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COD ID Blue up arrow Links Formula Up arrow Space group Up arrow Cell parameters Cell volume Up arrow Bibliography
1000004 CIFC29 H30 Cu I P2P -19.899; 11.729; 12.259
103.442; 96.291; 95.56
1364.9no bibliography
1000023 CIFCu3 Fe4 O24 P6P -17.9296; 9.3275; 6.2555
107.16; 101.011; 105.83
406.34no bibliography
1000034 CIFAl2 Ca O8 Si2P -18.173; 12.869; 14.165
93.113; 115.913; 91.261
1336.3Wainwright, J E; Starkey, J
A refinement of the structure of anorthite
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1971, 133, 75-84
1000072 CIFH5 O7 P VP -15.659; 7.578; 12.623
89.66; 102.14; 92.23
528.8Le Bail, A; Ferey, G; Amoros, P; Beltran Porter, D; Villeneuve, G
Crystal Structure of $+beta-V O (H P O~4~) (H~2~ O)2 Solved from X-Ray Powder Diffraction
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 79, 169-176
1000094 CIFNi O6 V2P -17.13; 4.791; 8.825
90.16; 102.13; 94.19
293.9Le Bail, A; Lafontaine, M A
Structure determination of NiV~2~O~6~ from X-ray powder diffraction : a rutile-ramsdellite intergrowth
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1990, 27, 671-680
1000124 CIFFe Mo O7 VP -15.5703; 6.6741; 7.9032
96.174; 90.26; 101.273
286.4Le Bail, A; Permer, L; Laligant, Y
Structure of Fe V Mo O7
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1995, 32, 883-892
1000214 CIFBa6 Cu11 F34P -17.49; 10.031; 10.271
82.98; 73.88; 70.42
698.1Renaudin, J; Pannetier, J; de Kozak, A; Samouel, M; Ferey, G
Complex copper(II) fluorides IV. Crystal structure of Ba~6~ Cu~11~ F~34~: First evidence of trinuclear edge-sharing units and defective NaCl-type blocks in crystal chemistry of fluorides
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 62, 164-171
1000245 CIFF6 Fe NbP -17.793; 7.7398; 7.7435
86.585; 87.046; 86.138
464.6Delobbe, V; Chassaing, J; Bizot, D; Quarton, M; Lacorre, P; Calage, Y; Leblanc, M; Ferey, G
Fluorocomplexes of Niobium IV; VI: Moessbauer study and magnetic structure of Fe Nb F~6~
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1988, 74, 165-176
1000246 CIFF6 Fe NbP -17.7994; 7.7143; 7.7206
86.483; 86.968; 85.687
461.8Delobbe, V; Chassaing, J; Bizot, D; Quarton, M; Lacorre, P; Calage, Y; Leblanc, M; Ferey, G
Fluorocomplexes of Niobium IV; VI: Moessbauer study and magnetic structure of Fe Nb F~6~
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1988, 74, 165-176
1000248 CIFBa2 F18 Ni7P -16.937; 7.229; 7.456
94.37; 93.16; 115.86
333.8Renaudin, J; Ferey, G; Kozak, A; Samouel, M; Lacorre, P
Crystal and magnetic structures of the ferrimagnet Ba~2~ Ni~7~ F~18~
Solid State Communications, 1988, 65, 185-188
1000249 CIFBa2 F18 Ni7P -16.924; 7.218; 7.437
94.39; 93.2; 115.82
331.9Renaudin, J; Ferey, G; Kozak, A; Samouel, M; Lacorre, P
Crystal and magnetic structures of the ferrimagnet Ba~2~ Ni~7~ F~18~
Solid State Communications, 1988, 65, 185-188
1000270 CIFMo10 O34 Tl8P -17.703; 10.703; 12.216
97.68; 118.76; 99.81
842.5Benchrifa, R; de Pape, R
Isotypism of the triclinic Tl~8~Mo~10~O~34~ and (NH~4~)~8~Mo~10~O~34~ molybdates
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 728-728
1000271 CIFH32 Mo10 N8 O34P -17.75; 11.038; 12.421
98.52; 119.87; 99.18
876.9Benchrifa, R; de Pape, R
Isotypism of the triclinic Tl~8~Mo~10~O~34~ and (NH~4~)~8~Mo~10~O~34~ molybdates
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1990, 46, 728-728
1000283 CIFH8 Mo4 N2 O13P -18.264; 8.344; 10.245
104.61; 106.05; 109.67
590.9Benchrifa, R; Leblanc, M; De Pape, R
Synthesis and crystal structure of two polymorphs of (NH~4~)~2~Mo~4~O~13~, orthorhombic (o) and triclinic (t)
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1989, 26, 593-601
1000287 CIFCs4 Nb2 O23 Si8P -17.016; 7.84; 11.066
77.16; 89.95; 72.02
563Crosnier, M P; Guyomard, D; Verbaere, A; Piffard, Y
Synthesis and structure of a novel polysilicate Cs~4~(NbO)~2~(Si~8~O~21~)
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1990, 27, 435-442
1000346 CIFCu3 Fe4 O24 V6P -16.6; 8.048; 9.759
106.08; 103.72; 102.28
461.9Lafontaine, M A; Greneche, J M; Laligant, Y; Ferey, G
$-beta-Cu~3~Fe~4~(VO~4~)~6~: Structural study and relationships; physical properties
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1994, 108, 1-10
1000403 CIFBa2 Cu F12 V2P -15.365; 6.95; 7.433
65.05; 70.26; 73.19
233Renaudin, J; Laligant, Y; Samouel, M; de Kozak, A; Ferey, G
Complex copper(II) fluorides III. Crystal structure of Ba2 Cu V2 F12; A new bidimensional M X4 network
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 62, 158-163
1000487 CIFF2 Fe2 H O12 P3 Sr2P -18.072; 8.794; 8.885
102.46; 115.95; 89.95
550.6Le Meins, J.-M.; Hemon-Ribaud, A.; Courbion, G.
Synthesis and crystal structure of two fluorophosphated compounds with different infinite sheets: Sr~2~Ga(HPO~4~)(PO~4~)F~2~ and Sr~2~Fe~2~(HPO~4~)(PO~4~)~2~F~2~
European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1998, 35, 117-132
1000497 CIFBa2 F18 Zn7P -17.032; 7.292; 7.505
94.24; 92.82; 116.39
342.3Renaudin, J; Ferey, G; de Kozak, A; Samouel, M
Structure cristalline de Ba2 Zn7 F18
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1986, 23, 497-507
1000506 CIFC12 H48 Al7 F29 N8 O2P -18.438; 10.125; 10.853
106.56; 96.48; 94.03
877.962E.Goreshnik; M.Leblanc; V.Maisonneuve
Z.Anorg.Allg.Chem., 2002, 628, 162

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