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Searching journal of publication like 'Journal of Materials Science'

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1514052 CIFLi1.26 Mn1.74 O4F d -3 m :28.1643; 8.1643; 8.1643
90; 90; 90
544.2Ivanova, S.; Zhecheva, E.; Nihtianova, D.; Stoyanova, R.
Nano-domain structure of Li4 Mn5 O12 spinel
Journal of Materials Science, 2011, 46, 7098-7105
1514053 CIFLi1.252 Mn1.748 O4F d -3 m :28.1771; 8.1771; 8.1771
90; 90; 90
546.76Ivanova, S.; Zhecheva, E.; Nihtianova, D.; Stoyanova, R.
Nano-domain structure of Li4 Mn5 O12 spinel
Journal of Materials Science, 2011, 46, 7098-7105
1520922 CIFLa0.303 Nb O3C m m m7.82; 7.83; 7.9
90; 90; 90
483.722Carrillo, L.; Villafuerte-Castrejon, M.E.; Pomes, R.; Gonzalez, G.; Sansores, L.E.; Duque, J.; Bucio, L.
Superstructure determination of the perovskite beta-(La0.33 Nb O3)
Journal of Materials Science, 2000, 35, 3047-3052
1521255 CIFO3 Pb TiP 4 m m3.9039; 3.9039; 4.1348
90; 90; 90
63.016Joseph, J.; Vimala, T.M.; Sivasubramanian, V.; Murthy, V.R.K.
Structural investigations on Pb (Zrx Ti1-x) O3 solid solutions using the X-ray Rietveld method
Journal of Materials Science, 2000, 35, 1571-1575
1521257 CIFO3 Pb Ti0.8 Zr0.2P 4 m m3.9539; 3.9539; 4.1319
90; 90; 90
64.595Joseph, J.; Vimala, T.M.; Murthy, V.R.K.; Sivasubramanian, V.
Structural investigations on Pb (Zrx Ti1-x) O3 solid solutions using the X-ray Rietveld method
Journal of Materials Science, 2000, 35, 1571-1575

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