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2100648 CIF
C WP -6 m 22.89; 2.89; 2.8212
90; 90; 120
20.406Jørgensen, Jens-Erik; Smith, R. I.
On the Compression Mechanism of FeF3
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2006, 62, 987-992
2100660 CIF
C WP -6 m 22.889; 2.889; 2.827
90; 90; 120
20.434Jørgensen, Jens-Erik; Smith, R. I.
On the Compression Mechanism of FeF3
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2006, 62, 987-992
2100645 CIF
C WP -6 m 22.8934; 2.8934; 2.8315
90; 90; 120
20.528Jørgensen, Jens-Erik; Smith, R. I.
On the Compression Mechanism of FeF3
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2006, 62, 987-992
2100642 CIF
C WP -6 m 22.896; 2.896; 2.8389
90; 90; 120
20.62Jørgensen, Jens-Erik; Smith, R. I.
On the Compression Mechanism of FeF3
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2006, 62, 987-992
2100657 CIF
C WP -6 m 22.8991; 2.8991; 2.834
90; 90; 120
20.624Jørgensen, Jens-Erik; Smith, R. I.
On the Compression Mechanism of FeF3
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2006, 62, 987-992
2100651 CIF
C WP -6 m 22.9036; 2.9036; 2.828
90; 90; 120
20.646Jørgensen, Jens-Erik; Smith, R. I.
On the Compression Mechanism of FeF3
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2006, 62, 987-992
2100639 CIF
C WP -6 m 22.9039; 2.9039; 2.8293
90; 90; 120
20.662Jørgensen, Jens-Erik; Smith, R. I.
On the Compression Mechanism of FeF3
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2006, 62, 987-992
2100654 CIF
C WP -6 m 22.9017; 2.9017; 2.834
90; 90; 120
20.668Jørgensen, Jens-Erik; Smith, R. I.
On the Compression Mechanism of FeF3
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2006, 62, 987-992
2100636 CIF
C WP -6 m 22.9034; 2.9034; 2.8397
90; 90; 120
20.731Jørgensen, Jens-Erik; Smith, R. I.
On the Compression Mechanism of FeF3
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2006, 62, 987-992
7101267 CIFVI m -3 m3.026; 3.026; 3.026
90; 90; 90
27.708Simon Clarke; Oliver J. Rutt; Gareth R. Williams
Reversible lithium insertion and copper extrusion in layered oxysulfides
Chemical Communications, 2006
7101270 CIFVI m -3 m3.02658; 3.02658; 3.02658
90; 90; 90
27.724Simon Clarke; Oliver J. Rutt; Gareth R. Williams
Reversible lithium insertion and copper extrusion in layered oxysulfides
Chemical Communications, 2006
4002447 CIFCo0.333 Li0.04 Mn0.333 Ni0.333 O2P -3 m 12.8269; 2.8269; 4.4894
90; 90; 120
31.07Yin, S.-C.; Rho, Y.-H.; Swainson, I.; Nazar, L.F.
X-ray/neutron diffraction and electrochemical studies of lithium de/re-intercalation in Li(1-x) Co(1/3) Ni(1/3) Mn(1/3) O2 (x = 0 - 1)
Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-), 2006, 18, 1901-1910
9011314 CIFH2 Ni O2P -3 m 13.12; 3.12; 4.61
90; 90; 120
38.863Ramesh, T. N.; Kamath, P. V.; Shivakumara, C.
Classification of stacking faults and their stepwise elemination during the disorder -> order transformation of nickel hydroxide
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2006, 62, 530-536
2100649 CIF
NiF m -3 m3.5194; 3.5194; 3.5194
90; 90; 90
43.59Jørgensen, Jens-Erik; Smith, R. I.
On the Compression Mechanism of FeF3
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2006, 62, 987-992
2100661 CIF
NiF m -3 m3.521; 3.5206; 3.5206
90; 90; 90
43.64Jørgensen, Jens-Erik; Smith, R. I.
On the Compression Mechanism of FeF3
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2006, 62, 987-992
2100646 CIF
NiF m -3 m3.5251; 3.5251; 3.5251
90; 90; 90
43.8Jørgensen, Jens-Erik; Smith, R. I.
On the Compression Mechanism of FeF3
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2006, 62, 987-992
2100643 CIF
NiF m -3 m3.5315; 3.5315; 3.5315
90; 90; 90
44.04Jørgensen, Jens-Erik; Smith, R. I.
On the Compression Mechanism of FeF3
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2006, 62, 987-992
2100658 CIF
NiF m -3 m3.532; 3.5316; 3.5316
90; 90; 90
44.04Jørgensen, Jens-Erik; Smith, R. I.
On the Compression Mechanism of FeF3
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2006, 62, 987-992
2100655 CIF
NiF m -3 m3.533; 3.5327; 3.5327
90; 90; 90
44.09Jørgensen, Jens-Erik; Smith, R. I.
On the Compression Mechanism of FeF3
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2006, 62, 987-992
2100640 CIF
NiF m -3 m3.5359; 3.5359; 3.5359
90; 90; 90
44.21Jørgensen, Jens-Erik; Smith, R. I.
On the Compression Mechanism of FeF3
Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 2006, 62, 987-992

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