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Searching journal of publication like 'Chemical science'

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1570175 CIFC42 H34 F2 O8 S6P 19.6128; 10.2795; 12.5045
103.159; 96.871; 116.633
1040.05Zhang, Ying; Yang, Jimin; Ruan, Yu-Long; Liao, Ling; Ma, Chuang; Xue, Xiao-Song; Yu, Jin-Sheng
Nickel-catalysed asymmetric hydromonofluoromethylation of 1,3-enynes for enantioselective construction of monofluoromethyl-tethered chiral allenes.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12676-12683
1570176 CIFC24 H20 F2 O4 S2P 1 21 19.1305; 10.8099; 23.076
90; 97.439; 90
2258.43Zhang, Ying; Yang, Jimin; Ruan, Yu-Long; Liao, Ling; Ma, Chuang; Xue, Xiao-Song; Yu, Jin-Sheng
Nickel-catalysed asymmetric hydromonofluoromethylation of 1,3-enynes for enantioselective construction of monofluoromethyl-tethered chiral allenes.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12676-12683
1570178 CIFC26 H10 F8 I4P -15.9679; 9.6419; 12.2058
73.039; 89.8; 81.559
663.94Vainauskas, Jogirdas; Borchers, Tristan H.; Arhangelskis, Mihails; McCormick McPherson, Laura J; Spilfogel, Toni S.; Hamzehpoor, Ehsan; Topić, Filip; Coles, Simon J.; Perepichka, Dmytro F.; Barrett, Christopher J.; Friščić, Tomislav
Halogen bonding with carbon: directional assembly of non-derivatised aromatic carbon systems into robust supramolecular ladder architectures.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13031-13041
1570179 CIFC72 F8 I4C m c e24.9493; 17.2771; 10.1867
90; 90; 90
4390.99Vainauskas, Jogirdas; Borchers, Tristan H.; Arhangelskis, Mihails; McCormick McPherson, Laura J; Spilfogel, Toni S.; Hamzehpoor, Ehsan; Topić, Filip; Coles, Simon J.; Perepichka, Dmytro F.; Barrett, Christopher J.; Friščić, Tomislav
Halogen bonding with carbon: directional assembly of non-derivatised aromatic carbon systems into robust supramolecular ladder architectures.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13031-13041
1570180 CIFC14 H5 F4 I2P -16.1992; 9.2122; 12.9134
107.15; 94.642; 97.251
693.58Vainauskas, Jogirdas; Borchers, Tristan H.; Arhangelskis, Mihails; McCormick McPherson, Laura J; Spilfogel, Toni S.; Hamzehpoor, Ehsan; Topić, Filip; Coles, Simon J.; Perepichka, Dmytro F.; Barrett, Christopher J.; Friščić, Tomislav
Halogen bonding with carbon: directional assembly of non-derivatised aromatic carbon systems into robust supramolecular ladder architectures.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13031-13041
1570181 CIFC66 H20 F12 I6P -15.1812; 15.4603; 17.4682
72.718; 87.214; 81.882
1322.66Vainauskas, Jogirdas; Borchers, Tristan H.; Arhangelskis, Mihails; McCormick McPherson, Laura J; Spilfogel, Toni S.; Hamzehpoor, Ehsan; Topić, Filip; Coles, Simon J.; Perepichka, Dmytro F.; Barrett, Christopher J.; Friščić, Tomislav
Halogen bonding with carbon: directional assembly of non-derivatised aromatic carbon systems into robust supramolecular ladder architectures.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13031-13041
1570182 CIFC20 H5 F8 I2 N2P -16.0403; 12.6794; 13.4013
88.433; 79.59; 84.594
1004.93Vainauskas, Jogirdas; Borchers, Tristan H.; Arhangelskis, Mihails; McCormick McPherson, Laura J; Spilfogel, Toni S.; Hamzehpoor, Ehsan; Topić, Filip; Coles, Simon J.; Perepichka, Dmytro F.; Barrett, Christopher J.; Friščić, Tomislav
Halogen bonding with carbon: directional assembly of non-derivatised aromatic carbon systems into robust supramolecular ladder architectures.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13031-13041
1570183 CIFC19 H5 F8 I2 N2P -15.9146; 9.8631; 17.982
94.026; 97.548; 105.52
995.9Vainauskas, Jogirdas; Borchers, Tristan H.; Arhangelskis, Mihails; McCormick McPherson, Laura J; Spilfogel, Toni S.; Hamzehpoor, Ehsan; Topić, Filip; Coles, Simon J.; Perepichka, Dmytro F.; Barrett, Christopher J.; Friščić, Tomislav
Halogen bonding with carbon: directional assembly of non-derivatised aromatic carbon systems into robust supramolecular ladder architectures.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13031-13041
1570184 CIFC36 H12 F8 I4P -15.7028; 10.2278; 14.3969
104.396; 97.493; 95.668
798.86Vainauskas, Jogirdas; Borchers, Tristan H.; Arhangelskis, Mihails; McCormick McPherson, Laura J; Spilfogel, Toni S.; Hamzehpoor, Ehsan; Topić, Filip; Coles, Simon J.; Perepichka, Dmytro F.; Barrett, Christopher J.; Friščić, Tomislav
Halogen bonding with carbon: directional assembly of non-derivatised aromatic carbon systems into robust supramolecular ladder architectures.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13031-13041
1570185 CIFC12 H6 F4 I2P -15.6444; 5.6487; 10.5675
90.233; 90.118; 100.763
331Vainauskas, Jogirdas; Borchers, Tristan H.; Arhangelskis, Mihails; McCormick McPherson, Laura J; Spilfogel, Toni S.; Hamzehpoor, Ehsan; Topić, Filip; Coles, Simon J.; Perepichka, Dmytro F.; Barrett, Christopher J.; Friščić, Tomislav
Halogen bonding with carbon: directional assembly of non-derivatised aromatic carbon systems into robust supramolecular ladder architectures.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13031-13041
1570186 CIFC24 H12 F4 I2P 1 21/c 119.1824; 5.9202; 8.9814
90; 90.617; 90
1019.9Vainauskas, Jogirdas; Borchers, Tristan H.; Arhangelskis, Mihails; McCormick McPherson, Laura J; Spilfogel, Toni S.; Hamzehpoor, Ehsan; Topić, Filip; Coles, Simon J.; Perepichka, Dmytro F.; Barrett, Christopher J.; Friščić, Tomislav
Halogen bonding with carbon: directional assembly of non-derivatised aromatic carbon systems into robust supramolecular ladder architectures.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13031-13041
1570187 CIFC32 H12 F8 I4P -15.8113; 10.2259; 13.3298
103.652; 92.767; 96.252
762.93Vainauskas, Jogirdas; Borchers, Tristan H.; Arhangelskis, Mihails; McCormick McPherson, Laura J; Spilfogel, Toni S.; Hamzehpoor, Ehsan; Topić, Filip; Coles, Simon J.; Perepichka, Dmytro F.; Barrett, Christopher J.; Friščić, Tomislav
Halogen bonding with carbon: directional assembly of non-derivatised aromatic carbon systems into robust supramolecular ladder architectures.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13031-13041
1570188 CIFC33 H12 F10 I5P -16.1683; 15.3618; 18.546
94.961; 93.811; 97.532
1730.3Vainauskas, Jogirdas; Borchers, Tristan H.; Arhangelskis, Mihails; McCormick McPherson, Laura J; Spilfogel, Toni S.; Hamzehpoor, Ehsan; Topić, Filip; Coles, Simon J.; Perepichka, Dmytro F.; Barrett, Christopher J.; Friščić, Tomislav
Halogen bonding with carbon: directional assembly of non-derivatised aromatic carbon systems into robust supramolecular ladder architectures.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13031-13041
1570189 CIFC228 H126 Ag28.33 Au17.67 Cl4 F24 P2P -118.6625; 19.1498; 19.7834
110.096; 116.08; 96.0693
5680.7Li, Yingwei; Stec, Grant J.; Thorarinsdottir, Agnes E.; McGillicuddy, Ryan D.; Zheng, Shao-Liang; Mason, Jarad A.
The role of metal accessibility on carbon dioxide electroreduction in atomically precise nanoclusters.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12283-12291
1570190 CIFC260 H210 Ag27 Au19 Cl4 N4 P2P -119.1204; 19.4571; 19.7081
106.533; 101.704; 111.05
6166.68Li, Yingwei; Stec, Grant J.; Thorarinsdottir, Agnes E.; McGillicuddy, Ryan D.; Zheng, Shao-Liang; Mason, Jarad A.
The role of metal accessibility on carbon dioxide electroreduction in atomically precise nanoclusters.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12283-12291
1570192 CIFC40 H34P 1 21/n 112.554; 14.479; 15.943
90; 105.032; 90
2798.8Appiarius, Yannik; Míguez-Lago, Sandra; Puylaert, Pim; Wolf, Noah; Kumar, Sourabh; Molkenthin, Martin; Miguel, Delia; Neudecker, Tim; Juríček, Michal; Campaña, Araceli G; Staubitz, Anne
Boosting quantum yields and circularly polarized luminescence of penta- and hexahelicenes by doping with two BN-groups.
Chemical science, 2024, 15, 466-476
1570193 CIFC44 H36C 1 2/c 129.1349; 13.8389; 14.8881
90; 92.953; 90
5994.8Appiarius, Yannik; Míguez-Lago, Sandra; Puylaert, Pim; Wolf, Noah; Kumar, Sourabh; Molkenthin, Martin; Miguel, Delia; Neudecker, Tim; Juríček, Michal; Campaña, Araceli G; Staubitz, Anne
Boosting quantum yields and circularly polarized luminescence of penta- and hexahelicenes by doping with two BN-groups.
Chemical science, 2024, 15, 466-476
1570194 CIFC40 H36 B2 N2C 1 2/c 129.2871; 13.7319; 15.0245
90; 94.365; 90
6024.8Appiarius, Yannik; Míguez-Lago, Sandra; Puylaert, Pim; Wolf, Noah; Kumar, Sourabh; Molkenthin, Martin; Miguel, Delia; Neudecker, Tim; Juríček, Michal; Campaña, Araceli G; Staubitz, Anne
Boosting quantum yields and circularly polarized luminescence of penta- and hexahelicenes by doping with two BN-groups.
Chemical science, 2024, 15, 466-476
1570195 CIFC36 H34 B2 N2P 1 21/n 117.5703; 8.2181; 20.6544
90; 107.203; 90
2848.96Appiarius, Yannik; Míguez-Lago, Sandra; Puylaert, Pim; Wolf, Noah; Kumar, Sourabh; Molkenthin, Martin; Miguel, Delia; Neudecker, Tim; Juríček, Michal; Campaña, Araceli G; Staubitz, Anne
Boosting quantum yields and circularly polarized luminescence of penta- and hexahelicenes by doping with two BN-groups.
Chemical science, 2024, 15, 466-476
1570196 CIFC38.5 H33 B2 Cl N4P -113.0913; 14.9897; 19.698
86.55; 86.961; 69.776
3618.4Appiarius, Yannik; Míguez-Lago, Sandra; Puylaert, Pim; Wolf, Noah; Kumar, Sourabh; Molkenthin, Martin; Miguel, Delia; Neudecker, Tim; Juríček, Michal; Campaña, Araceli G; Staubitz, Anne
Boosting quantum yields and circularly polarized luminescence of penta- and hexahelicenes by doping with two BN-groups.
Chemical science, 2024, 15, 466-476
1570197 CIFC36 H32 B2 Br2 N2P 1 21/n 121.8649; 12.8104; 22.9768
90; 108.44; 90
6105.3Appiarius, Yannik; Míguez-Lago, Sandra; Puylaert, Pim; Wolf, Noah; Kumar, Sourabh; Molkenthin, Martin; Miguel, Delia; Neudecker, Tim; Juríček, Michal; Campaña, Araceli G; Staubitz, Anne
Boosting quantum yields and circularly polarized luminescence of penta- and hexahelicenes by doping with two BN-groups.
Chemical science, 2024, 15, 466-476
1570198 CIFC9 H6 F2 I NP -15.0376; 9.9157; 10.6198
64.769; 82.129; 87.881
475.21Ranjan, Subham; Morioka, Ryota; Ryu, Meguya; Morikawa, Junko; Takamizawa, Satoshi
A role of intermolecular interaction modulating thermal diffusivity in organosuperelastic and organoferroelastic cocrystals.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12995-13006
1570199 CIFC9 H6 F2 I NP -15.0372; 9.9139; 10.6213
64.766; 82.107; 87.905
475.11Ranjan, Subham; Morioka, Ryota; Ryu, Meguya; Morikawa, Junko; Takamizawa, Satoshi
A role of intermolecular interaction modulating thermal diffusivity in organosuperelastic and organoferroelastic cocrystals.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12995-13006
1570200 CIFC22 H10 F4 I2P 1 21/c 18.394; 18.3051; 13.1815
90; 105.31; 90
1953.5Ranjan, Subham; Morioka, Ryota; Ryu, Meguya; Morikawa, Junko; Takamizawa, Satoshi
A role of intermolecular interaction modulating thermal diffusivity in organosuperelastic and organoferroelastic cocrystals.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12995-13006
1570201 CIFC22 H10 F4 I2P 1 21/c 18.3909; 18.323; 13.1994
90; 105.33; 90
1957.2Ranjan, Subham; Morioka, Ryota; Ryu, Meguya; Morikawa, Junko; Takamizawa, Satoshi
A role of intermolecular interaction modulating thermal diffusivity in organosuperelastic and organoferroelastic cocrystals.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12995-13006
1570202 CIFC35 H34 F3 N3 O8 SP -15.929; 13.676; 20.842
86.336; 88.961; 85.079
1680.2Corral Suarez, Carlos; Colomer, Ignacio
Trifluoromethylarylation of alkenes using anilines.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12083-12090
1570203 CIFC31 H25 B F4 N2P 1 21/n 18.5802; 19.2499; 15.3566
90; 94.856; 90
2527.3Li, Shiqing; Lv, Shihai; Yang, Yanyan; Zhu, Peiyan; Zhao, Dongbing; Zeng, Ming-Hua
Mechanistic insights into an NH<sub>4</sub>OAc-promoted imine dance in Rh-catalysed multicomponent double C-H annulations through an N-retention/exchange dual channel.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13446-13452
1570204 CIFC14 H13 N O2P 1 21/n 110.84837; 8.49086; 14.396
90; 111.998; 90
1229.5Xiao, Yuanjiu; Xu, Tong-Tong; Zhou, Jin-Lan; Wu, Feng; Tang, Lei; Liu, Ruo-Yi; Wu, Wen-Biao; Feng, Jian-Jun
Photochemical α-selective radical ring-opening reactions of 1,3-disubstituted acyl bicyclobutanes with alkyl halides: modular access to functionalized cyclobutenes.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13060-13066
1570205 CIFC26 H28 Cu2 N2 O14C 1 2/c 134.7885; 11.2616; 20.4116
90; 123.683; 90
6654.2Ortín-Rubio, Borja; Rostoll-Berenguer, Jaume; Vila, Carlos; Proserpio, Davide M.; Guillerm, Vincent; Juanhuix, Judith; Imaz, Inhar; Maspoch, Daniel
Net-clipping as a top-down approach for the prediction of topologies of MOFs built from reduced-symmetry linkers.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12984-12994
1570206 CIFC21 H23 Cu N O9P 1 1 21/b11.306; 13.0779; 14.8702
90; 90; 108.499
2085.1Ortín-Rubio, Borja; Rostoll-Berenguer, Jaume; Vila, Carlos; Proserpio, Davide M.; Guillerm, Vincent; Juanhuix, Judith; Imaz, Inhar; Maspoch, Daniel
Net-clipping as a top-down approach for the prediction of topologies of MOFs built from reduced-symmetry linkers.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12984-12994
1570207 CIFC23.38 H16 Cu1.23 O7.38C m c e32.415; 23.5559; 16.0326
90; 90; 90
12241.9Ortín-Rubio, Borja; Rostoll-Berenguer, Jaume; Vila, Carlos; Proserpio, Davide M.; Guillerm, Vincent; Juanhuix, Judith; Imaz, Inhar; Maspoch, Daniel
Net-clipping as a top-down approach for the prediction of topologies of MOFs built from reduced-symmetry linkers.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12984-12994
1570208 CIFC13 H13 F O2P 1 21/n 112.625; 6.2763; 14.05
90; 95.59; 90
1108Denisenko, Aleksandr; Garbuz, Pavel; Makovetska, Yelyzaveta; Shablykin, Oleh; Lesyk, Dmytro; Al-Maali, Galeb; Korzh, Rodion; Sadkova, Iryna V.; Mykhailiuk, Pavel K.
1,2-Disubstituted bicyclo[2.1.1]hexanes as saturated bioisosteres of <i>ortho</i>-substituted benzene.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 14092-14099
1570209 CIFC14 H13 F3 O2P 1 21/c 17.9641; 20.6944; 8.0024
90; 104.19; 90
1278.65Denisenko, Aleksandr; Garbuz, Pavel; Makovetska, Yelyzaveta; Shablykin, Oleh; Lesyk, Dmytro; Al-Maali, Galeb; Korzh, Rodion; Sadkova, Iryna V.; Mykhailiuk, Pavel K.
1,2-Disubstituted bicyclo[2.1.1]hexanes as saturated bioisosteres of <i>ortho</i>-substituted benzene.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 14092-14099
1570210 CIFC9 H9 Cl N OC 1 2/c 118.3768; 6.9898; 27.6891
90; 103.554; 90
3457.6Denisenko, Aleksandr; Garbuz, Pavel; Makovetska, Yelyzaveta; Shablykin, Oleh; Lesyk, Dmytro; Al-Maali, Galeb; Korzh, Rodion; Sadkova, Iryna V.; Mykhailiuk, Pavel K.
1,2-Disubstituted bicyclo[2.1.1]hexanes as saturated bioisosteres of <i>ortho</i>-substituted benzene.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 14092-14099
1570211 CIFC14 H15 F O3P 1 21/c 19.5011; 11.9938; 11.5637
90; 109.29; 90
1243.8Denisenko, Aleksandr; Garbuz, Pavel; Makovetska, Yelyzaveta; Shablykin, Oleh; Lesyk, Dmytro; Al-Maali, Galeb; Korzh, Rodion; Sadkova, Iryna V.; Mykhailiuk, Pavel K.
1,2-Disubstituted bicyclo[2.1.1]hexanes as saturated bioisosteres of <i>ortho</i>-substituted benzene.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 14092-14099
1570212 CIFC18 H17 Cl2 F2 N3 OP 1 21/c 110.9193; 18.5629; 9.7993
90; 115.272; 90
1796.16Denisenko, Aleksandr; Garbuz, Pavel; Makovetska, Yelyzaveta; Shablykin, Oleh; Lesyk, Dmytro; Al-Maali, Galeb; Korzh, Rodion; Sadkova, Iryna V.; Mykhailiuk, Pavel K.
1,2-Disubstituted bicyclo[2.1.1]hexanes as saturated bioisosteres of <i>ortho</i>-substituted benzene.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 14092-14099
1570213 CIFC13 H13 F O2P 1 21/n 112.23; 6.3052; 14.0798
90; 90.886; 90
1085.6Denisenko, Aleksandr; Garbuz, Pavel; Makovetska, Yelyzaveta; Shablykin, Oleh; Lesyk, Dmytro; Al-Maali, Galeb; Korzh, Rodion; Sadkova, Iryna V.; Mykhailiuk, Pavel K.
1,2-Disubstituted bicyclo[2.1.1]hexanes as saturated bioisosteres of <i>ortho</i>-substituted benzene.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 14092-14099
1570215 CIFC25 H22 N O5 P S2P -19.5321; 9.6051; 15.298
79.403; 76.551; 68.694
1261.46Urvashi, ?; Mishra, Sampoorna; Patil, Nitin T.
Gold-catalyzed alkenylation and arylation of phosphorothioates.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13134-13139
1570216 CIFC20 H16 Br O3 P SP 1 21/n 16.1164; 8.8641; 34.4839
90; 90.615; 90
1869.48Urvashi, ?; Mishra, Sampoorna; Patil, Nitin T.
Gold-catalyzed alkenylation and arylation of phosphorothioates.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13134-13139
1570217 CIFC4.09 H5.39 Br0.17 N0.26 O0.52 S0.17P -15.2184; 22.132; 22.185
77.088; 84.165; 86.306
2482.2Kongasseri, Anju Ajayan; Ansari, Shagufi Naz; Garain, Swadhin; Wagalgave, Sopan M.; George, Subi J.
Revisiting organic charge-transfer cocrystals for wide-range tunable, ambient phosphorescence.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12548-12553
1570218 CIFC H Br N OP -19.943; 10.798; 17.67
104.405; 102.771; 91.43
1785.6Kongasseri, Anju Ajayan; Ansari, Shagufi Naz; Garain, Swadhin; Wagalgave, Sopan M.; George, Subi J.
Revisiting organic charge-transfer cocrystals for wide-range tunable, ambient phosphorescence.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12548-12553
1570219 CIFC2.57 H3.32 I0.15 N0.15 O0.45P 21 21 219.6713; 12.044; 31.4195
90; 90; 90
3659.8Kongasseri, Anju Ajayan; Ansari, Shagufi Naz; Garain, Swadhin; Wagalgave, Sopan M.; George, Subi J.
Revisiting organic charge-transfer cocrystals for wide-range tunable, ambient phosphorescence.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12548-12553
1570220 CIFC27 H18P 1 21 14.6856; 16.2628; 11.3085
90; 90.473; 90
861.69Guo, Yumeng; Torchon, Herdya S.; Zhu, Yikun; Wei, Zheng; Zhang, Zhenyi; Han, Haixiang; Petrukhina, Marina A.; Zhou, Zheng
Stepwise deprotonation of truxene: structures, metal complexation, and charge-dependent optical properties.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13219-13227
1570221 CIFC55 H73 Na O10P n n a16.8733; 15.5281; 19.2855
90; 90; 90
5053Guo, Yumeng; Torchon, Herdya S.; Zhu, Yikun; Wei, Zheng; Zhang, Zhenyi; Han, Haixiang; Petrukhina, Marina A.; Zhou, Zheng
Stepwise deprotonation of truxene: structures, metal complexation, and charge-dependent optical properties.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13219-13227
1570222 CIFC67 H96 Na2 O16P 21 21 2113.6941; 21.0294; 22.7326
90; 90; 90
6546.5Guo, Yumeng; Torchon, Herdya S.; Zhu, Yikun; Wei, Zheng; Zhang, Zhenyi; Han, Haixiang; Petrukhina, Marina A.; Zhou, Zheng
Stepwise deprotonation of truxene: structures, metal complexation, and charge-dependent optical properties.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13219-13227
1570223 CIFC39 H41 Cs O6C 1 c 120.9133; 9.6671; 17.8849
90; 112.375; 90
3343.6Guo, Yumeng; Torchon, Herdya S.; Zhu, Yikun; Wei, Zheng; Zhang, Zhenyi; Han, Haixiang; Petrukhina, Marina A.; Zhou, Zheng
Stepwise deprotonation of truxene: structures, metal complexation, and charge-dependent optical properties.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13219-13227
1570224 CIFC51 H64 Cs2 O12P 1 21/c 121.0136; 12.7649; 21.1357
90; 118.744; 90
4970.8Guo, Yumeng; Torchon, Herdya S.; Zhu, Yikun; Wei, Zheng; Zhang, Zhenyi; Han, Haixiang; Petrukhina, Marina A.; Zhou, Zheng
Stepwise deprotonation of truxene: structures, metal complexation, and charge-dependent optical properties.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13219-13227
1570225 CIFC75 H111 K3 O21P 1 21 113.4467; 15.8867; 18.3239
90; 102.386; 90
3823.3Guo, Yumeng; Torchon, Herdya S.; Zhu, Yikun; Wei, Zheng; Zhang, Zhenyi; Han, Haixiang; Petrukhina, Marina A.; Zhou, Zheng
Stepwise deprotonation of truxene: structures, metal complexation, and charge-dependent optical properties.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13219-13227
1570226 CIFCo4 Fe2 H92 Na14 O114 W18P c c n21.063; 26.187; 17.8488
90; 90; 90
9845Soriano-López, Joaquín; Steuber, Friedrich W.; Mulahmetović, Muhamed; Besora, Maria; Clemente-Juan, Juan Modesto; O'Doherty, Mariah; Zhu, Nian-Yong; Hill, Craig L.; Coronado, Eugenio; Poblet, Josep M.; Schmitt, Wolfgang
Accelerating water oxidation - a mixed Co/Fe polyoxometalate with improved turnover characteristics.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13722-13733
1570227 CIFCo4 Fe2 H75 Na14 O105.5 W18P -112.2859; 13.663; 14.9308
99.378; 104.187; 101.318
2323.17Soriano-López, Joaquín; Steuber, Friedrich W.; Mulahmetović, Muhamed; Besora, Maria; Clemente-Juan, Juan Modesto; O'Doherty, Mariah; Zhu, Nian-Yong; Hill, Craig L.; Coronado, Eugenio; Poblet, Josep M.; Schmitt, Wolfgang
Accelerating water oxidation - a mixed Co/Fe polyoxometalate with improved turnover characteristics.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 13722-13733

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