Crystallography Open Database

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1010055 CIFBr0.6666 Ni0.3333P 6/m2.11; 2.11; 6.08
90; 90; 120
23.4Ketelaar, J A A
Die Kristallstruktur des Nickelbromids und -jodids
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1934, 88, 26-34
1101086 CIFC26 H30 N18 O14 Pt2P 6/m26.509; 26.509; 10.1184
90; 90; 120
6157.9Mohammad Abul Haj; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
Solution and solid state coexistence of head‒head and head‒tail isomers in dimeric Pd(II) and Pt(II) complexes of the type [M2(a‒a)2(µ-L-N3N4)2]2+ with a bridging triazolopyrimidine ligand and chelating bidentate diamines
J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 2002, 4740-4745
1507174 CIFC42 H24 O12P 6/m13.5604; 13.5604; 9.2104
90; 90; 120
1466.74Ma, Yingjie; Chi, Xiaodong; Yan, Xuzhou; Liu, Jiyong; Yao, Yong; Chen, Weixiang; Huang, Feihe; Hou, Jun-Li
per-Hydroxylated Pillar[6]arene: Synthesis, X-ray Crystal Structure, and Host-Guest Complexation.
Organic letters, 2012, 14, 1532-1535
1510574 CIFAu50.82 Ho14P 6/m12.545; 12.545; 9.135
90; 90; 120
1245.03Bruzzone, G.; McMasters, O.D.; Palenzona, A.; Gschneidner, K.A.jr.
Stoichiometry, crystal structure and some melting points of the lanthanide-gold alloys
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1971, 25, 135-160
1510575 CIFAu51 U14P 6/m12.6521; 12.6521; 9.1381
90; 90; 120
1266.81Hulliger, F.; Dommann, A.
On the structure types of U Au2 and U14 Au51
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 141, 261-273
1520085 CIFC120 H154 Co4 Dy4 N14 O34P 6/m27.7587; 27.7587; 22.5433
90; 90; 120
15043.4Berkoff, Benjamin; Griffiths, Kieran; Abdul-Sada, Alaa; Tizzard, Graham J.; Coles, Simon J.; Escuer, Albert; Kostakis, George E.
A new family of high nuclearity Co(II)/Dy(III) coordination clusters possessing robust and unseen topologies.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2015, 44, 12788-12795
1524863 CIFCu46 Ga5 Sm14P 6/m11.717; 11.717; 8.792
90; 90; 120
1045.32Markiv, V.Ya.; Shevchenko, I.P.; Belyavina, N.N.; Kuz'menko, P.P.
Crystal structures in the ternary system Sm-Cu-Ga
Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains'koi RSR, Seriya A: Fiziko-Matematichni Ta Tekhnichni Nauki, 1986, 48, 78-81
1524877 CIFCu36.7 Ga14.3 Sc14P 6/m11.438; 11.438; 8.352
90; 90; 120
946.284Markiv, V.Ya.; Belyavina, N.N.; Gavrilenko, I.S.
Crystal structure and some ternary compounds in the system Sc - Cu - Ga
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Metally, 1984, 1984, 215-217
1525583 CIFF7.56 K6 O15 Ta6.5P 6/m13.118; 13.118; 3.862
90; 90; 120
575.544Arakcheeva, A.V.; Grinevich, V.V.; Mitin, A.V.; Shamrai, V.F.; Lubman, G.U.
Crystal structure and resistivity characteristics of new tantalum bronze K6 Ta6.5 O15+x F6+y
Kristallografiya, 2001, 46, 221-229
1530152 CIFO3.12 Ta1.52P 6/m6.2; 6.2; 5.9
90; 90; 120
196.411Khitrova, V.I.; Klechkovskaya, V.V.; Pinsker, Z.G.
Atomic structure of tantalum oxide with hexagonal lattice in thin layers
Kristallografiya, 1979, 24, 939-944
1530345 CIFB12 Ba6 Ca2 Fe0.618 H2 K Mn5.382 Na9 Nb1.536 O125 Si36 Ta0.186 Ti4.272P 6/m16.772; 16.772; 10.434
90; 90; 120
2541.86Malinovskii, Yu.A.; Pobedimskaya, E.A.; Belov, N.V.
Crystal structure of tienshanite
Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1977, 236, 863-865
1534163 CIFF7.4 K6 O15 Ta6.27P 6/m13.11; 13.11; 3.8625
90; 90; 120
574.916Arakcheeva, A.V.; Chapuis, G.; Grinevich, V.V.; Shamrai, V.F.
Structure type of hexagonal tantalum bronzes with variable composition K6 Ta6+z O15 F6 (F,O)y: Ta-bronzes and Ta-compounds
Kristallografiya, 2004, 49, 75-91
1534164 CIFF7.1 K6 O15 Ta7.05P 6/m13.123; 13.123; 3.8622
90; 90; 120
576.012Arakcheeva, A.V.; Chapuis, G.; Grinevich, V.V.; Shamrai, V.F.
Structure type of hexagonal tantalum bronzes with variable composition K6 Ta6+z O15 F6 (F,O)y: Ta-bronzes and Ta-compounds
Kristallografiya, 2004, 49, 75-91
1534165 CIFF8.2 K6 O15 Ta6.88P 6/m13.132; 13.132; 3.861
90; 90; 120
576.623Arakcheeva, A.V.; Chapuis, G.; Grinevich, V.V.; Shamrai, V.F.
Structure type of hexagonal tantalum bronzes with variable composition K6 Ta6+z O15 F6 (F,O)y: Ta-bronzes and Ta-compounds
Kristallografiya, 2004, 49, 75-91
1548061 CIFC2 H4 Al F4 N3P 6/m17.4385; 17.4385; 3.64373
90; 90; 120
959.61Amandine Cadiau
From hybrid fluoroaluminates to porous fluorinated materials type MOF : crystallochemistry and spectroscopic studies
Ph.D. Thesis, Le Mans, 2010, 1
1548062 CIFC2 H6 Al F4 N3 OP 6/m17.5383; 17.5383; 3.63462
90; 90; 120
968.2Amandine Cadiau
From hybrid fluoroaluminates to porous fluorinated materials type MOF : crystallochemistry and spectroscopic studies
Ph.D. Thesis, Le Mans, 2010, 1
1561529 CIFIn Na S4 SnP 6/m3.7273; 3.7273; 8.56
90; 90; 120
102.99Yohannan, Jinu P.; Vidyasagar, Kanamaluru
Syntheses, structural variants and characterization of AInM′S4 (A=alkali metals, Tl; M′ = Ge, Sn) compounds; facile ion-exchange reactions of layered NaInSnS4 and KInSnS4 compounds
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 238, 291-302
1561530 CIFIn K S4 SnP 6/m3.745; 3.745; 8.434
90; 90; 120
102.44Yohannan, Jinu P.; Vidyasagar, Kanamaluru
Syntheses, structural variants and characterization of AInM′S4 (A=alkali metals, Tl; M′ = Ge, Sn) compounds; facile ion-exchange reactions of layered NaInSnS4 and KInSnS4 compounds
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2016, 238, 291-302
1563563 CIFGe12.31 Na2.85P 6/m15.05399; 15.05399; 3.96845
90; 90; 120
778.852Beekman, M.; Stefanoski, S.; Wong-Ng, W.; Kaduk, J.A.; Huang, Q.; Reeg, C.; Bowers, C.R.; Nolas, G.S.
Structure and thermal conductivity of Na1−Ge3+
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2010, 183, 1272-1277
1563564 CIFGe3.25 NaP 6/m15.0052; 15.0052; 3.95456
90; 90; 120
771.1Beekman, M.; Stefanoski, S.; Wong-Ng, W.; Kaduk, J.A.; Huang, Q.; Reeg, C.; Bowers, C.R.; Nolas, G.S.
Structure and thermal conductivity of Na1−Ge3+
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2010, 183, 1272-1277

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