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1501461 CIFFe2 K0.8 Se1.96I 4/m m m3.9092; 3.9092; 14.1353
90; 90; 90
216.013Krzton-Maziopa, A.; Shermadini, Z.; Pomjakushina, E.; Pomjakushina, V.; Bendele, M.; Amato, A.; Khasanov, R.; Luetkens, H.; Conder, K.
Synthesis and crystal growth of Cs0.8(FeSe0.98)2: a new iron-based superconductor with Tc=27K
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2011, 23, 1-4
1501462 CIFCs0.8 Fe2 Se1.96I 4/m m m3.9601; 3.9601; 15.2846
90; 90; 90
239.699Krzton-Maziopa, A.; Shermadini, Z.; Pomjakushina, E.; Pomjakushina, V.; Bendele, M.; Amato, A.; Khasanov, R.; Luetkens, H.; Conder, K.
Synthesis and crystal growth of Cs0.8(FeSe0.98)2: a new iron-based superconductor with Tc=27K
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2011, 23, 1-4
1501463 CIFFe7 Mo6R -3 m :H4.7402; 4.7402; 26.0028
90; 90; 120
505.992Lejaeghere, Kurt; Cottenier, Stefaan; Claessens, Serge; Waroquier, Michel; Van Speybroeck, Veronique
Assessment of a low-cost protocol for an ab initio based prediction of the mixing enthalpy at elevated temperatures: The Fe-Mo system
Physical Review B, 2011, 83, 184201
1501464 CIFFe2 MoP 63/m m c4.6594; 4.6594; 7.7433
90; 90; 120
145.585Lejaeghere, Kurt; Cottenier, Stefaan; Claessens, Serge; Waroquier, Michel; Van Speybroeck, Veronique
Assessment of a low-cost protocol for an ab initio based prediction of the mixing enthalpy at elevated temperatures: The Fe-Mo system
Physical Review B, 2011, 83, 184201
1501471 CIFC45 H35 Cd Cl N4 O7P 1 21/n 111.4616; 16.3861; 20.877
90; 95.0205; 90
3905.89Katarzyna Grubel; Brynna J. Laughlin; Thora R. Maltais; Rhett C. Smith; Atta M. Arif; Lisa M. Berreau
Photochemically-induced dioxygenase-type CO-release reactivity of Group 12 metal flavonolate complexes
Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 10431-10433
1501472 CIFC45 H35 Cl Hg N4 O7P 1 21/n 111.4117; 16.3761; 20.9794
90; 95.007; 90
3905.65Katarzyna Grubel; Brynna J. Laughlin; Thora R. Maltais; Rhett C. Smith; Atta M. Arif; Lisa M. Berreau
Photochemically-induced dioxygenase-type CO-release reactivity of Group 12 metal flavonolate complexes
Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 10431-10433
1501473 CIFC45 H35 F3 N4 O7 S ZnP 1 21/c 110.1785; 16.3337; 24.162
90; 91.037; 90
4016.34Katarzyna Grubel; Brynna J. Laughlin; Thora R. Maltais; Rhett C. Smith; Atta M. Arif; Lisa M. Berreau
Photochemically-induced dioxygenase-type CO-release reactivity of Group 12 metal flavonolate complexes
Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 10431-10433
1501474 CIFC46 H38 Cd Cl N5 O8P -113.2066; 13.243; 14.306
102.54; 116.809; 99.7178
2075.18Katarzyna Grubel; Brynna J. Laughlin; Thora R. Maltais; Rhett C. Smith; Atta M. Arif; Lisa M. Berreau
Photochemically-induced dioxygenase-type CO-release reactivity of Group 12 metal flavonolate complexes
Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 10431-10433
1501546 CIFC17 H26 N6 O2P -18.0471; 10.3951; 11.689
67.342; 85.03; 89.545
898.59Adam Duong; Marc-André Dubois; Thierry Maris; Valérie Métivaud; Ji-Hyun Yi; Antonio Nanci; Alain Rochefort; Wuest,James D
Engineering Homologous Molecular Organization in 2D and 3D. Cocrystallization of Pyridyl-Substituted Diaminotriazines with Alkanecarboxylic Acids
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115, 12908-12919
1501547 CIFC28 H40 N6 O4C 1 2/c 150.606; 7.9595; 14.0826
90; 95.126; 90
5649.8Adam Duong; Marc-André Dubois; Thierry Maris; Valérie Métivaud; Ji-Hyun Yi; Antonio Nanci; Alain Rochefort; Wuest,James D
Engineering Homologous Molecular Organization in 2D and 3D. Cocrystallization of Pyridyl-Substituted Diaminotriazines with Alkanecarboxylic Acids
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115, 12908-12919
1501548 CIFC24 H40 N6 O4P -14.8615; 7.4585; 19.034
83.881; 84.671; 79.308
672.43Adam Duong; Marc-André Dubois; Thierry Maris; Valérie Métivaud; Ji-Hyun Yi; Antonio Nanci; Alain Rochefort; Wuest,James D
Engineering Homologous Molecular Organization in 2D and 3D. Cocrystallization of Pyridyl-Substituted Diaminotriazines with Alkanecarboxylic Acids
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115, 12908-12919
1501549 CIFC26 H44 N6 O4P -17.5805; 11.1838; 25.627
94.378; 92.854; 101.374
2119.1Adam Duong; Marc-André Dubois; Thierry Maris; Valérie Métivaud; Ji-Hyun Yi; Antonio Nanci; Alain Rochefort; Wuest,James D
Engineering Homologous Molecular Organization in 2D and 3D. Cocrystallization of Pyridyl-Substituted Diaminotriazines with Alkanecarboxylic Acids
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115, 12908-12919
1501550 CIFC16 H24 N6 O2P -18.8653; 9.4282; 10.7014
104.685; 90.861; 98.832
853.62Adam Duong; Marc-André Dubois; Thierry Maris; Valérie Métivaud; Ji-Hyun Yi; Antonio Nanci; Alain Rochefort; Wuest,James D
Engineering Homologous Molecular Organization in 2D and 3D. Cocrystallization of Pyridyl-Substituted Diaminotriazines with Alkanecarboxylic Acids
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115, 12908-12919
1501551 CIFC32 H48 N6 O4C 1 2/c 158.554; 7.9545; 14.0407
90; 102.299; 90
6389.6Adam Duong; Marc-André Dubois; Thierry Maris; Valérie Métivaud; Ji-Hyun Yi; Antonio Nanci; Alain Rochefort; Wuest,James D
Engineering Homologous Molecular Organization in 2D and 3D. Cocrystallization of Pyridyl-Substituted Diaminotriazines with Alkanecarboxylic Acids
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2011, 115, 12908-12919
1501602 CIFC14 H10 F NP n m a8.2094; 21.264; 5.9988
90; 90; 90
1047.2Elliott, Emma-Claire; Bowkett, Elizabeth R.; Maggs, James L.; Bacsa, John; Park, B. Kevin; Regan, Sophie L.; O'Neill, Paul M; Stachulski, Andrew V.
Convenient syntheses of benzo-fluorinated dibenz[b,f]azepines: rearrangements of isatins, acridines, and indoles.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 5592-5595
1501627 CIFC30 H40 In N3 O14P 42/m m c9.9532; 9.9532; 26.7005
90; 90; 90
2645.12Yang, Sihai; Callear, Samantha K.; Ramirez-Cuesta, Anibal J.; David, William I. F.; Sun, Junliang; Blake, Alexander J.; Champness, Neil R.; Schröder, Martin
Pore with gate: modulating hydrogen storage in metal-organic framework materials via cation exchange
Faraday Discussions, 2011, 151, 19
1501628 CIFC32 H38 In N3 O12P 42/m m c9.9617; 9.9617; 26.747
90; 90; 90
2654.3Yang, Sihai; Callear, Samantha K.; Ramirez-Cuesta, Anibal J.; David, William I. F.; Sun, Junliang; Blake, Alexander J.; Champness, Neil R.; Schröder, Martin
Pore with gate: modulating hydrogen storage in metal-organic framework materials via cation exchange
Faraday Discussions, 2011, 151, 19
1501629 CIFC30 H36 F4 In N3 O14I 41/a c d :219.807; 19.807; 53.454
90; 90; 90
20971Yang, Sihai; Callear, Samantha K.; Ramirez-Cuesta, Anibal J.; David, William I. F.; Sun, Junliang; Blake, Alexander J.; Champness, Neil R.; Schröder, Martin
Pore with gate: modulating hydrogen storage in metal-organic framework materials via cation exchange
Faraday Discussions, 2011, 151, 19
1501630 CIFC34 H36 In N3 O12P 42/m m c9.9617; 9.9617; 26.747
90; 90; 90
2654.3Yang, Sihai; Callear, Samantha K.; Ramirez-Cuesta, Anibal J.; David, William I. F.; Sun, Junliang; Blake, Alexander J.; Champness, Neil R.; Schröder, Martin
Pore with gate: modulating hydrogen storage in metal-organic framework materials via cation exchange
Faraday Discussions, 2011, 151, 19
1501634 CIFC26 H26 N2 O2 SP 1 21/n 117.9167; 6.2563; 21.1871
90; 107.512; 90
2264.84M. Amine Fourati; Thierry Maris; William G. Skene; C. Géraldine Bazuin; Robert E. Prud'homme
Photophysical, Electrochemical and Crystallographic Investigations of the Fluorophore 2,5-Bis(5-tert-butyl-benzoxazol-2-yl)thiophene
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2011, 115, 12362-12369

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