Crystallography Open Database

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Searching journal of publication like 'Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan'

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1570723 CIFAs2 Ca5 Fe2.38 O11 Sc1.62 Ti2.4I 4/m m m3.8964; 3.8964; 41.289
90; 90; 90
626.85Simura, R.; Yatsu, Y.; Sakai, N.; Yamane, H.; Ogino, H.
Crystal structure of Ca5(Sc0.4Ti0.6)4Fe2As2O11
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 2024, 132, 34-37
1572505 CIFB6 Cl2 Li8 O24 Si6P -4 3 n7.8856; 7.8856; 7.8856
90; 90; 90
490.348Arima, H.; Tezuka, N.; Ishijima, M.; Kanamura, K.; Kajihara, K.
Lithium-ion-conducting glass-ceramics of a boron-containing alkali sodalite Li8B6Si6O24Cl2
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 2023, 131, 291-297
1572506 CIFLi2 O3 SiC m c 219.394; 5.404; 4.649
90; 90; 90
236.01Arima, H.; Tezuka, N.; Ishijima, M.; Kanamura, K.; Kajihara, K.
Lithium-ion-conducting glass-ceramics of a boron-containing alkali sodalite Li8B6Si6O24Cl2
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 2023, 131, 291-297
1572507 CIFBa5 Co4 Gd8 O21I 4/m13.8982; 13.8982; 5.7651
90; 90; 90
1113.59Urushihara, D.; Maruyama, M.; Fukuda, K.; Asaka, T.
Synthesis and structural characterization of gadolinium barium cobalt oxide Gd8Ba5Co4O21 with CoO5 square pyramids
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 2024, 132, 252-256
3000276 CIFCa Fe0.4 O2.8 Si0.6C 1 2/c 19.2727; 5.27291; 21.9357
90; 97.8775; 90
1062.41Kanzaki, M.
Crystal structure of Ca(Fe0.4Si0.6)O2.8 oxygen-deficient perovskite
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 2020, 128, 843-846
9015979 CIFNa Nb O3R -3 :H5.335; 5.335; 15.611
90; 90; 120
384.796Kumada, N.; Kinomura, N.; Muto, F.
Crystal structures of ilmenite type LiNbO~3~ and NaNbO~3~
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 1990, 98, 384-388
9016248 CIFLi Nb O3R -3 :H5.212; 5.212; 14.356
90; 90; 120
337.733Kumada, N.; Kinomura, N.; Muto, F.
Crystal structures of ilmenite type LiNbO~3~ and NaNbO~3~
Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, 1990, 98, 384-388

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