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1008127 CIFBr D4 NP -4 3 m4; 4; 4
90; 90; 90
64Levy, H A; Peterson, S W
Neutron Diffraction Determination of the Crystal Structure of Ammonium Bromide in Four Phases
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1953, 75, 1536-1542
1010322 CIFAg0.5 Au0.5 Cl3 CsP -4 3 m5.33; 5.33; 5.33
90; 90; 90
151.4Elliott, N
The Crystal Structure and Magnetic Susceptibility of Caesium Argentous Auric Chloride, Cs~2~ Ag Au Cl~6~, and Caesium Aurous Auric Chloride, Cs~2~ Au Au Cl~6~
Journal of Chemical Physics, 1934, 2, 419-421
1010323 CIFAu Cl3 CsP -4 3 m5.33; 5.33; 5.33
90; 90; 90
151.4Elliott, N
The Crystal Structure and Magnetic Susceptibility of Caesium Argentous Auric Chloride, Cs~2~ Ag Au Cl~6~, and Caesium Aurous Auric Chloride, Cs~2~ Au Au Cl~6~
Journal of Chemical Physics, 1934, 2, 419-421
1010455 CIFLi10 Pb3P -4 3 m10.082; 10.082; 10.082
90; 90; 90
1024.8Rollier, M A; Arreghini, E
La fase gamma della lega litio-piombo Li~10~ Pb~3~
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1939, 101, 470-482
1010634 CIFCu3 S4 VP -4 3 m5.379; 5.379; 5.379
90; 90; 90
155.6Lundqvist, D; Westgren, A
The crystal structure of Cu V S~4~
Svensk Kemisk Tidskrift, 1936, 48, 241-243
1010778 CIFAl4 B10 Be2 K2 Li4 Na2 O27P -4 3 m7.303; 7.303; 7.303
90; 90; 90
389.5Strunz, H
Gitterkonstante und Raumgruppe von Rhodizit und Jeremejewit
Naturwissenschaften, 1938, 26, 217-217
1010998 CIFAl6 Na8 O28 S Si6P -4 3 m9.05; 9.05; 9.05
90; 90; 90
741.2Barth, T F W
The Structures of the Minerals of the Sodalite Family
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1932, 83, 405-414
1011139 CIFAl6 Cl2 Na8 O24 Si6P -4 3 m8.89; 8.89; 8.89
90; 90; 90
702.6Barth, T F W
The structures of the minerals of the sodalite family
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1932, 83, 405-414
1011219 CIFCu3 S4 VP -4 3 m5.37; 5.37; 5.37
90; 90; 90
154.9Pauling, L; Hultgren, R
The crystal structure of sulvanite Cu3 V S4
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1932, 84, 204-212
1508533 CIFB4 H16 ZrP -4 3 m5.8387; 5.8387; 5.8387
90; 90; 90
199.04Rude, Line H.; Corno, Marta; Ugliengo, Piero; Baricco, Marcello; Lee, Young-Su; Cho, Young Whan; Besenbacher, Flemming; Overgaard, Jacob; Jensen, Torben R.
Synthesis and Structural Investigation of Zr(BH4)4
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2012, 116, 20239
1510591 CIFAu9 In4P -4 3 m9.843; 9.843; 9.843
90; 90; 90
953.636Puselj, M.; Schubert, K.
Kristalstrukturen von Au9 In4 (h) und Au7 In3
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1975, 41, 33-44
1521486 CIFD1.26 Mn2 YP -4 3 m7.855; 7.855; 7.855
90; 90; 90
484.662Latroche, M.; Paul-Boncour, V.; Percheron-Guegan, A.; Bouree-Vigneron, F.; Andre, G.
Structural and magnetic properties of low D content Y Mn2 deuteride
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2000, 154, 398-404
1522823 CIFGa5 Ni8 Zn36P -4 3 m8.8483; 8.8483; 8.8483
90; 90; 90
692.755Sarah, N.; Rajasekharan, T.; Schubert, K.
Ueber die Mischung Ni Zn Ga
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1981, 72, 732-735
1524814 CIFCd5 NiP -4 3 m9.7878; 9.7878; 9.7878
90; 90; 90
937.681Ljung, H.; Westman, S.
X-ray determination of the structure of the primitive cubic gamma Ni, Cd phase
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1970, 24, 611-617
1525997 CIFCu1.86 Fe0.8 S4 Sn0.97P -4 3 m5.4179; 5.4179; 5.4179
90; 90; 90
159.035Evstigneyeva, T.L.; Kabalov, Yu.K.
Crystal structure of the cubic modification of Cu2 Fe Sn S4
Kristallografiya, 2001, 46, 418-422
1527228 CIFCu9 In4P -4 3 m9.097; 9.097; 9.097
90; 90; 90
752.826Che Guangcan; Ellner, M.
Powder crystal data for the high-temperature phases Cu4 In, Cu9 In4 (h) and Cu2 In (h)
Powder Diffraction, 1992, 7, 107-108
1527548 CIFH8 Li14 O32 W7P -4 3 m8.32; 8.32; 8.32
90; 90; 90
575.93Huellen, A.
Struktur und thermischer Abbau des (Li2 W O4)7 (H2 O)4
Berichte der Bunsengesellschaft fuer Physikalische Chemie, 1966, 70, 598-606
1527854 CIFCu3 S Se3 TaP -4 3 m5.627; 5.627; 5.627
90; 90; 90
178.168Mueller, A.; Seivert, W.
Ueber Verbindungen des Typs Cu3 M Sx Se(4-X) (M = Nb,Ta). Bestimmung der Kristallstruktur von Cu3 Ta S Se3
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1974, 406, 80-91
1529730 CIFAl3.6 H2.4 Na3.68 O25.2 Si8.4P -4 3 m8.93; 8.93; 8.93
90; 90; 90
712.122Cartlidge, S.; Meier, W.M.
Solid state transformations of synthetic CHA and EAB-type zeolites in the sodium form
Zeolites, 1984, 4, 218-225
1533322 CIFGe7 H18 O23P -4 3 m7.7309; 7.7309; 7.7309
90; 90; 90
462.051Zhou Yaming; Liu Zhichen; Zhao Dongyuan; Chen Zhenxia; Weng Linhong
(H3 O)4 Ge7 O16 * 3(H2 O) and K4 Ge9 O20: two microporous germanates constructed by Ge10 O28 units
Hua Hsueh Hsueh Pao, 2003, 61, 382-387
1533696 CIFCs3 Ge0.97 H9 O20 Si2.19 Ti3.84P -4 3 m7.8577; 7.8577; 7.8577
90; 90; 90
485.162Tripathi, A.; Medvedev, D.G.; Delgado, J.; Clearfield, A.
Optimizing Cs-exchange in titanosilicate with the mineral pharmacosiderite topology: framework substitution of Nb and Ge
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2004, 177, 2903-2915
1533699 CIFCs3 Ge1.75 H10 O20.5 Si1.53 Ti3.72P -4 3 m7.9; 7.9; 7.9
90; 90; 90
493.039Tripathi, A.; Medvedev, D.G.; Delgado, J.; Clearfield, A.
Optimizing Cs-exchange in titanosilicate with the mineral pharmacosiderite topology: framework substitution of Nb and Ge
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2004, 177, 2903-2915
1533703 CIFCs3 Ge2.66 H11 O21 Si0.79 Ti3.55P -4 3 m7.9306; 7.9306; 7.9306
90; 90; 90
498.79Tripathi, A.; Medvedev, D.G.; Delgado, J.; Clearfield, A.
Optimizing Cs-exchange in titanosilicate with the mineral pharmacosiderite topology: framework substitution of Nb and Ge
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2004, 177, 2903-2915
1533707 CIFCs3 Ge3.45 H10 O20.5 Ti3.55P -4 3 m7.9769; 7.9769; 7.9769
90; 90; 90
507.578Tripathi, A.; Clearfield, A.; Medvedev, D.G.; Delgado, J.
Optimizing Cs-exchange in titanosilicate with the mineral pharmacosiderite topology: framework substitution of Nb and Ge
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2004, 177, 2903-2915
1533711 CIFCs0.36 Ge0.97 H18.04 O23.2 Si2.19 Ti3.84P -4 3 m7.8773; 7.8773; 7.8773
90; 90; 90
488.801Tripathi, A.; Medvedev, D.G.; Delgado, J.; Clearfield, A.
Optimizing Cs-exchange in titanosilicate with the mineral pharmacosiderite topology: framework substitution of Nb and Ge
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2004, 177, 2903-2915
1533715 CIFCs0.36 Ge1.75 H18.14 O23.26 Si1.53 Ti3.72P -4 3 m7.9275; 7.9275; 7.9275
90; 90; 90
498.206Tripathi, A.; Medvedev, D.G.; Delgado, J.; Clearfield, A.
Optimizing Cs-exchange in titanosilicate with the mineral pharmacosiderite topology: framework substitution of Nb and Ge
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2004, 177, 2903-2915
1533719 CIFCs0.41 Ge2.66 H17.79 O23.1 Si0.79 Ti3.55P -4 3 m7.9757; 7.9757; 7.9757
90; 90; 90
507.349Tripathi, A.; Medvedev, D.G.; Clearfield, A.; Delgado, J.
Optimizing Cs-exchange in titanosilicate with the mineral pharmacosiderite topology: framework substitution of Nb and Ge
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2004, 177, 2903-2915
1533723 CIFCs0.35 Ge3.45 H17.93 O23.14 Ti3.55P -4 3 m8.0237; 8.0237; 8.0237
90; 90; 90
516.564Tripathi, A.; Medvedev, D.G.; Delgado, J.; Clearfield, A.
Optimizing Cs-exchange in titanosilicate with the mineral pharmacosiderite topology: framework substitution of Nb and Ge
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2004, 177, 2903-2915
1533727 CIFH9 K3 O20 Si3 Ti4P -4 3 m7.7647; 7.7647; 7.7647
90; 90; 90
468.138Tripathi, A.; Medvedev, D.G.; Delgado, J.; Clearfield, A.
Optimizing Cs-exchange in titanosilicate with the mineral pharmacosiderite topology: framework substitution of Nb and Ge
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2004, 177, 2903-2915
1533731 CIFH9 K2.2 Nb0.8 O20 Si3 Ti3.2P -4 3 m7.7937; 7.7937; 7.7937
90; 90; 90
473.403Tripathi, A.; Medvedev, D.G.; Clearfield, A.; Delgado, J.
Optimizing Cs-exchange in titanosilicate with the mineral pharmacosiderite topology: framework substitution of Nb and Ge
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2004, 177, 2903-2915
1533735 CIFCs2.76 H11 K0.21 O21 Si3 Ti4P -4 3 m7.8416; 7.8416; 7.8416
90; 90; 90
482.185Tripathi, A.; Medvedev, D.G.; Delgado, J.; Clearfield, A.
Optimizing Cs-exchange in titanosilicate with the mineral pharmacosiderite topology: framework substitution of Nb and Ge
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2004, 177, 2903-2915
1533739 CIFCs2.1 H11 K0.09 Nb0.84 O21 Si3 Ti3.16P -4 3 m7.8622; 7.8622; 7.8622
90; 90; 90
485.996Tripathi, A.; Medvedev, D.G.; Delgado, J.; Clearfield, A.
Optimizing Cs-exchange in titanosilicate with the mineral pharmacosiderite topology: framework substitution of Nb and Ge
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2004, 177, 2903-2915
1534073 CIFCs1.002 K2.01 O20 Si3 Ti4P -4 3 m7.7849; 7.7849; 7.7849
90; 90; 90
471.801Xu Hongwu; Nyman, M.; Navrotsky, A.; Nenoff, T.M.
Crystal chemistry and energetics of pharmacosiderite-related microporous phases in the (K2 O) - (Cs2 O) - (Si O2) - (Ti O2) - (H2 O) system
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2004, 772, 209-218
1534075 CIFCs1.5 K1.5 O20 Si3 Ti4P -4 3 m7.8009; 7.8009; 7.8009
90; 90; 90
474.716Xu Hongwu; Navrotsky, A.; Nyman, M.; Nenoff, T.M.
Crystal chemistry and energetics of pharmacosiderite-related microporous phases in the (K2 O) - (Cs2 O) - (Si O2) - (Ti O2) - (H2 O) system
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2004, 772, 209-218
1534077 CIFCs1.998 K0.99 O20 Si3 Ti4P -4 3 m7.8078; 7.8078; 7.8078
90; 90; 90
475.977Xu Hongwu; Navrotsky, A.; Nenoff, T.M.; Nyman, M.
Crystal chemistry and energetics of pharmacosiderite-related microporous phases in the (K2 O) - (Cs2 O) - (Si O2) - (Ti O2) - (H2 O) system
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2004, 772, 209-218
1534079 CIFCs2.94 H10.14 K0.06 O20.57 Si3 Ti4P -4 3 m7.8264; 7.8264; 7.8264
90; 90; 90
479.387Xu Hongwu; Navrotsky, A.; Nyman, M.; Nenoff, T.M.
Crystal chemistry and energetics of pharmacosiderite-related microporous phases in the (K2 O) - (Cs2 O) - (Si O2) - (Ti O2) - (H2 O) system
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2004, 772, 209-218
1535302 CIFBr5 H36 La4 Mo12 O56 PP -4 3 m12.2256; 12.2256; 12.2256
90; 90; 90
1827.3Mialane, P.; Dolbecq, A.; Mallard, A.; Lisnard, L.; Marrot, J.; Secheresse, F.
[eta-P Mo12 O36 (OH)4 {La (H2 O)4}4]5+: The First eta-P Mo12 O40 Keggin Ion and Its Association with the Two-Electron-Reduced alpha-P Mo12 O40 Isomer
Angew. Chem. Int. ed., 2002, 41, 2398-2401
1535306 CIFCl5.04 La4 Mo12 O56.12 PP -4 3 m12.4193; 12.4193; 12.4193
90; 90; 90
1915.54Mialane, P.; Dolbecq, A.; Mallard, A.; Lisnard, L.; Marrot, J.; Secheresse, F.
[eta-P Mo12 O36 ( OH)4 {La (H2 O)4}4]5+: The First eta-P Mo12O 40 Keggin Ion and Its Association with the Two-Electron-Reduced alpha-P Mo12 O40 Isomer
Angew. Chem. Int. ed., 2002, 41, 2398-2401
1536317 CIFCl7.5 Cs1.5 H3 I3 O1.5 Re3P -4 3 m12.4106; 12.4106; 12.4106
90; 90; 90
1911.52Jung, B.; Meyer, G.
Synthese, Kristallstruktur und thermischer Abbau von Cs1.5(Re3I3Cl7.5(H2O)1.5)
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1992, 610, 15-19
1537012 CIFAs3 Fe4 O16P -4 3 m7.94; 7.94; 7.94
90; 90; 90
500.566Zemann, J.
Ueber die Struktur des Pharmakosiderits
Experientia, 1947, 3, 452-452
1538544 CIFAl6 Na8 O28 S Si6P -4 3 m9.05; 9.05; 9.05
90; 90; 90
741.218Saalfeld, H.
Untersuchungen ueber die Nosean-Struktur
Neues Jahrbuch fuer Mineralogie. Monatshefte (Band=Jahr) (1950-), 1959, 1959, 38-46
1540094 CIFCu12.32 In18.04 Se32P -4 3 m11.534; 11.534; 11.534
90; 90; 90
1534.4Hoenle, W.; Kuehn, G.; Boehnke, U.C.
The crystal structure of a quenched Cu-rich beta phase with the composition Cu14 In16.7 Se32
Journal of Materials Science, 1989, 24, 2483-2487
1542051 CIFAl4 B9.9996 Be2.0004 K Li4 Na O27P -4 3 m7.3; 7.3; 7.3
90; 90; 90
389.017Strunz, H.
Die Struktur von Rhodizit
Naturwissenschaften, 1943, 31, 68-68
1544871 CIFCu Fe2 S3P -4 3 m5.2972; 5.2972; 5.2972
90; 90; 90
148.64Mizota, T.; Koto, K.
Disorder of metal atoms in the structure of quenched high-temperature cubanite, CuFe2S3, Z=4/3
Mineralogical Journal, 1983, 11, 213-221
1567882 CIFC87 H48 O32 U4P -4 3 m20.902; 20.902; 20.902
90; 90; 90
9131.95Hanna, Sylvia L.; Debela, Tekalign T.; Mroz, Austin M.; Syed, Zoha H.; Kirlikovali, Kent O.; Hendon, Christopher H.; Farha, Omar K.
Identification of a metastable uranium metal-organic framework isomer through non-equilibrium synthesis.
Chemical science, 2022, 13, 13032-13039
2002144 CIFMn0.5 O3 Pb Te0.5P -4 3 m4.045; 4.045; 4.045
90; 90; 90
66.2Wulff, L; Wedel, B; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Zur Kristallchemie von Telluraten mit Mn2+ im kationischen und anionischen Teil der Kristallstruktur: (Mn2.4 Cu0.6) Te O6, Ba2 Mn Te O6 und Pb (Mn0.5 Te0.5) O3
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil B. Anorganische Chemie, Organische Chemie (42,1987-), 1998, 53, 49-52
2009419 CIF
Cu Ni5 Sn9 Zn5P -4 3 m8.854; 8.854; 8.854
90; 90; 90
694.1Larsson, A-K.; Lidin, S.; Jacob, M.
Sn~8.7~(Ni~0.5~,Zn~0.4~,Cu~0.1~)~10.4~, a new tin-based alloy from a complex metallic mixture
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1994, 50, 9-12
2020045 CIFCu0.99 Ni4.95 Sn8.7 Zn3.96P -4 3 m8.854; 8.854; 8.854
90; 90; 90
694.094Larsson, A.K.; Lidin, S.; Jacob, M.
Sn8.7(Ni.5 Zn.4 Cu.1)10.4, a new tin-based alloy from a complex metallic mixture
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1994, 50, 9-12
2105384 CIFAg9 In4P -4 3 m9.922; 9.922; 9.922
90; 90; 90
976.782Tozer, D.J.N.; Brezard, R.; Pearson, W.B.; Brandon, J.K.
Gamma-brasses with I and P cells
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1977, 33, 527-537
2105399 CIFAu9 In4P -4 3 m9.829; 9.829; 9.829
90; 90; 90
949.572Brandon, J.K.; Pearson, W.B.; Brezard, R.; Tozer, D.J.N.
Gamma-brasses with I and P cells
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1977, 33, 527-537
2106132 CIFCd5 PtP -4 3 m9.92; 9.92; 9.92
90; 90; 90
976.191Arnberg, L.
The structures of the gamma-phases in the Pd-Cd and Pt-Cd systems
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1980, 36, 527-532
2106133 CIFCd43 Pd8P -4 3 m9.9415; 9.9415; 9.9415
90; 90; 90
982.552Arnberg, L.
The structures of the gamma-phases in the Pd-Cd and Pt-Cd systems
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1980, 36, 527-532
2205377 CIF
Co H28 K6 O53 Ti W11P -4 3 m10.685; 10.685; 10.685
90; 90; 90
1219.9Werner Kraus; Holger Stephan; Anita Röllich; Zdenek Matĕjka; Günter Reck
K~6~H~2~[TiW~11~CoO~40~].13H~2~O, with a monotitanoundecatungstocobaltate(II) anion
Acta Crystallographica, Section E, 2005, 61, i35-i37
2206580 CIF
Cu3 Nb S4P -4 3 m5.5001; 5.5001; 5.5001
90; 90; 90
166.38Kars, Mohammed; Rebbah, Allaoua; Rebbah, Houria
Acta Crystallographica Section E, 2005, 61, i180-i181
2310463 CIFC12 Ni4 O18 P4P -4 3 m8.811; 8.811; 8.811
90; 90; 90
684.031Pierron, E.D.; Wheatley, P.J.; Riess, J.G.
Structure of P, P(I), P(II), P(III) - Tetrakistricarbonylnickel-tetraphosphorus hexaoxide
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1966, 21, 288-289
3000014 On hold until 2013-12-25As3 Cr4 Cs3 O16P -4 3 m7.794; 7.794; 7.794
90; 90; 90
473.5Habib Boughzala
Crystal structure of a (III/IV) chromium mixed valence cesium tris(arsenate): Cs~3~(CrO)~4~(AsO~4~)~3~
To be published in Acta Cryst. Section E
4001337 CIFC9 H54 Al7 N3 O45 P9P -4 3 m17.5632; 17.5632; 17.5632
90; 90; 90
5417.6Lu, Ailing; Song, Haibin; Li, Niu; Xiang, Shouhe; Guan, Naijia; Wang, Honggen
Novel Large Aluminophosphite Cage Unit as the Building Blocks To Form a Framework Structure Containing Multidimensional 12-Ring Channels
Chemistry of Materials, 2007, 19, 4142
4002208 CIFC240 Cd54 O4 S80P -4 3 m23.976; 23.976; 23.976
90; 90; 90
13783Levchenko, Tetyana I.; Kübel, Christian; Wang, Di; Khalili Najafabadi, Bahareh; Huang, Yining; Corrigan, John F.
Controlled Solvothermal Routes to Hierarchical 3D Superparticles of Nanoscopic CdS
Chemistry of Materials, 2015, 27, 3666
4003375 CIFI75 Pb50P -4 3 m23.29; 23.29; 23.29
90; 90; 90
12633Fateev, Sergey A.; Petrov, Andrey A.; Khrustalev, Victor N.; Dorovatovskii, Pavel V.; Zubavichus, Yan V.; Goodilin, Eugene A.; Tarasov, Alexey B.
Solution Processing of Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite from γ-Butyrolactone: Crystallization Mediated by Solvation Equilibrium
Chemistry of Materials, 2018, 30, 5237
4003639 CIFC360 O91 Zn28P -4 3 m42.4115; 42.4115; 42.4115
90; 90; 90
76287Dong, Jinqiao; Shen, Pingchuan; Ying, Shaoming; Li, Zi-Jian; Yuan, Yi Di; Wang, Yuxiang; Zheng, Xiaoyan; Peh, Shing Bo; Yuan, Hongye; Liu, Guoliang; Cheng, Youdong; Pan, Yutong; Shi, Leilei; Zhang, Jian; Yuan, Daqiang; Liu, Bin; Zhao, Zujin; Tang, Ben Zhong; Zhao, Dan
Aggregation-Induced Emission-Responsive Metal‒Organic Frameworks
Chemistry of Materials, 2020
4100675 CIFC18 H68 B3 F6 N12 O14 PP -4 3 m10.5722; 10.5722; 10.5722
90; 90; 90
1181.67Toshiya Hozumi; Kazuhito Hashimoto; Ohkoshi Shin-ichi
Electrochemical synthesis, crystal structure, and photomagnetic properties of a three-dimensional cyano-bridged copper-molybdenum complex
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2005
4100676 CIFC20 H76 B3 Cl N12 O16P -4 3 m10.6139; 10.6139; 10.6139
90; 90; 90
1195.71Toshiya Hozumi; Kazuhito Hashimoto; Ohkoshi Shin-ichi
Electrochemical synthesis, crystal structure, and photomagnetic properties of a three-dimensional cyano-bridged copper-molybdenum complex
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2005
4106005 CIFC72 H72 N6 O22 Zn4P -4 3 m17.1625; 17.1625; 17.1625
90; 90; 90
5055.2David J. Lun; Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse; Shane G. Telfer
A General Thermolabile Protecting Group Strategy for Organocatalytic Metal-Organic Frameworks
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 5806-5809
4106006 CIFC57 H48 N6 O16 Zn4P -4 3 m17.16; 17.16; 17.16
90; 90; 90
5053David J. Lun; Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse; Shane G. Telfer
A General Thermolabile Protecting Group Strategy for Organocatalytic Metal-Organic Frameworks
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 5806-5809
4124708 CIFC2 N2 ZnP -4 3 m5.9002; 5.9002; 5.9002
90; 90; 90
205.4Hoskins, B.F.; Robson, R.
Design and construction of a class of scaffolding-like materials comprising infinite polymeric frameworks of 3Dlinked molecular rods. A reappraisal of the Zn (C N)2 and Cd (C N)2 structures and the synthesis and structure of the diamond-related frame
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1990, 112, 1546-1554
4124709 CIFC2 Cd N2P -4 3 m6.301; 6.301; 6.301
90; 90; 90
250.166Hoskins, B.F.; Robson, R.
Design and construction of a class of scaffolding-like materials comprising infinite polymeric frameworks of 3Dlinked molecular rods. A reappraisal of the Zn (C N)2 & Cd (C N)2 structures & the synthesis & structure of the diamond-related framew
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1990, 112, 1546-1554
4125830 CIFCd54 O4 Se80P -4 3 m24.412; 24.412; 24.412
90; 90; 90
14548Levchenko, Tetyana I.; Kübel, Christian; Khalili Najafabadi, Bahareh; Boyle, Paul D.; Cadogan, Carolyn; Goncharova, Lyudmila V.; Garreau, Alexandre; Lagugné-Labarthet, François; Huang, Yining; Corrigan, John F.
Luminescent CdSe Superstructures: A Nanocluster Superlattice and a Nanoporous Crystal.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139, 1129-1144
4303438 CIFAs3 F4 Fe4 H9 O16P -4 3 m8.0163; 8.0163; 8.0163
90; 90; 90
515.14Zhuihui Yi; Chao Yang; Wujiong Xia; Xianzhu Xu; Xiao Zhang
Formation of a 3D Porous Ferric Arsenate Containing Novel Cubane-like Fe4F4 Building Units
Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48, 9959-9961
4308583 CIFC4 B Cu N4P -4 3 m5.4314; 5.4314; 5.4314
90; 90; 90
160.23Torsten Küppers; Eduard Bernhardt; Helge Willner; Henning W. Rohm; Martin Köckerling
Tetracyanoborate Salts M[B(CN)4] with M = Singly Charged Cations: Properties and Structures
Inorganic Chemistry, 2005, 44, 1015-1022
4308584 CIFC4 B Li N4P -4 3 m5.4815; 5.4815; 5.4815
90; 90; 90
164.702Torsten Küppers; Eduard Bernhardt; Helge Willner; Henning W. Rohm; Martin Köckerling
Tetracyanoborate Salts M[B(CN)4] with M = Singly Charged Cations: Properties and Structures
Inorganic Chemistry, 2005, 44, 1015-1022
4313295 CIFC36 H120 Br8 Co4 N24 Ni4 O30P -4 3 m13.3041; 13.3041; 13.3041
90; 90; 90
2354.81Jenny Y. Yang; Matthew P. Shores; Jennifer J. Sokol; Jeffrey R. Long
High-Nuclearity Metal-Cyanide Clusters: Synthesis, Magnetic Properties, and Inclusion Behavior of Open-Cage Species Incorporating [(tach)M(CN)3] (M = Cr, Fe, Co) Complexes
Inorganic Chemistry, 2003, 42, 1403-1419
4313297 CIFC36 H100 Br8 Co8 N24 O20P -4 3 m13.4032; 13.4032; 13.4032
90; 90; 90
2407.8Jenny Y. Yang; Matthew P. Shores; Jennifer J. Sokol; Jeffrey R. Long
High-Nuclearity Metal-Cyanide Clusters: Synthesis, Magnetic Properties, and Inclusion Behavior of Open-Cage Species Incorporating [(tach)M(CN)3] (M = Cr, Fe, Co) Complexes
Inorganic Chemistry, 2003, 42, 1403-1419
4314117 CIFK10 Mn4 S17 Sn4P -4 3 m10.064; 10.064; 10.064
90; 90; 90
1019.3Oleg Palchik; Ratnasabapathy G. Iyer; J. H. Liao; Mercouri G. Kanatzidis
K10M4Sn4S17 (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Zn): Soluble Quaternary Sulfides with the Discrete [M4Sn4S17]10- Supertetrahedral Clusters
Inorganic Chemistry, 2003, 42, 5052-5054
4314118 CIFCo4 K10 S17 Sn4P -4 3 m9.9332; 9.9332; 9.9332
90; 90; 90
980.1Oleg Palchik; Ratnasabapathy G. Iyer; J. H. Liao; Mercouri G. Kanatzidis
K10M4Sn4S17 (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Zn): Soluble Quaternary Sulfides with the Discrete [M4Sn4S17]10- Supertetrahedral Clusters
Inorganic Chemistry, 2003, 42, 5052-5054
4319583 CIFC6 H18.75 Cl1.75 N3 O9 ZnP -4 3 m11.5126; 11.5126; 11.5126
90; 90; 90
1525.9Jiang Xia; Yan Xu; Shu-an Li; Wei-yin Sun; Kai-bei Yu; Wen-xia Tang
Carboxy Ester Hydrolysis Promoted by a Zinc(II) 2-[Bis(2-aminoethyl)amino]ethanol Complex: A New Model for Indirect Activation on the Serine Nucleophile by Zinc(II) in Zinc Enzymes
Inorganic Chemistry, 2001, 40, 2394-2401
4350344 CIFC2 H20.5 Ge7 N1.5 O21P -4 3 m7.7119; 7.7119; 7.7119
90; 90; 90
458.65Xu, Yan; Cheng, Liying; You, Wansheng
Hydrothermal synthesis and structural characterizations of two new germanates with a novel topological framework and unusual Ge4(OH)4 cubane.
Inorganic chemistry, 2006, 45, 7705-7708
4350345 CIFGe7 H16 O22P -4 3 m7.7053; 7.7053; 7.7053
90; 90; 90
457.48Xu, Yan; Cheng, Liying; You, Wansheng
Hydrothermal synthesis and structural characterizations of two new germanates with a novel topological framework and unusual Ge4(OH)4 cubane.
Inorganic chemistry, 2006, 45, 7705-7708
4508352 CIFC120 H216 F120 K4 N24 O6 P20P -4 3 m17.73792; 17.73792; 17.73792
90; 90; 90
5580.95Peuronen, Anssi; Lehtimäki, Esa; Lahtinen, Manu
Self-Assembly of Water-Mediated Supramolecular Cationic Archimedean Solids
Crystal Growth & Design, 2013, 13, 4615
4515448 CIFC H5 I3 N PbP -4 3 m6.3029; 6.3029; 6.3029
90; 90; 90
250.39Shao, Feng; Qin, Peng; Wang, Dong; Zhang, Guoqing; Wu, Bo; He, Jianqiao; Peng, Wei; Sum, Tze Chien; Wang, Deliang; Huang, Fuqiang
Enhanced Photovoltaic Performance and Thermal Stability of CH<sub>3</sub>NH<sub>3</sub>PbI<sub>3</sub> Perovskite through Lattice Symmetrization.
ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2019, 11, 740-746
5910056 CIFBi F3P -4 3 m5.85; 5.85; 5.85
90; 90; 90
200.202Wyckoff, R. W. G.
Pages 260 from the second edition of Structure of Crystals by Wyckoff R W G. Published by The Chemical Catalog Company, INC, New York in 1931 &
The second edition of Structure of Crystals, 1931, 260-260
5910165 CIFC12 Ni4 O18 P4P -4 3 m8.811; 8.811; 8.811
90; 90; 90
684.031Wyckoff, R. W. G.
Pages 91 & 92 from the Structure of Crystals, vol. 4 by Wyckoff R W G. published by Interscience Publishers, Inc. in 1951
The Structure of Crystals, 1951, 4, 91-92
6000532 CIFGe7 H2.38 O16.69 Rb3P -4 3 m7.6699; 7.6699; 7.6699
90; 90; 90
451.2Roberts, M. A.; Fitch, A. N.
The crystal structures of hydrated and partially dehydrated M(3)HGe(7)O(16).nH(2)O, (M=K, Rb, Cs), determined from powder diffraction data using synchrotron radiation
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 1996, 211, 378-387
6000533 CIFCs3 Ge7 H3.4 O16.7P -4 3 m7.7335; 7.7335; 7.7335
90; 90; 90
462.51Roberts, M. A.; Fitch, A. N.
The crystal structures of hydrated and partially dehydrated M(3)HGe(7)O(16).nH(2)O, (M=K, Rb, Cs), determined from powder diffraction data using synchrotron radiation
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 1996, 211, 378-387
6000537 CIFGe7 H18.44 N3 O18.72P -4 3 m7.7107; 7.7107; 7.7107
90; 90; 90
458.44Roberts, M. A.; Fitch, A. N.; Chadwick, A. V.
The crystal-structures of (NH4)(3)HGE7O16-center-dot-NH(2)O and Li4-XHXGe7O16-center-dot-NH(2)O determined from powder diffraction data using synchrotron-radiation
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1995, 56, 1353-1358
6000538 CIFGe7 H12.22 Li4 O21.61P -4 3 m7.7194; 7.7194; 7.7194
90; 90; 90
459.99Roberts, M. A.; Fitch, A. N.; Chadwick, A. V.
The crystal-structures of (NH4)(3)HGE7O16-center-dot-NH(2)O and Li4-XHXGe7O16-center-dot-NH(2)O determined from powder diffraction data using synchrotron-radiation
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1995, 56, 1353-1358
7062966 CIFB4 H16 ZrP -4 3 m5.955; 5.955; 5.955
90; 90; 90
211.2Burkmann, Konrad; Habermann, Franziska; Schumann, Erik; Kraus, Jakob; Störr, Bianca; Schmidt, Horst; Brendler, Erica; Seidel, Jürgen; Bohmhammel, Klaus; Kortus, Jens; Mertens, Florian
Structural and thermodynamic investigations of Zr(BH4)4 and Hf(BH4)4 between 280 K and their decomposition temperatures
New Journal of Chemistry, 2024, 48, 2743-2754
7062967 CIFB4 H16 HfP -4 3 m5.946; 5.946; 5.946
90; 90; 90
210.2Burkmann, Konrad; Habermann, Franziska; Schumann, Erik; Kraus, Jakob; Störr, Bianca; Schmidt, Horst; Brendler, Erica; Seidel, Jürgen; Bohmhammel, Klaus; Kortus, Jens; Mertens, Florian
Structural and thermodynamic investigations of Zr(BH4)4 and Hf(BH4)4 between 280 K and their decomposition temperatures
New Journal of Chemistry, 2024, 48, 2743-2754
7105182 CIFC157 H260 N30 O72 Pd3P -4 3 m30.749; 30.749; 30.749
90; 90; 90
29073Liu, Yang; Zhang, Rong; He, Cheng; Dang, Dongbin; Duan, Chunying
A palladium(II) triangle as building blocks of microporous molecular materials: structures and catalytic performance.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2010, 46, 746-748
7105183 CIFC157 H260 N30 O72 Pd3P -4 3 m30.749; 30.749; 30.749
90; 90; 90
29073Liu, Yang; Zhang, Rong; He, Cheng; Dang, Dongbin; Duan, Chunying
A palladium(II) triangle as building blocks of microporous molecular materials: structures and catalytic performance.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2010, 46, 746-748
7107258 CIFC63 H39 N3 O22 Zn4P -4 3 m17.2108; 17.2108; 17.2108
90; 90; 90
5098Rajesh K. Deshpande; Geoffrey I. N. Waterhouse; Geoffrey B. Jameson; Shane G. Telfer
Photolabile protecting groups in metal-organic frameworks: preventing interpenetration and masking functional groups
Chem.Commun., 2012, 48, 1574
7108459 CIFC52 H46 N2 O21 Zn4P -4 3 m17.1227; 17.1227; 17.1227
90; 90; 90
5020.2Damien Rankine; Antonio Avellaneda; Matthew R. Hill; Christian J. Doonan; Christopher J. Sumby
Control of framework interpenetration for in situ modified hydroxyl functionalised IRMOFs
Chem.Commun., 2012, 48, 10328
7110180 CIFC48 H36 O19 Zn4P -4 3 m17.1607; 17.1607; 17.1607
90; 90; 90
5053.65Sung Min Shin; Mi Sun Lee; Ji Hee Han; Nakcheol Jeong
Assessing the guest-accessible volume in MOFs using two-photon fluorescence microscopy
Chem.Commun., 2014, 50, 289
7131119 CIFC H6 I3 P SnP -4 3 m6.3464; 6.3464; 6.3464
90; 90; 90
255.613Zhang, Han-Yue; Xiong, Ren-Gen
Three-dimensional narrow-bandgap perovskite semiconductor ferroelectric methylphosphonium tin triiodide for potential photovoltaic application.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2023, 59, 920-923
7209376 CIFAg9 Ca8 Hg9P -4 3 m11.14; 11.14; 11.14
90; 90; 90
1382.47Puselj, M.; Ban, Z.
Ternaere Gamma-Messing-Phasen in den Systemen Calcium-M (IB, IIB)-Hg
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil B. Anorganische Chemie, Organische Chemie (33,1978-41,1986), 1980, 35, 1594-1595
7209427 CIFAu9 Ca8 Hg9P -4 3 m11.14; 11.14; 11.14
90; 90; 90
1382.47Puselj, M.; Ban, Z.
Ternaere Gamma-Messing-Phasen in den Systemen Calcium - M (IB, IIB) - Hg
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil B. Anorganische Chemie, Organische Chemie (33,1978-41,1986), 1980, 35, 1594-1595
7236563 CIFC H5 I3 N2 PbP -4 3 m6.3691; 6.3691; 6.3691
90; 90; 90
258.365Huang, Yuan; Li, Liang; Liu, Zonghao; Jiao, Haoyang; He, Yuqing; Wang, Xiaoge; Zhu, Rui; Wang, Dong; Sun, Junliang; Chen, Qi; Zhou, Huanping
The intrinsic properties of FA(1−x)MAxPbI3 perovskite single crystals
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 8537
7240461 CIFC240 H220.8 N96 O8 Zn24P -4 3 m22.684; 22.684; 22.684
90; 90; 90
11672.4Bumstead, Alice M.; Gómez, María Laura Ríos; Thorne, Michael Francis; Sapnik, Adam F.; Longley, Louis; Tuffnell, Joshua Mark; Keeble, Dean S.; Keen, David A.; Bennett, Thomas Douglas
Investigating the Melting Behaviour of Polymorphic Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks
CrystEngComm, 2020
7708463 CIFC96 H132 Ce10 N12 O92 P12P -4 3 m15.9001; 15.9001; 15.9001
90; 90; 90
4019.75Christou, George; Russell-Webster, Bradley; Lopez-Nieto, Javi; Abboud, Khalil A.
Phosphorus-based Ligand Effects on the Structure and Radical Scavenging Ability of Molecular Nanoparticles of CeO2
Dalton Transactions, 2021
7710342 CIFC304 H414 Ce16 N74 O135P -4 3 m18.9003; 18.9003; 18.9003
90; 90; 90
6751.6Lv, Xinjie; Zhao, Xiao-li; Zhao, Qixin; Zheng, Qi; Xuan, Weimin
Cerium-Oxo clusters for photocatalytic aerobic oxygenation of sulfides to sulfoxides
Dalton Transactions, 2022
8101225 CIFCu3 Se4 VP -4 3 m5.5636; 5.5636; 5.5636
90; 90; 90
172.2Klepp, Kurt O.; Gurtner, Doris
Crystal structure of tricopper tetraselenidovanadate(V), Cu~3~VSe~4~
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, 2000, 215, 4-4

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