Crystallography Open Database

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Searching journal of publication like 'Journal of the American Chemical Society' volume of publication is 141

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4133908 CIFC16 H13 Br OP -19.2388; 9.285; 16.9164
99.14; 93.674; 107.59
1355.99Wang, Yidong; Zhu, Jin; Durham, Austin C.; Lindberg, Haley; Wang, Yi-Ming
α-C-H Functionalization of π-Bonds Using Iron Complexes: Catalytic Hydroxyalkylation of Alkynes and Alkenes.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019, 141, 19594-19599
4133909 CIFC12 H42.5 La N9 O23.25 P4P -111.7674; 12.161; 28.605
83.764; 80.941; 78.3598
3946.8Stein, Benjamin W.; Morgenstern, Amanda; Batista, Enrique R.; Birnbaum, Eva R.; Bone, Sharon E.; Cary, Samantha K.; Ferrier, Maryline G.; John, Kevin D.; Pacheco, Juan Lezama; Kozimor, Stosh A.; Mocko, Veronika; Scott, Brian L.; Yang, Ping
Advancing Chelation Chemistry for Actinium and Other +3 f-Elements, Am, Cm, and La.
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019, 141, 19404-19414

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