Crystallography Open Database

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Searching space group like 'P 1 21/m 1'

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9004186 CIFAg Bi12 Cu5.9 Pb S22P 1 21/m 128.44; 3.9; 17.55
90; 106; 90
1871.17Mumme, W. G.
The crystal structure of paderaite, a mineral of the cuprobismutite series.
The Canadian Mineralogist, 1986, 24, 513-521
1509246 CIFAg Bi2 Cl S3P 1 21/m 17.765; 3.999; 10.829
90; 103.18; 90
327.407Ruck, M.
Synthese und Kristallstrukturen der quaternaeren Chalkogenidchloride Ag Bi2 S3 Cl und Ag Bi2 Se3 Cl
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2002, 628, 1537-1540
1509147 CIFAg Bi2 Cl Se3P 1 21/m 17.9738; 4.1067; 11.135
90; 104.17; 90
353.533Ruck, M.
Synthese und Kristallstrukturen der quaternaeren Chalkogenidchloride Ag Bi2 S3 Cl und Ag Bi2 Se3 Cl
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2002, 628, 1537-1540
7103195 CIFAg Br H3 NP 1 21/m 14.1931; 5.873; 6.757
90; 97.553; 90
164.955Chippindale, Ann M; Head, Laura E; Hibble, Simon J
Simple linear asymmetrical complexes of silver(I): NC-Ag-NH3 and Br-Ag-NH3.
Chemical communications (Cambridge, England), 2008, 3010-3012
1509288 CIFAg Cs5 O9 Si3P 1 21/m 19.682; 6.527; 11.626
90; 93.84; 90
733.049Amann, P.; Moeller, A.
Neue Cyclosilicate der Alkalielemente: Cs5 Ag Si3 O9 und Cs6 Na6 Si6 O18
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2001, 627, 172-179
7017957 CIFAg F O3 SP 1 21/m 15.4128; 8.1739; 7.5436
90; 94.599; 90
332.68Grochala, Wojciech; Cyrański, Michał Ksawery; Derzsi, Mariana; Michałowski, Tomasz; Malinowski, Przemysław J; Mazej, Zoran; Kurzydłowski, Dominik; Koźmiński, Wiktor; Budzianowski, Armand; Leszczyński, Piotr J
Crystal and electronic structure, lattice dynamics and thermal properties of Ag(i)(SO(3))R (R = F, CF(3)) Lewis acids in the solid state.
Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003), 2012, 41, 2034-2047
8103394 CIFAg Hf Rb Te3P 1 21/m 18.953; 4.196; 10.817
90; 111.48; 90
378.136Ibers, J.A.; Pell, M.A.; Kleyn, A.G.
Crystal structure of rubidium silver hafnium telluride, Rb Ag Hf Te3
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, 1997, 212, 92-92
4300497 CIFAg In17 Pb8 S34P 1 21/m 112.657; 3.881; 27.459
90; 94.36; 90
1344.9Lee, Chi-Shen; Kuan-Chen, Wang
Inorganic Chemistry, 2006
1509464 CIFAg Mn6 O24 P7P 1 21/m 15.424; 26.97; 6.627
90; 106.81; 90
928.008ElMaadi, A.; Bennazha, J.; Holt, E.M.; Boukhari, A.
Identification of a new family of phosphate compounds, A(I) B(II)6 (P2 O7)2 P3 O10: structures of K Mn6 (P2 O7)2 P3 O10 and Ag Mn6 (P2 O7)2 P3 O10
Solid State Sciences, 2001, 3, 587-592
1001598 CIFAg Mo3 O14 P2P 1 21/m 18.174; 6.392; 10.55
90; 111.66; 90
512.3Borel, M M; Guesdon, A; Leclaire, A; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
New mixed-valent molybdenum monophosphates with the KMo~3~P~2~O~14~ structure
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1994, 620, 569-573
9004825 CIFAg0.2 Bi0.39 Cu5.85 Pb0.61 Se4P 1 21/m 19.5341; 4.1004; 10.2546
90; 100.066; 90
394.719Forster, H. J.; Cooper, M. A.; Roberts, A. C.; Stanley, C. J.; Criddle, A. J.; Hawthorne, F. C.; Laflamme, J. H. G.; Tischendorf, G.
Schlemaite, (Cu,_)6(Pb,Bi)Se4, a new mineral species from Niederschlema-Alberoda, Erzgebirge, Germany: Description and crystal structure Locality: Niederschlema-Alberoda, Erzgebirge, Germany
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2003, 41, 1433-1444
9004984 CIFAg0.2 Bi11.34 Cu7.09 Pb1.37 S22P 1 21/m 117.585; 3.9386; 28.453
90; 105.41; 90
1899.82Topa, D.; Makovicky, E.
The crystal structure of paderaite, Cu7(X0.33Pb1.33Bi11.33)Sum13S22, with X = Cu or Ag: New data and interpretation
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2006, 44, 481-495
9016315 CIFAg0.32 Bi4 Cu1.68 Pb Se8P 1 21/m 112.952; 4.1523; 15.155
90; 108.931; 90
770.959Topa, D.; Makovicky, E.; Sejkora, J.; Dittrich, H.
The crystal structure of watkinsonite, Cu2PbBi4Se8, from the Zalesi uranium deposit, Czech Republic
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2010, 48, 1109-1118
1509109 CIFAg0.4 Bi0.39 Cu4.93 Pb0.61 Se4P 1 21/m 19.5341; 4.1004; 10.2545
90; 100.066; 90
394.715Cooper, M.A.; Hawthorne, F.C.; Criddle, A.J.; Tischendorf, G.; Laflamme, J.H.G.; Stanley, C.J.; Foerster, H.J.; Roberts, A.C.
Schlemaite, (Cu, vac)6 (Pb, Bi) Se4, a new mineral species from Niederschlema-Alberoda, Erzgebirge, Germany: description and crystal structure
Canadian Mineralogist, 2003, 41, 1433-1444
1509584 CIFAg1.2 O8 V3P 1 21/m 17.382; 3.6029; 12.193
90; 107.39; 90
309.47Rozier, P.; Galy, J.
Ag1.2 V3 O8 crystal structure: relationship with Ag2 V4 O11-y and interpretation of physical properties
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1997, 134, 294-301
2002154 CIFAg2 As4 Ba4 Mn2 O17P 1 21/m 18.739; 5.9124; 9.44
90; 115.209; 90
441.3Staack, M; Mueller-Buschbaum, Hk
Ba4 Mn2 Ag2 O (As O4)4, ein Barium-Mangan-Oxid-Arsenat mit nichtlinearen O-Ag-O - Hanteln.
Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil B. Anorganische Chemie, Organische Chemie (42,1987-), 1998, 53, 512-516
9015565 CIFAg2 Bi4 Pb Se8P 1 21/m 113.203; 4.186; 15.28
90; 109.164; 90
797.692Sejkora, J.; Makovicky, E.; Topa, D.; Putz, H.; Zagler, G.; Pasil, J.
Litochlebite, Ag2PbBi4Se8, a new selenide mineral species from Zalesi, Czech Republic: description and crystal structure
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2011, 49, 639-650
9004983 CIFAg2 Bi7 Cu3 Pb3 S16P 1 21/m 112.703; 4.0305; 28.925
90; 102.484; 90
1445.93Topa, D.; Makovicky, E.; Putz, H.; Mumme, W. G.
The crystal structure of berryite, Cu3Ag2Pb3Bi7S16 Note: y-coordinates corrected by author
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2006, 44, 465-480
4313875 CIFAg2 H2 K6 O2 S9 Sn3P 1 21/m 17.8071; 27.3508; 10.5008
90; 103.874; 90
2176.82Yonglin An; Min Ji; Menghe Baiyin; Xin Liu; Cuiying Jia; Dehe Wang
A Solvothermal Synthesis and the Structure of K4Ag2Sn3S9.2KOH
Inorganic Chemistry, 2003, 42, 4248-4249
1509926 CIFAg3 Bi14 Br21P 1 21/m 112.7778; 14.6687; 13.4262
90; 108.48; 90
2386.76Wahl, B.; Ruck, M.
Ag3 Bi14 Br21: a subbromide with Bi2(4+) dumbbells and Bi9(5+) polyhedra - synthesis, crystal structure and chemical bonding
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2008, 634, 2873-2879

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