Crystallography Open Database

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Searching journal of publication like 'Polyhedron' volume of publication is 28

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1500031 CIFC22 H30 Mn N12 O8P -18.4735; 9.1517; 10.25
89.138; 88.455; 64.069
714.57Carmen R. Maldonado; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
Polyhedron, 2009, 28, 911-916
1500032 CIFC22 H30 Co N12 O8P -18.4326; 9.0674; 10.2434
89.034; 88.769; 63.924
703.32Carmen R. Maldonado; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
Polyhedron, 2009, 28, 911-916
1500033 CIFC22 H30 N12 Ni O8P -18.4471; 8.6061; 11.4137
83.422; 69.44; 61.375
680.47Carmen R. Maldonado; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
Polyhedron, 2009, 28, 911-916
1500034 CIFC22 H30 Cu N12 O8P -18.6913; 11.2673; 14.9465
110.327; 92.4; 98.579
1350.22Carmen R. Maldonado; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
Polyhedron, 2009, 28, 911-916
1500035 CIFC22 H30 N12 O8 ZnP -18.409; 8.9126; 9.9452
86.016; 86.98; 66.681
682.56Carmen R. Maldonado; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
Polyhedron, 2009, 28, 911-916
1500036 CIFC22 H30 Cd N12 O8P -18.5015; 9.1721; 10.1821
87.25; 87.41; 65.661
722.29Carmen R. Maldonado; Miguel Quirós; Juan M. Salas
Polyhedron, 2009, 28, 911-916

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