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Searching space group like 'P 1 1 21/m'
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Bibliography |
1001257 | CIF | Dy5 O12 Re2 | P 1 1 21/m | 12.425; 7.511; 5.653 90; 90; 107.8 | 502.3 | Baud, G; Besse, J P; Chevalier, R; Gasperin, M Synthese et etude structurale de l'oxyde double Dy~5~ Re~2~ O~12~ Materials Chemistry and Physics, 1983, 8, 93-99 |
1521931 | CIF | Er Na O8 S2 | P 1 1 21/m | 4.673; 9.575; 6.861 90; 90; 96.71 | 304.886 | Sirotinkin, S.P.; Tchijov, S.M.; Kovba, L.M.; Pokrovskii, A.N. Structure cristalline de sulfates doubles de sodium et de terres rares Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1978, 58, 101-105 |
1525527 | CIF | Cu0.65 S2 V | P 1 1 21/m | 11.61; 6.514; 3.327 90; 90; 107.2 | 240.36 | le Nagard, N.; Collin, G.; Gorochov, O. Structure cristalline et proprietes physiques de Cu0.65 V S2 Materials Research Bulletin, 1979, 14, 155-162 |
1535498 | CIF | Cs5 F21 H6 O3 Zr4 | P 1 1 21/m | 15.088; 12.614; 6.798 90; 90; 108.08 | 1229.91 | Tkachev, V.V.; Davidovich, R.L.; Atovmyan, L.O. Crystal structure of new cesium fluorozirconate Cs5Zr4F21(H2O)3 Koordinatsionnaya Khimiya (= Coordination Chemistry (USSR)), 1992, 18, 42-47 |
1535757 | CIF | Cu H7 O5 Tl | P 1 1 21/m | 4.602; 9.537; 5.772 90; 90; 97.085 | 251.395 | Tsirlina, G.A.; Rakhimov, H.T.; Putilin, S.N.; Petrii, O.A.; Ponomarev, Ya.G.; Antipov, E.V. Low temperature electrosynthesis and thallium HTSC-coating properties Sverkhprovodimest: Fizika, Khimiya, Tekhnika, 1991, 4, 1580-1586 |
1536424 | CIF | Bi9 I2 | P 1 1 21/m | 13.353; 15.184; 4.383 90; 90; 115.06 | 805.007 | Dikarev, E.V.; Popovkin, B.A. Crystal structure of Bi9 I2 Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1990, 310, 117-120 |
1536799 | CIF | La3 O8 Re | P 1 1 21/m | 7.757; 7.777; 5.928 90; 90; 111.1 | 333.637 | Rae-Smith, A.R.; Cheetham, A.K.; Fuess, H. Preparation and crystal structure of La3 Re O8 Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1984, 510, 46-50 |
1539305 | CIF | Cl H2 O2 Sm | P 1 1 21/m | 6.18; 6.75; 3.82 90; 90; 112 | 147.748 | Tarkhova, T.N.; Mironov, N.N.; Grishin, I.A. The structure of basic samarium chloride Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Issue-No. from 1981), 1970, 11, 556-557 |
1542031 | CIF | Gd Lu3 S6 | P 1 1 21/m | 10.915; 11.18; 3.902 90; 90; 108.73 | 450.944 | Rodier, N.; Firor, R.L.; Tien, V.; Guittard, M. Sulfures mixtes du type Ce Yb3 S6 formes par deux elements III A (scandium, yttrium et lanthanides) Materials Research Bulletin, 1976, 11, 1209-1218 |
2106183 | CIF | In5 S12 Tb3 | P 1 1 21/m | 10.998; 21.259; 3.897 90; 90; 96.3 | 905.641 | Carre, D. Structure cristalline du sulfure d'indium et de terbium Tb3 In5 S12 Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1977, 33, 1163-1166 |
2106405 | CIF | F0.937 Se Y | P 1 1 21/m | 9.935; 25.42; 4.094 90; 90; 97.5 | 1025.08 | Nguyen, H.D.; Laruelle, P. Etude structurale des polytypes a deux anions L Se F (L= Y, Ho, Er..). IV. Structure cristalline du polytype monoclinique a huit couches du fluoroseleniure d'yttrium 'Y Se F' 8M Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1977, 33, 3360-3363 |
2106573 | CIF | F Se Y | P 1 1 21/m | 9.962; 13.001; 4.106 90; 90; 104.92 | 513.864 | Nguyen, H.D.; Laruelle, P.; Dagron, C. Etude structurale des polytypes a deux anions L Se F (L= Y, Ho, Er ). II. Structure cristalline du fluoroseleniure d'yttrium YSeF, polotype monoclinique a quatre couches 4m Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1975, 31, 519-521 |
2106746 | CIF | F4 Mg Sr | P 1 1 21/m | 7.8249; 7.493; 16.9248 90; 90; 105.041 | 958.337 | Abrahams, S.C. Structurally ferroelectric Sr Mg F4 Acta Crystallographica B (39,1983-), 2002, 58, 34-37 |
2106772 | CIF | F0.948 O0.026 Se Y | P 1 1 21/m | 9.926; 31.728; 4.095 90; 90; 96 | 1282.58 | Nguyen, H.D.; Laruelle, P. Etude structurale des polytypes a deux anions L Se F ( L = Y, Ho, Er ) . III. Structure cristalline du polytype monoclinique a dix couches du fluoroseleniure d'yttrium 'Y Se F' 10M Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1977, 33, 1444-1448 |
2106795 | CIF | Ca10 F1.8 O24.1 V6 | P 1 1 21/m | 9.737; 9.7358; 7.00572 90; 90; 120.002 | 575.137 | Dong Zhili; White, T.J. Calcium-lead fluoro-vanadinite apatites. II. Equilibrium structures Acta Crystallographica B (39,1983-), 2004, 60, 146-154 |
2106817 | CIF | C F O3 Tl3 | P 1 1 21/m | 7.51; 7.407; 6.069 90; 90; 120 | 292.368 | Alcock, N.W. The crystal structure of thallous fluoride carbonate Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1973, 29, 498-502 |
2107170 | CIF | Ni Ti | P 1 1 21/m | 2.885; 4.622; 4.12 90; 90; 96.8 | 54.552 | Michal, G.M.; Sinclair, R. The structure of Ti Ni martensite Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1981, 37, 1803-1807 |
7002410 | CIF | Ge6 La8.28 O26.14 Sr1.72 | P 1 1 21/m | 9.9039; 9.9159; 7.3155 90; 90; 120 | 622.18 | Pramana, Stevin S.; White, T. J.; Schreyer, Martin K.; Ferraris, Cristiano; Slater, Peter R.; Orera, Alodia; Bastow, T. J.; Mangold, Stefan; Doyle, Stephen; Liu, Tao; Fajar, Andika; Srinivasan, Madhavi; Baikie, Tom Pseudomorphic 2A→2M→2H phase transitions in lanthanum strontium germanate electrolyte apatites Dalton Transactions, 2009, 8280-8291 |
7002411 | CIF | Ge6 La8.44 O26.22 Sr1.56 | P 1 1 21/m | 9.9102; 9.9265; 7.323 90; 90; 120 | 623.88 | Pramana, Stevin S.; White, T. J.; Schreyer, Martin K.; Ferraris, Cristiano; Slater, Peter R.; Orera, Alodia; Bastow, T. J.; Mangold, Stefan; Doyle, Stephen; Liu, Tao; Fajar, Andika; Srinivasan, Madhavi; Baikie, Tom Pseudomorphic 2A→2M→2H phase transitions in lanthanum strontium germanate electrolyte apatites Dalton Transactions, 2009, 8280-8291 |
7222445 | CIF | Cl2 O11 Te6 | P 1 1 21/m | 6.844; 6.8; 15.227 90; 90; 120.19 | 612.533 | Abriel, W. Die Kristallstruktur von Te6 O11 Cl2 Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, Teil B. Anorganische Chemie, Organische Chemie (33,1978-41,1986), 1981, 36, 405-409 |
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