Crystallography Open Database

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1000041 CIFCl NaF m -3 m5.62; 5.62; 5.62
90; 90; 90
177.5Abrahams, S C; Bernstein, J L
Accuracy of an automatic diffractometer. measurement of the sodium chloride structure factors
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1965, 18, 926-932
1000043 CIFCa F2F m -3 m5.462; 5.462; 5.462
90; 90; 90
163Cheetham, A K; Fender, B E F; Cooper, M J
Defect structure of calcium fluoride containing excess anions: I. Bragg scattering
Journal of Physics C, 1971, 4, 3107-3121
1000044 CIFCa OF m -3 m4.799; 4.799; 4.799
90; 90; 90
110.5Primak, W; Kaufman, H; Ward, R
X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Systems Involved in the Preparation of Alkaline Earth Sulfide and Selenide Phosphors
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1948, 70, 2043-2046
1000053 CIFMg OF m -3 m4.217; 4.217; 4.217
90; 90; 90
75Sasaki, Satoshi; Fujino, Kiyoshi; Takéuchi, Yoshio
X-Ray Determination of Electron-Density Distributions in Oxides, MgO, MnO, CoO, and NiO, and Atomic Scattering Factors of their Constituent Atoms
Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B: Physical and Biological Sciences, 1979, 55, 43-48
1001094 CIFBa2 Fe O6 UF m -3 m8.361; 8.361; 8.361
90; 90; 90
584.5Grenet, J V; Poix, P; Michel, A
Etude cristallographique des composes Ba~2~ Fe U O~6~ et Ba~2~ Cr U O~6~
Annales de Chimie (Paris) (Vol=Year), 1971, 1971, 83-88
1001128 CIFBa2 Mn O6 UF m -3 m8.469; 8.469; 8.469
90; 90; 90
607.4Grenet, J C; Poix, P; Michel, A
Determinations crystallographiques et magnetiques sur l'oxyde mixte de formule Ba~2~ Mn U O~6~
Annales de Chimie (Paris) (Vol=Year), 1972, 1972, 231-234
1001132 CIFBa2 Mg O6 UF m -3 m8.379; 8.379; 8.379
90; 90; 90
588.3Padel, L; Poix, P; Michel, A
Preparation et etude cristallographique du systeme Ba~2~ Mg U O~6~ - Ba~2~ Fe~1.333~ U.~667~ O~6~
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1972, 9, 337-350
1001176 CIFLa2.4 Mo1.6 O8F m -3 m5.61; 5.61; 5.61
90; 90; 90
176.6Hubert, P H; Michel, P; Vincent, C
Structure du molybdite de lanthane La~3~ Mo~2~ O~10~
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie C, Sciences Chimiques (1966-), 1969, 269, 1287-1289
1001460 CIFBa2.667 Bi1.333 O5.67F m -3 m8.767; 8.767; 8.767
90; 90; 90
673.8Licheron, M; Gervais, F; Coutures, J; Choisnet, J
"Ba~2~BiO~4~" surprisingly found as a cubic double perovskite Ba~2~(Ba~2/3~Bi~1/3~)BiO~6-d~
Solid State Communications, 1990, 75, 759-763
1001469 CIFBa2 Ce O6 PtF m -3 m8.4088; 8.4088; 8.4088
90; 90; 90
594.6Ouchetto, K; Archaimbault, F; Pineau, A; Choisnet, J
Chemical and structural characterization of a new barium ceroplatinate: Ba~2~CePtO~6~ a double perovskite mixed oxide
Journal of Materials Science. Letters, 1991, 10, 1277-1279
1001660 CIFMg O6 Pb2 WF m -3 m8.0058; 8.0058; 8.0058
90; 90; 90
513.1Baldinozzi, G.; Sciau, Ph.; Pinot, M.; Grebille, D.
Crystal structure of the antiferroelectric perovskite Pb2 Mg W O6
Acta Crystallographica B (39,1983-), 1995, 51, 668-673
1001695 CIFH26 K6 Mo3 O53 P W9F m -3 m21.381; 21.381; 21.381
90; 90; 90
9774.3Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Chardon, J; Raveau, B
A mixed valent Keggin polyoxometallate involving molybdenum and tungsten
Materials Research Bulletin, 1995, 30, 1075-1080
1004055 CIFCl2 H18 N6 RuF m -3 m10.048; 10.048; 10.048
90; 90; 90
1014.5Trehoux, J; Nowogrocki, G; Thomas, D
Determination de la structure du chlorure de ruthenium(II) hexaammine. Longueur de la liaison ruthenium(II) - azote.
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie C, Sciences Chimiques (1966-), 1972, 274, 1384-1387
1008042 CIFF10 K Y3F m -3 m11.51; 11.51; 11.51
90; 90; 90
1524.8Aleonard, S; le Fur, Y; Pontonnier, L; Gorius, M F; Roux, M T
Quelques Fluorures Mixtes Terre Rare - Metal Alcalin de Structures derivees de celle de la Fluorine
Annales de Chimie (Paris) (Vol=Year), 1978, 1978, 417-427
1008055 CIFEu3 F10 RbF m -3 m11.844; 11.844; 11.844
90; 90; 90
1661.5Arbus, A; Fournier, M T; Picaud, B; Boulon, G; Vedrine, A
Structure Cristalline du Compose Rb Eu~3~ F~10~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1980, 31, 11-21
1008095 CIFBi0.05 F2.05 Pb0.95F m -3 m5.939; 5.939; 5.939
90; 90; 90
209.5Lucat, C; Portier, J; Reau, J M; Hagenmueller, P; Soubeyroux, J L
Etude par diffraction de neutrons de la solution solide Pb~1-x~ Bi~x~ F~2+x~: Correlations entre structure et conductivite ionique
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1980, 32, 279-287
1008096 CIFBi0.1 F2.1 Pb0.9F m -3 m5.932; 5.932; 5.932
90; 90; 90
208.7Lucat, C; Portier, J; Reau, J M; Hagenmueller, P; Soubeyroux, J L
Etude par diffraction de neutrons de la solution solide Pb~1-x~ Bi~x~ F~2+x~: Correlations entre structure et conductivite ionique
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1980, 32, 279-287
1008097 CIFBi0.15 F2.15 Pb0.85F m -3 m5.926; 5.926; 5.926
90; 90; 90
208.1Lucat, C; Portier, J; Reau, J M; Hagenmueller, P; Soubeyroux, J L
Etude par diffraction de neutrons de la solution solide Pb~1-x~ Bi~x~ F~2+x~: Correlations entre structure et conductivite ionique
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1980, 32, 279-287
1008098 CIFBi0.25 F2.25 Pb0.75F m -3 m5.919; 5.919; 5.919
90; 90; 90
207.4Lucat, C; Portier, J; Reau, J M; Hagenmueller, P; Soubeyroux, J L
Etude par diffraction de neutrons de la solution solide Pb~1-x~ Bi~x~ F~2+x~: Correlations entre structure et conductivite ionique
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1980, 32, 279-287
1008099 CIFBi0.3 F2.3 Pb0.7F m -3 m5.913; 5.913; 5.913
90; 90; 90
206.7Lucat, C; Portier, J; Reau, J M; Hagenmueller, P; Soubeyroux, J L
Etude par diffraction de neutrons de la solution solide Pb~1-x~ Bi~x~ F~2+x~: Correlations entre structure et conductivite ionique
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1980, 32, 279-287

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