Crystallography Open Database

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1544912 CIFBi2 Cd O6P 3 2 19.3641; 9.3641; 4.9523
90; 90; 120
376.07Kumada, N.; Miura, A.; Takei, T.; Nishimoto, S.; Kameshima, Y.; Miyake, M.; Kuroiwa, Y.; Moriyoshi, C.
Hydrothermal synthesis and crystal structure analysis of two new cadmium bismuthates, CdBi2O6 and Cd0.37Bi0.63O1.79 Comments: Reported Bi3 position is apparently wrong, and I moved to ideal position, but stll discrepancies with reported Bi3-O distances
Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies, 2015, 3, 251-254
1546120 CIFC142.09 H188.18 Cl5.5 N24 O9.92P 3 2 117.5575; 17.5575; 28.6921
90; 90; 120
7659.8Hasell, T.; Little, M. A.; Chong, S. Y.; Schmidtmann, M.; Briggs, M. E.; Santolini, V.; Jelfs, K. E.; Cooper, A. I.
Chirality as a tool for function in porous organic cages.
Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 6783-6790
1546532 CIFC56 H74 N21 O11 P2P 3 2 128.3369; 28.3369; 58.9056
90; 90; 120
40963Mungalpara, Disha; Valkonen, Arto; Rissanen, Kari; Kubik, Stefan
Efficient stabilisation of a dihydrogenphosphate tetramer and a dihydrogenpyrophosphate dimer by a cyclic pseudopeptide containing 1,4-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazole moieties
Chem. Sci., 2017
1558725 CIFBa3 Ga3 O14 Si2 TaP 3 2 18.515; 8.515; 5.192
90; 90; 120
326.01Usui, H.; Kusakabe, H.; Tokuda, M.; Sugiyama, K.; Hoshina, T.; Tsurumi, T.; Takeda, H.
Structure and electrical properties of Ba3TaGa3Si2O14 single crystals grown by Czochralski method
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 2020, 128, 441-446
1558996 CIFC249 H294 B5 F20 Fe3 N12 O15 P12P 3 2 122.651; 22.651; 15.3431
90; 90; 120
6817.4Spiridonova, Yulia S.; Nikolaeva, Yulia A.; Balueva, Anna S.; Musina, Elvira I.; Litvinov, Igor A.; Strelnik, Igor D.; Khrizanforova, Vera V.; Budnikova, Yulia G.; Karasik, Andrey A.
Synthesis and Structure of Iron (II) Complexes of Functionalized 1,5-Diaza-3,7-Diphosphacyclooctanes.
Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 2020, 25, 3775
1560195 CIFCa1.81 Cu3 H3 O20.5 Pb0.19 S Sb0.13 Te4.87P 3 2 19.1219; 9.1219; 11.932
90; 90; 120
859.8Owen P. Missen; Anthony R. Kampf; Stuart J. Mills; Robert M. Housley; John Spratt; Mark D. Welch; Mark F. Coolbaugh; Joe Marty; Marek Chorazewicz; Cristiano Ferraris
The crystal structures of the mixed-valence tellurium oxysalts tlapallite, (Ca,Pb)3CaCu6[Te4+3Te6+O12]2(Te4+O3)2(SO4)2 . 3H2O, and carlfriesite, CaTe4+2Te6+O8
Mineralogical Magazine, 2019, 83, 439-549
1563562 CIFB2 Fe2 K2 O7P 3 2 18.7475; 8.7475; 8.5124
90; 90; 120
564.09Wang, Yonggang; Li, R.K.
K2Fe2B2O7: A transparent nonlinear optical crystal with frustrated magnetism
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2010, 183, 1221-1225
1564234 CIFC118 H154 Ag3 Au6 Cu3 F9 N6 O29 P6 S6P 3 2 119.2375; 19.2375; 27.0608
90; 90; 120
8673Takeda, Hiroto; Kojima, Tatsuhiro; Yoshinari, Nobuto; Konno, Takumi
A mesoporous ionic solid with 272 AuI6AgI3CuII3 complex cations in a super huge crystal lattice
Chemical Science, 2021
1572496 CIFC18.67 H24.67 Cu3 N O2.67P 3 2 113.067; 13.067; 13.365
90; 90; 120
1976.3Liu, Zheng; Fang, Jun-Jie; Wang, Zhi-Yi; Xie, Yun-Peng; Lu, Xing
Structural diversity of copper(i) alkynyl cluster-based coordination polymers utilizing bifunctional pyridine carboxylic acid ligands
Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 17817-17824
1572678 CIFLu2 O6 TeP 3 2 18.9459; 8.9459; 5.0618
90; 90; 120
350.819Cao, Tingting; Guo, Feifei; Hu, Fuai; Tao, Xutang; Gao, Zeliang
Novel laser crystal Lu2TeO6: crystal growth, thermal properties, and spectral analysis
CrystEngComm, 2024, 26, 5953-5959
2000203 CIF
Al3.5 N1.5 Nd3 O12.5 Si2.5P 3 2 17.974; 7.974; 4.875
90; 90; 120
268.45Käll, P.-O.; Grins, J.; Nygren, M.
Structure of the Nd U-phase, Nd~3~Al~3.5~Si~2.5~O~12.5~N~1.5~; a nitrogen-containing phase of the La~3~Ga~5~GeO~14~ structure type
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1991, 47, 2015-2019
2002685 CIFBa4 Cu0.5 Na O8 Pt1.5P 3 2 110.0644; 10.0644; 8.3911
90; 90; 120
736.1Tams, G; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Ein Beitrag zur Kristallchemie der oxidischen Alkali-Erdalkali- Edelmetall-Perowskite. Synthese und Kristallstruktur von Na Ba4 Cu0.5 Pt1.5 O8
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil B. Anorganische Chemie, Organische Chemie (42,1987-), 1994, 49, 585-588
2002724 CIFNi7.5 O27 Sr12P 3 2 19.474; 9.474; 7.802
90; 90; 120
606.5Strunk, M; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Zur Kenntnis eines Strontium-Oxoniccolats(IV): Sr12 Ni7.5 O27
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1994, 209, 189-192
2002879 CIFNa Ni7 O23 Sr12P 3 2 19.429; 9.429; 7.896
90; 90; 120
608Strunk, M; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Ein weiteres AlkaliErdalkali‒Oxoniccolat mit Perowskitstruktur: Sr12 Na Ni7 O23
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1994, 620, 1565-1568
2005540 CIF
Ge4 O9 SrP 3 2 111.344; 11.344; 4.75
90; 90; 120
529.4Nishi, F.
Strontium Tetragermanate, SrGe~4~O~9~
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1996, 52, 2393-2395
2010444 CIFBr2 H12 O6 SrP 3 2 18.204; 8.204; 4.159
90; 90; 120
242.42Abrahams, Isaac; Vordemvenne, Elke
Strontium Dibromide Hexahydrate
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1995, 51, 183-185
2012967 CIF
Cu0.91 Mn2.09 O9 Sr4P 3 2 19.5817; 9.5817; 7.829
90; 90; 120
622.48El Abed, Ahmed; Gaudin, Etienne; Darriet, Jacques
Tetrastrontium dimanganese copper nonaoxide, Sr~4~Mn~2~CuO~9~
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2002, 58, i138-i140
2017772 CIF
Ga5.61 La3 O14 Ta0.41P 3 2 18.224; 8.224; 5.126
90; 90; 120
300.2Chitra, R.; Choudhury, R. R.
Single-crystal neutron diffraction investigation on crystals belonging to the langasite family: a comparative study
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2010, 66, 497-502
2017773 CIF
Ga5.34 La3 O14 Si0.36 Ta0.29P 3 2 18.195; 8.195; 5.118
90; 90; 120
297.7Chitra, R.; Choudhury, R. R.
Single-crystal neutron diffraction investigation on crystals belonging to the langasite family: a comparative study
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2010, 66, 497-502
2017774 CIF
Ga5.48 La3 O14 Ta0.03 Zr0.5P 3 2 18.256; 8.256; 5.141
90; 90; 120
303.5Chitra, R.; Choudhury, R. R.
Single-crystal neutron diffraction investigation on crystals belonging to the langasite family: a comparative study
Acta Crystallographica Section B, 2010, 66, 497-502

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