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1008916 CIFF7 K Yb2P 1 2 16.528; 4.217; 6.435
90; 115.94; 90
159.3le Fur, Y; Aleonard, S; Gorius, M F; Roux, M T
Structure cristalline de la phase $-beta-K Yb2 F7
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1980, 35, 29-33
1507320 CIFC18 H28 O8P 1 2 111.4095; 5.3468; 15.4399
90; 98.187; 90
932.3Su, Qibin; Beeler, Aaron B.; Lobkovsky, Emil; Porco, Jr, John A; Panek, James S.
Stereochemical diversity through cyclodimerization: synthesis of polyketide-like macrodiolides.
Organic letters, 2003, 5, 2149-2152
1513537 CIFC37 H57 N4 O10.5P 1 2 113.6287; 10.3904; 29.171
90; 102.281; 90
4036.3Bandyopadhyay, Anupam; Malik, Ankita; Kumar, Mothukuri Ganesh; Gopi, Hosahudya N.
Exploring β-hydroxy γ-amino acids (statines) in the design of hybrid peptide foldamers.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 294-297
1524549 CIFCr11 Fe13 Mo3 Ni3P 1 2 18.8915; 4.6088; 8.8618
90; 90.15; 90
363.148Hjerten, I.; Werner, P.E.; Marinder, B.O.; Salwen, A.
Structural investigations on the monoclinic sigma-phase in the Cr - Fe - Ni - Mo system
Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series A: (28,1974-), 1982, 36, 203-206
1525582 CIFB20 Ba5 H6 O38P 1 2 19.495; 6.716; 11.709
90; 95.09; 90
743.72Arakcheeva, A.V.; Vinogradova, S.A.; Pushcharovskii, D.Yu.; Hostettler, M.; Chapuis, G.; Dimitrova, O.V.
New boron-oxygen layer in the structure of barium hydrodecaborate Ba5 (B20 O33 (O H)4) * (H2 O)
Kristallografiya, 2000, 45, 448-451
1526771 CIFH9.52 N0.88 O10 Rb1.12 S TeP 1 2 17.541; 6.772; 10.142
90; 98.03; 90
512.85Ktari, L.; Mhiri, T.; Dammak, M.; Savariault, J.M.
Thermal behavior and crystal structure at 435 K of the mixed rubidium ammonium sulfate tellurate (Rb1.12 (N H4)0.88 S O4) * (Te (O H)6)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2001, 161, 1-8
1530688 CIFC36 H53 N3 O4 SP 1 2 120.4743; 8.7109; 22.4995
90; 112.422; 90
3709.4Martinot, Theodore A.; Austad, Brian C.; Côté, Alexandre; Depew, Kristopher M.; Genov, Daniel; Grenier, Louis; Helble, Joseph; Lescarbeau, Andre; Nair, Somarajan; Trudeau, Martin; White, Priscilla; Yu, Lin-Chen
A Design of Experiments Approach to a Robust Final Deprotection and Reactive Crystallization of IPI-926, A Novel Hedgehog Pathway Inhibitor
Organic Process Research & Development, 2015, 19, 1693
1531198 CIFAl0.5 Ca0.5 Fe0.07 Mg0.43 Na0.5 O6 Si2P 1 2 19.551; 8.751; 5.254
90; 106.87; 90
420.236Clark, J.R.; Papike, J.J.; Appleman, D.E.
Crystal-chemical characterization of clinopyroxenes based on eight new structure refinements
Mineralogical Society of America: Special Papers, 1969, 2, 31-50
1532975 CIFBa Mn2 O6 YP 1 2 15.5193; 5.5131; 7.6135
90; 90.295; 90
231.664Nakajima, T.; Kageyama, H.; Ichihara, M.; Ohoyama, K.; Ueda, Y.; Yoshizawa, H.
Anomalous octaedral distortion and multiple phase transitions in the metal-ordered manganite Y Ba Mn2 O6
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2004, 177, 987-999
1534171 CIFF Nb17 O42P 1 2 121.09; 3.827; 23.01999
90; 116.22; 90
1666.8Astroem, A.
The Crystal Structure of Nb31 O77 F and Nb17 O42 F
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1966, 20, 969-982
1536860 CIFB11 Ca0.8 H7 O22 Sr1.2P 1 2 16.686; 20.614; 6.594
90; 119.17; 90
793.561Rastsvetaeva, R.K.; Khomyakov, A.P.; Sokolova, T.N.
Crystal structure of p-veatchite with high calcium content and its place in the series of stratified borates with the (B5 O8 (O H))2- radical.
Kristallografiya, 1993, 38, 86-93
1541673 CIFK0.5 S8 V5P 1 2 117.462; 6.556; 8.4595
90; 103.86; 90
940.253Bronsema, K.D.; Jansen, R.; Wiegers, G.A.
The preparation, crystal structures and properties of the potassium vanadium sulfides Kx V5 S8 (x= 0.5-0.7)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1984, 19, 555-562
1548912 CIFC22 H32 Cl3 N4 O4 RuP 1 2 110.505; 10.579; 11.649
90; 101.09; 90
1270.4Tse, Chun-Wai; Liu, Yungen; Wai-Shan Chow, Toby; Ma, Chaoqun; Yip, Wing-Ping; Chang, Xiao-Yong; Low, Kam-Hung; Huang, Jie-Sheng; Che, Chi-Ming
<i>cis</i>-Oxoruthenium complexes supported by chiral tetradentate amine (N<sub>4</sub>) ligands for hydrocarbon oxidations.
Chemical science, 2018, 9, 2803-2816
1550706 CIFC452.15 H656.6 Cl6.5 K2 N86 O94 Si16P 1 2 130.32; 22.277; 44.399
90; 104.461; 90
29039Shi, Xiaodong; He, Ying; Zhang, Yanbin; Wojtas, Lukasz; Ahkmedov, Novruz G.; Thai, David; Wang, Heng; Li, Xiaopeng; Guo, Hao
Construction of cross-layer linked G-octamer via conformational control: stable G-quadruplex in H-bond competitive solvent
Chemical Science, 2019
1554568 CIFC18 H17 Cl3 O5P 1 2 113.8718; 9.6965; 13.8978
90; 92.204; 90
1867.98Liu, Hongxin; Tan, Haibo; Wang, Wenxuan; Zhang, Wenge; Chen, Yuchan; Li, Saini; Liu, Zhaoming; Li, Haohua; Zhang, Weimin
Cytorhizophins A and B, benzophenone-hemiterpene adducts from the endophytic fungus Cytospora rhizophorae
Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2019, 6, 591
1557047 CIFC41 H38 Cd Cl3 N8 O14P 1 2 111.7365; 11.7808; 16.851
90; 92.386; 90
2327.9Liu, Cai-Ming; Xiong, Ren-Gen; You, Xiao-Zeng; Chen, Wei
A Two-Dimensional Square Network Inclusion Compound Incorporating Guest Molecules Through Both Hydrogen Bonding and Nonionic Electrostatic Attraction. Crystal Structure of [Cd(4,4'-bpy)2(H2O)2]-(ClO4)2.1.5(4,4'-bpy).(C6H4NO3Cl).H2O
Acta Chemica Scandinavica, 1998, 52, 1353-1358
1572447 CIFC170.4 H192.8 Cu8 N4 Na8 O60 Si24P 1 2 119.845; 12.724; 20.372
90; 90.369; 90
5144Zueva, Anna Y.; Bilyachenko, Alexey N.; Khrustalev, Victor N.; Shul'pina, Lidia S.; Ikonnikov, Nikolay S.; Dorovatovskii, Pavel V.; Shubina, Elena S.; Ragimov, Karim; Lobanov, Nikolai N.; Sun, Di
Rational (supra)molecular design and catalytic activity of cage-like Cu<sub>4</sub>-based phenylsilsesquioxanes.
Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 18389-18398
2005970 CIF
C25 H43.5 N O4.25P 1 2 114.0117; 8.0111; 21.6959
90; 99.123; 90
2404.5Wahle, M. C.; Byrn, S. R.
Hydrated Structures of <i>N</i>-Methylated Cholamide Derivatives
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1997, 53, 334-339
2008438 CIF
C30 H24 N2 O9P 1 2 114.202; 5.737; 33.319
90; 92.93; 90
2711.2S. Kolappan; T. P. Seshadri
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 1999, 55, 604-606
2022536 CIF
C48 H76 K N2 O7 P2 VP 1 2 110.3028; 8.6409; 14.5778
90; 108.835; 90
1228.3Kucera, Benjamin E.; Young, Jr, Victor G.; Brennessel, William W.; Ellis, John E.
Syntheses and crystal structures of new naphthalene– and anthracene–vanadate salts and an unprecedented dimetallabis(anthracene) sandwich complex: [Na(tetrahydrofuran)~3~][V~2~(anthracene)~2~]
Acta Crystallographica Section C, 2022, 78

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