96.571; 90;  

COD ID: 4002338
CIF file Formula: - Bi8 Cs2 Se13 -
Comments: Iordanidis, L.; Brazis, P.W.; Kyratsi, T.; Ireland, J.; Lane, M.; Kannewurf, C.R.; Dyck, J.S.; Ghelani, N.; Chen, W.; Uher, C.; Hogan, T.; Kanatzidis, M.G. A2 Bi8 Se13 (A= Rb, Cs), Cs Bi3.67 Se6 and Ba Bi2 Se4: new ternary semiconducting bismuth selenides Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 622-633
Space group: P 1 21/m 1
Cell volume: 1413.19
Cell parameters: 13.704; 4.1532; 25.008; 90; 96.848; 90;  

COD ID: 4002339
CIF file Formula: - Bi3.67 Cs Se6 -
Comments: Iordanidis, L.; Hogan, T.; Brazis, P.W.; Kanatzidis, M.G.; Kyratsi, T.; Ireland, J.; Uher, C.; Lane, M.; Chen, W.; Kannewurf, C.R.; Ghelani, N.; Dyck, J.S. A2 Bi8 Se13 (A = Rb, Cs), Cs Bi3.67 Se6 and Ba Bi2 Se4: new ternary semiconducting bismuth selenides Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 622-633
Space group: P n m a
Cell volume: 1344.68
Cell parameters: 23.421; 4.1877; 13.71; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002340
CIF file Formula: - Ba1.073 Bi2 Se4 -
Comments: Iordanidis, L.; Brazis, P.W.; Kyratsi, T.; Kanatzidis, M.G.; Ireland, J.; Hogan, T.; Lane, M.; Kannewurf, C.R.; Chen, W.; Ghelani, N.; Dyck, J.S.; Uher, C. A2 Bi8 Se13 (A = Rb, Cs), Cs Bi3.67 Se6 and Ba Bi2 Se4: new ternary semiconducting bismuth selenides Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 622-633
Space group: P 63/m
Cell volume: 2562.37
Cell parameters: 26.157; 26.157; 4.3245; 90; 90; 120;  

COD ID: 4002341
CIF file Formula: - Mn3 Na4 O15 P4 -
Comments: Sanz, F.; Parada, C.; Rojo, J.M.; Ruiz-Valero, C. Synthesis, structural characterization, magnetic properties, and ionic conductivity of Na4 M(II)3 (P O4)2 (P2 O7) (M(II) = Mn, Co, Ni) Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 1334-1340
Space group: P n 21 a
Cell volume: 1287.54
Cell parameters: 17.991; 6.648; 10.765; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002342
CIF file Formula: - Mo4 O6 Sn -
Comments: Jung, D.; Kim, S.-J.; Lee, B.-H.; Kang, W. Synthesis, characterization, and electronic structure of a new molybdenum bronze Sn Mo4 O6 Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 1625-1629
Space group: P 4/m b m
Cell volume: 260.997
Cell parameters: 9.5804; 9.5804; 2.8436; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002343
CIF file Formula: - Bi2.05 Nb2 O9 Pb0.81 Sr0.14 -
Comments: Kennedy, B.J.; Hunter, B.A. Cation disorder in Pb-doped Sr Bi2 Nb2 O9 Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 4612-4617
Space group: A 21 a m
Cell volume: 771.787
Cell parameters: 5.5073; 5.4936; 25.5095; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002344
CIF file Formula: - Bi2.01 Nb2 O9 Pb0.75 Sr0.24 -
Comments: Kennedy, B.J.; Hunter, B.A. Cation disorder in Pb-doped Sr Bi2 Nb2 O9 Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 4612-4617
Space group: A 21 a m
Cell volume: 770.513
Cell parameters: 5.5066; 5.4966; 25.4567; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002345
CIF file Formula: - Bi2.01 Nb2 O9 Pb0.62 Sr0.38 -
Comments: Kennedy, B.J.; Hunter, B.A. Cation disorder in Pb-doped Sr Bi2 Nb2 O9 Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 4612-4617
Space group: A 21 a m
Cell volume: 768.628
Cell parameters: 5.5067; 5.4985; 25.3852; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002346
CIF file Formula: - Bi2 Nb2 O9 Pb0.49 Sr0.5 -
Comments: Kennedy, B.J.; Hunter, B.A. Cation disorder in Pb-doped Sr Bi2 Nb2 O9 Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 4612-4617
Space group: A 21 a m
Cell volume: 767.817
Cell parameters: 5.5074; 5.5034; 25.3326; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002347
CIF file Formula: - Bi2.01 Nb2 O9 Pb0.38 Sr0.63 -
Comments: Kennedy, B.J.; Hunter, B.A. Cation disorder in Pb-doped Sr Bi2 Nb2 O9 Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 4612-4617
Space group: A 21 a m
Cell volume: 768.423
Cell parameters: 5.514; 5.5109; 25.28779; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002348
CIF file Formula: - Bi1.99 Nb2 O9 Pb0.25 Sr0.76 -
Comments: Kennedy, B.J.; Hunter, B.A. Cation disorder in Pb-doped Sr Bi2 Nb2 O9 Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 4612-4617
Space group: A 21 a m
Cell volume: 769.462
Cell parameters: 5.5222; 5.5191; 25.24681; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002349
CIF file Formula: - Bi1.985 Nb2 O9 Pb0.16 Sr0.855 -
Comments: Kennedy, B.J.; Hunter, B.A. Cation disorder in Pb-doped Sr Bi2 Nb2 O9 Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 4612-4617
Space group: A 21 a m
Cell volume: 763.829
Cell parameters: 5.5136; 5.511; 25.138; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002350
CIF file Formula: - H14.6 O22 P3 V3 -
Comments: Shpeizer, B.; Heysing, J.M.; Ouyang, X.; Clearfield, A. Synthesis and crystal structure of a new vanadyl phosphate (H0.6 (V O)3 (P O4)3 (H2 O)3) * 4(H2 O) and its conversion to porous products Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 2288-2296
Space group: P 1 21/c 1
Cell volume: 1642.89
Cell parameters: 7.371; 26.373; 8.827; 90; 106.777; 90;  

COD ID: 4002351
CIF file Formula: - Bi3 Cl Nb2 O11 Pb2 -
Comments: Kusainova, A.M.; Lightfoot, P.; Dolgikh, V.A.; Zhou, W.-Z.; Mosunov, A.V.; Stefanovich, S.Yu. Ferroelectric properties and crystal structure of the layered intergrowth phase Bi3 Pb2 Nb2 O11 Cl Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 4731-4737
Space group: P 4/m m m
Cell volume: 287.995
Cell parameters: 3.91038; 3.91038; 18.8342; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002352
CIF file Formula: - Be H4 N O4 P -
Comments: Zhang, H.-Y.; Zhao, D.-Y.; Shi, Z.; Chen, M.-Q.; Zhou, Y.-M.; Xu, X.; Bu Xianhui Hydrothermal synthesis of new pure beryllophosphate molecular sieve phases from concentrated amines Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 2042-2048
Space group: P n a 21
Cell volume: 371.912
Cell parameters: 8.7173; 8.5889; 4.9673; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002359
CIF file Formula: - Cl Cs3 H12 O25 U6 -
Comments: Li, Y.-P.; Cahill, C.L.; Burns, P.C. Synthesis, structural characterization and topological rearrangement of a novel open framework U-O material: (N H4)3 (H2 O)2 ((U O2)10 O10 (O H) ((U O4) (H2 O)2) Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 4026-4041
Space group: I m 2 m
Cell volume: 1351.1
Cell parameters: 15.471; 7.239; 12.064; 90; 90; 90;  

COD ID: 4002560
CIF file Formula: - Li Mn O4 P -
Comments: Garcia-Moreno, O.; Amador, U.; Alvarez-Vega, M.; Sanjuan, M.L.; Gallardo Amores, J.M.; Garcia-Jaca, J.; Garcia-Alvarado, F. Influence of the structure on the electrochemical performance of lithium transition metal phosphates as cathodic materials in rechargeable lithium batteries: a new high-pressure form of Li M P O4 (M = Fe and Ni) Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-) 13 (2001) 1570-1576
Space group: P n m a
Cell volume: 301.124
Cell parameters: 10.431; 6.0947; 4.7366; 90; 90; 90;  

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