Crystallography Open Database

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1000030 CIFBa2 Cu3 O6.9 YP m m m3.8203; 3.88548; 11.68349
90; 90; 90
173.4Williams, A; Kwei, G H; Dreele, R B von; Larson, A C; Raistrick, I D; Bish, D L
Joint X-ray and neutron refinement of the structure of superconducting YBa~2~Cu~3~O~7-x~: precision structure, anisotropic thermal parameters, strain and cation disorder
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1988, 37, 7960-7962
1000066 CIFBa2 Cu2.5 O7 Pd0.5 YP m m m3.841; 3.883; 11.671
90; 90; 90
174.1Ferey, G; Le Bail, A; Laligant, Y; Hervieu, M; Raveau, B; Sulpice, A; Tournier, R
Ordered Pd^2+^ - Cu^2+^ substitution in 1.2.3. superconductor: The oxide Y Ba~2~ Cu~3-x~ Pd~x~ O~y~ (x=0.5) with Pd^2+^ in square planar coordination.
Physica C (Amsterdam) (152,1988-), 1988, 153, 489-490
1000067 CIFLi O6 Sb WP b c n4.6664; 17.4435; 4.9941
90; 90; 90
406.5Le Bail, A; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J L
Ab-initio structure determination of Li Sb W O~6~ by X-ray powder diffraction
Materials Research Bulletin, 1988, 23, 447-452
1000068 CIFLi Nb O6 WP -4 21 m4.6819; 4.6819; 9.2757
90; 90; 90
203.3Fourquet, J L; Le Bail, A; Gillet, P A
Li Nb W O~6~: Crystal structure of its two allotropic forms
Materials Research Bulletin, 1988, 23, 1163-1170
1000069 CIFLi Nb O6 WP -4 21 m4.6818; 4.6818; 9.2754
90; 90; 90
203.3Fourquet, J L; Le Bail, A; Gillet, P A
Li Nb W O~6~: Crystal structure of its two allotropic forms
Materials Research Bulletin, 1988, 23, 1163-1170
1000070 CIFLi Nb O6 WR 3 c :H5.1562; 5.1562; 13.664
90; 90; 120
314.6Fourquet, J L; Le Bail, A; Gillet, P A
Li Nb W O~6~: Crystal structure of its two allotropic forms
Materials Research Bulletin, 1988, 23, 1163-1170
1000071 CIFBa2 O3 PdI m m m13.335; 4.08; 3.8362
90; 90; 90
208.7Laligant, Y; Le Bail, A; Ferey, G; Hervieu, M; Raveau, B; Wilkinson, A; Cheetham, A K
Synthesis and ab-initio structure determination from X-ray powder data of Ba~2~ Pd O~3~ with sevenfold coordinated Ba^2+^. Structural correlations with K~2~ Ni F~4~ and Ba~2~ Ni F~6~
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1988, 25, 237-246
1000079 CIFH K O6 P VP b c a6.755; 9.1026; 17.0808
90; 90; 90
1050.3Amoros, P; Beltran-Porter, D; Le Bail, A; Ferey, G; Villeneuve, G
Crystal structure of A(VO~2~)(HPO~4~)(A=NH~4~^+^,K^+^, Rb^+^) solved from X-ray powder diffraction
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1988, 25, 599-607
1000080 CIFH5 N O6 P VP b c a6.8064; 9.2567; 17.732
90; 90; 90
1117.2Amoros, P; Beltran-Porter, D; Le Bail, A; Ferey, G; Villeneuve, G
Crystal structure of A(VO~2~)(HPO~4~)(A=NH~4~^+^,K^+^, Rb^+^) solved from X-ray powder diffraction
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1988, 25, 599-607
1000081 CIFH O6 P Rb VP b c a6.8182; 9.291; 17.631
90; 90; 90
1116.9Amoros, P; Beltran-Porter, D; Le Bail, A; Ferey, G; Villeneuve, G
Crystal structure of A(VO~2~)(HPO~4~)(A=NH~4~^+^,K^+^, Rb^+^) solved from X-ray powder diffraction
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1988, 25, 599-607
1000086 CIFAl2 F3.24 H4.76 O3.76F d -3 m :29.8614; 9.8614; 9.8614
90; 90; 90
959Fourquet, J L; Riviere, M; Le Bail, A; Nygrens, M; Grins, J
Crystal structure and protonic conductivity of pyrochlore phases Al~2~((O H)~1-x~ F~x~)~6~ . H~2~O and Al~2~((O H)~1-x~F~x~)~6~ (x=0.5)
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1988, 25, 535-540
1000087 CIFAl2 F3 H3 O3F d -3 m :29.749; 9.749; 9.749
90; 90; 90
926.6Fourquet, J L; Riviere, M; Le Bail, A; Nygrens, M; Grins, J
Crystal structure and protonic conductivity of pyrochlore phases Al~2~((O H)~1-x~ F~x~)~6~ . H~2~O and Al~2~((O H)~1-x~F~x~)~6~ (x=0.5)
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1988, 25, 535-540
1000088 CIFF6 Li2 TbP 1 21/c 17.585; 4.965; 11.116
90; 106.96; 90
400.4Laligant, Y; Le Bail, A; Ferey, G; Avignant, D; Cousseins, J C
Determination of the crystal structure of Li~2~ Tb F~6~ from X-ray and neutron powder diffraction. An example of lithium in five-fold coordination.
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1988, 25, 551-563
1000089 CIFF6 Li2 TbP 1 21/c 17.56; 4.934; 11.066
90; 107.02; 90
394.7Laligant, Y; Le Bail, A; Ferey, G; Avignant, D; Cousseins, J C
Determination of the crystal structure of Li~2~ Tb F~6~ from X-ray and neutron powder diffraction. An example of lithium in five-fold coordination.
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1988, 25, 551-563
1000232 CIFCu3 F7 NaC 1 2/c 112.124; 7.344; 6.924
90; 120.59; 90
530.7Renaudin, J; Leblanc, M; Ferey, G; De, Kozak A; Samouel, M
Complex Copper(II) Fluorides IX. Weberite-Related Na Cu~3~ F~7~: The First Fluoride with Copper Both in Square Planar and Octahedral Coordination
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 603-609
1000233 CIFBa Cu Fe O5 YP 4 m m3.867; 3.867; 7.656
90; 90; 90
114.5Er Rakho, L; Michel, C; Lacorre, Ph; Raveau, B
Y Ba Cu Fe O~5+d~: A Novel Oxygen-Deficient Perovskite with a Layer Structure
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 531-535
1000234 CIFBa2 Cu2.5 O7 Pd0.5 YP m m m3.841; 3.883; 11.671
90; 90; 90
174.1Ferey, G; Le, Bail A; Laligant, Y; Hervieu, M; Raveau, B; Sulpice, A; Tournier, R
Ordered Pd^2+^ - Cu^2+^ Substitution on 1.2.3 Superconductor: The Oxide Y Ba~2~ Cu~(3-x)~ Pd~x~ O~y~ (x=0.5) with Pd~2+~ in Square Planar Coordination
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 610-614
1000235 CIFF5 Fe H10 N2 OP b c n10.491; 8.09; 7.997
90; 90; 90
678.7Fourquet, J L; Plet, F; Calage, Y
Crystal Structure and Magnetic Characterization of (N H~4~)~2~ Fe F~5~ (H~2~ O)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 74, 34-38
1000236 CIFAl2 Ca3 F14 Na2I 21 310.257; 10.257; 10.257
90; 90; 90
1079.1Courbion, G; Ferey, G
Na~2~ Ca~3~ Al~2~ F~14~: A New Example of a Structure with "Independent F^-^" - A New Method of Comparison between Fluorides and Oxides of Different Formula
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 76, 426-431
1000238 CIFAl F3C m c m6.931; 12.002; 7.134
90; 90; 90
593.4LeBail, A; Jacoboni, C; LeBlanc, M; de Pape, R; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J L
Crystal structure of the metastable form of aluminium trifluoride $- beta-Al F~3~ and the gallium and indium homologs
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 77, 96-101

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