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1000038 CIFAl Fe H2 K Mg2 O12 Si3C 1 2/m 15.345; 9.258; 10.222
90; 100.23; 90
497.8Brigatti, M F; Davoli, P
Crystal structure refinement of 1M plutonic biotites
American Mineralogist, 1990, 75, 305-313
1000092 CIFCr10 F31 K5C 1 2/m 121.576; 7.6081; 32.865
90; 109.24; 90
5093.5Laligant, Y; Le Bail, A; Leblanc, M; Ferey, G
A new structure type in mixed valence fluorinated compounds: K~5~Cr~4~^2+^Cr~6~^3+^F~31~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1990, 85, 151-158
1000111 CIFBi2 Li8 O10 PdC 1 2/m 19.7308; 4.2042; 11.0656
90; 105.781; 90
435.6Laligant, Y; Le Bail, A
Synthesis and crystal structure of Li~8~Bi~2~PdO~10~ from X-ray powder diffraction data
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1993, 30, 689-698
1000116 CIFO5 Tl0.5 V2C 1 2/m 111.609; 3.6877; 9.629
90; 100.9; 90
404.8Ganne, M; Jouanneaux, A; Tournoux, M; Le Bail, A
Structure and phase transitions of low-dimensional thallium vanadium bronze Tl~x~V~2~O~5~ (0.44<=x<=0.48)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1992, 97, 186-198
1000117 CIFCu2 Li3 O4C 1 2/m 19.946; 2.778; 7.26
90; 119.1; 90
175.3Berger, R; Oennerud, P; Laligant, Y; Le Bail, A
The structure of Li3 Cu2 O4, a compound with formal mixed valence
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1993, 190, 295-299
1000137 CIFCu3 H6 O11 V2C 1 2/m 110.606; 5.874; 7.213
90; 94.9; 90
447.7Lafontaine, M A; Le Bail, A; Ferey, G
Copper-containing minerals-I.Cu3 V2 O7 (O H)2 . 2(H2 O): the synthetic homolog of volborthite; crystal structure determination from X-ray and neutron data; structural correlations
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1990, 85, 220-227
1000138 CIFCu3 H6 O11 V2C 1 2/m 110.607; 5.864; 7.214
90; 94.88; 90
447.1Lafontaine, M A; Le Bail, A; Ferey, G
Copper-containing minerals-I.Cu3 V2 O7 (O H)2 . 2(H2 O): the synthetic homolog of volborthite; crystal structure determination from X-ray and neutron data; structural correlations
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1990, 85, 220-227
1000168 CIFBa2 F10 Ni3C 1 2/m 118.542; 5.958; 7.821
90; 111.92; 90
801.5Leblanc, M; Ferey, G; de Pape, R
Crystal Structure and Magnetic Properties of Ba~2~ Ni~3~ F~10~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1980, 33, 317-324
1000193 CIFF8 Fe3 H4 O2C 1 2/m 17.609; 7.514; 7.453
90; 118.21; 90
375.5Leblanc, M; Ferey, G; Calage, Y; De Pape, R
Idle spin behavior of the shifted hexagonal tungsten bronze type compounds Fe Fe~2~ F~8~ (H~2~ O)~2~ and Mn Fe~2~ F~8~ (H~2~ O)~2~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1984, 53, 360-368
1000217 CIFBa6 F26 Zn7C 1 2/m 119.46; 5.956; 12.243
90; 128.88; 90
1104.6Renaudin, J; Samouel, M; Leblanc, M; Kozak, A de; Ferey, G
Crystal structure of Ba~6~Zn~7~F~26~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1985, 59, 103-110
1000220 CIFBa7 Cu F34 Fe6C 1 2/m 116.982; 11.372; 7.663
90; 101.47; 90
1450.3Renaudin, J; Ferey, G; Kozak, A de; Samouel, M
Fluorures complexes de cuivre(II). VI. Structure cristalline de Ba~7~ Cu Fe~6~ F~34~
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1987, 24, 295-304
1000278 CIFBa7 Cu F34 Fe6C 1 2/m 116.892; 11.331; 7.646
90; 101.75; 90
1432.8Renaudin, J; Ferey, G; Drillon, M; De Kozak, A; Samouel, M
La structure magnetique du ferrimagnetique monodimensionnel Ba~7~ Cu Fe~6~ F~34~ de type jarlite
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie C, Sciences Chimiques (1966-), 1989, 308, 1217-1222
1000281 CIFCs O8 P Sb2C 1 2/m 118.165; 7.154; 13.677
90; 120.42; 90
1532.7Crosnier, M P; Guyomard, D; Verbaere, A; Piffard, Y
Preparation and crystal structure of CsSb~2~PO~8~
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1989, 26, 529-538
1000323 CIFBa10 Cu12 F47 FeC 1 2/m 115.447; 11.638; 11.809
90; 109.92; 90
1995.9Renaudin, J; Ferey, G; de Kozak, A; Samouel, M; Gredin, P
Complex copper(II) fluorides: XIV. The average crystal structure ofBa~10~Cu~12~FeF~47~
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1993, 30, 401-411
1000374 CIFBa7 F26.7 Fe6 H9.3 O7.3C 1 2/m 117.036; 11.489; 7.62
90; 101.48; 90
1461.6Crosnier-Lopez, M P; Calage, Y; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J L
Ba7 Fe6 F32 . 2(H2 O): original isolated trimers (Fe3 F16)(7-) in a new defective jarlite-type compound
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1995, 621, 1025-1032
1000375 CIFBa7 F32 Fe6 H4 O2C 1 2/m 117.02299; 11.482; 7.624
90; 101.13; 90
1462.1Crosnier-Lopez, M P; Calage, Y; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J L
Ba7 Fe6 F32 . 2(H2 O): original isolated trimers (Fe3 F16)(7-) in a new defective jarlite-type compound
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1995, 621, 1025-1032
1000398 CIFAl6 F34 Na2 Sr7C 1 2/m 116.07199; 10.822; 7.258
90; 101.23; 90
1238.2Hemon-Ribaud, A; Crosnier-Lopez, M P; Fourquet, J L; Courbion, G
On new fluorides with the jarlite-type structure: crystal structures of Na2 Sr7 Al6 F34, Na2 Sr6 Zn Fe6 F34 and Ba7 Ga6 (F, OH)32 . 2H2O
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 1994, 68, 155-163
1000399 CIFBa7 F16 Ga6 H20 O18C 1 2/m 116.90799; 11.406; 7.542
90; 101.28; 90
1426.4Hemon-Ribaud, A; Crosnier-Lopez, M P; Fourquet, J L; Courbion, G
On new fluorides with the jarlite-type structure: crystal structures of Na2 Sr7 Al6 F34, Na2 Sr6 Zn Fe6 F34 and Ba7 Ga6 (F, OH)32 . 2H2O
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 1994, 68, 155-163
1000416 CIFCa3.06 O9 Tl3.94C 1 2/m 111.118; 3.341; 12.287
90; 102.88; 90
444.9Goutenoire, F; Caignaert, V; Hervieu, M; Raveau, B
The calcium thallate Ca3 Tl4 O9, an intergrowth of the Ca Tl2 O4 and Ca2 Tl2 O5 structures, member n=1.5 of the series Can Tl2 On+3
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1995, 119, 134-141
1000423 CIFCs2 O15 Si6 ZrC 1 2/m 126.60999; 7.506; 11.602
90; 107.43; 90
2210.9Jolicart, G; Leblanc, M; Morel, B; Dehaudt, Ph; Dubois, S
Hydrothermal synthesis and structure determination of Cs2 Zr Si6 O15
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1996, 33, 647-657

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