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1000352 CIFBa3 F12 H4 Nb2 O4C m c 2122.633; 7.804; 7.748
90; 90; 90
1368.5Crosnier-Lopez, M P; Fourquet, J L
Ba~3~Nb~2~O~2~F~12~.2H~2~O: Synthesis and crystal structure
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1993, 105, 92-99
1000421 CIFBa F4 ZnC m c 214.1974; 14.546; 5.8391
90; 90; 90
356.5Lapasset, J; Bordallo, H N; Almairac, R; Nouet, J
Crystal structures of barium zincate fluoride, Ba Zn F4 at 295 and 113 K
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-), 1996, 211, 934-935
1000422 CIFBa F4 ZnC m c 214.1843; 14.496; 5.8253
90; 90; 90
353.3Lapasset, J; Bordallo, H N; Almairac, R; Nouet, J
Crystal structures of barium zincate fluoride, Ba Zn F4 at 295 and 113 K
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-), 1996, 211, 934-935
1001129 CIFK0.8 Mg0.4 O4 Ti1.6C m c 213.8207; 15.641; 2.9814
90; 90; 90
178.2Groult, D; Mercey, C; Raveau, B
Nouveaux oxydes a structure en feuillets: Les titanates de potassium non-stoechiometriques K~X~ (M~Y~ Ti~2-Y~) O~4~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1980, 32, 289-296
1001130 CIFK0.8 O4 Ti1.6 Zn0.4C m c 213.8064; 15.692; 2.985
90; 90; 90
178.3Groult, D; Mercey, C; Raveau, B
Nouveaux oxydes a structure en feuillets: Les titanates de potassium non-stoechiometriques K~X~ (M~Y~ Ti~2-Y~) O~4~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1980, 32, 289-296
1001224 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.312; 5.755; 5.105
90; 90; 90
273.6Jorgensen, J D; Srinivasa, S R; Labbe, J C; Roult, G
Time-of-flight neutron diffraction study of germanium nitride oxide, Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1979, 35, 141-142
1001306 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.317; 5.752; 5.105
90; 90; 90
273.6Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001307 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.315; 5.747; 5.102
90; 90; 90
273.1Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001308 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.306; 5.742; 5.097
90; 90; 90
272.4Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001309 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.298; 5.736; 5.092
90; 90; 90
271.6Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001310 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.287; 5.731; 5.089
90; 90; 90
270.9Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001311 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.274; 5.727; 5.085
90; 90; 90
270.1Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001312 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.266; 5.72; 5.08
90; 90; 90
269.2Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001313 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.259; 5.714; 5.075
90; 90; 90
268.5Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001314 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.261; 5.707; 5.074
90; 90; 90
268.2Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001315 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.254; 5.699; 5.073
90; 90; 90
267.5Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001316 CIFGe2 N2 OC m c 219.247; 5.689; 5.072
90; 90; 90
266.8Srinivasa, S R; Cartz, L; Jorgensen, J D; Labbe, J C
Pressure-induced tetrahedral tilting and deformation in Ge~2~ N~2~ O
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 1979, 12, 511-516
1001780 CIFN2 O Si2C m c 218.869; 5.493; 4.849
90; 90; 90
236.2Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales de l'oxynitrure de silicium sous contraintes thermiques
Materials Research Bulletin, 1980, 15, 1207-1213
1001781 CIFN2 O Si2C m c 218.884; 5.522; 4.873
90; 90; 90
239.1Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Selvaraj, A; Roult, G
Modifications structurales de l'oxynitrure de silicium sous contraintes thermiques
Materials Research Bulletin, 1980, 15, 1207-1213
1001785 CIFN2 O Si2C m c 218.8709; 5.4907; 4.85
90; 90; 90
236.2Baraton, M I; Billy, M; Labbe, J C; Quintard, P; Roult, G
L'Oxynitrure de Silicium : Si2 N2 O II. Evolution Structurale et Endommagement par Irradiation aux Neutrons Rapides
Materials Research Bulletin, 1988, 23, 1087-1099

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