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1000429 CIFBa0.83 Ca2.1 In6 O12P 39.888; 9.888; 3.217
90; 90; 120
272.4Baldinozzi, G; Goutenoire, F; Hervieu, M; Suard, E; Grebille, D
Incommensurate modulated disorder in Ba0.85 Ca2.15 In6 O12
Acta Crystallographica B (39,1983-), 1996, 52, 780-789
1001038 CIFF6 Na2 UP 36.112; 6.112; 7.24
90; 90; 120
234.2Cousson, A; Tabuteau, A; Pages, M; Gasperin, M
Disodium uranium(IV) fluoride
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1979, 35, 1198-1200
1001210 CIFCd Cl6 H24 Ni2 O12P 39.9509; 9.9509; 11.2393
90; 90; 120
963.8Leclaire, A; Borel, M M
Structure de l'Hexachlorure de Cadmium et de Dinckel Dodecahydrate
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1982, 38, 234-236
1004127 CIFB H16 Li O10P 36.5534; 6.5534; 6.174
90; 90; 120
229.6Touboul, M; Betourne, E; Nowogrocki, G
Crystal structure and dehydration process of Li (H2 O)4 B (O H)4 . 2(H2 O)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1995, 115, 549-553
1010151 CIFBr3 CrP 36.26; 6.26; 18.2
90; 90; 120
617.7Braekken, H
Die Kristallstruktur von Chromtribromid
Kongelige Norske Videnskapers Selskab, Forhandlinger, 1932, 5, 42-42
1010622 CIFBi I3P 37.498; 7.498; 20.676
90; 90; 120
1006.7Braekken, H
Die Kristallstruktur der Trijodide von Arsen, Antimon und Wismut
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1930, 74, 67-72
1510332 CIFAu1.01 Cd0.99P 38.095; 8.095; 5.794
90; 90; 120
328.808Otsuka, K.; Ohba, T.; Emura, Y.
Crystal structure of gamma-martensite and the mechanism of beta2 - zeta2' transformation in a Au49.5 at.% Cd alloy
Materials Transactions, JIM, 1992, 33, 29-37
1511117 CIFB Eu3 O9 WP 38.58; 8.58; 5.41
90; 90; 120
344.907Efremov, V.A.; Chistova, V.I.; Ilyukhin, A.B.; Dzhurinskii, B.F.; Gokhman, L.Z.
Synthesis and structure of boratotungstates Ln3BWO9 (Ln=La,Pr,Nd,Sm-Ho)
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1994, 39, 1075-1079
1514873 CIFC9 H26 N2 O12 TiP 315.304; 15.304; 6.6658
90; 90; 120
1352.1Seisenbaeva, Gulaim A.; Daniel, Geoffrey; Nedelec, Jean-Marie; Kessler, Vadim G.
Solution equilibrium behind the room-temperature synthesis of nanocrystalline titanium dioxide.
Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 3330-3336
1516777 CIFC27 H30 O6P 320.637; 20.637; 4.4453
90; 90; 120
1639.6Wright, Nathan E.; ElSohly, Adel M.; Snyder, Scott A.
Syntheses of Cyclotriveratrylene Analogues and Their Long Elusive Triketone Congeners.
Organic letters, 2014, 16, 3644
1521820 CIFCa3.55 Ce1.3 F1.41 H0.63 La0.6 Na2 Nd0.25 O24.63 P5.8 Si0.2 Sr2.3P 39.51; 9.51; 7.01
90; 90; 120
549.047Rastsvetaeva, R.K.; Khomyakov, A.P.
Crystal structure of deloneite-(Ce), a high-order Ca-analog of belovite
Doklady Akad. Nauk, 1996, 349, 354-357
1522872 CIFAl5 MoP 34.933; 4.933; 43.98
90; 90; 120
926.847Schuster, J.C.; Ipser, H.
The Al - Al8 Mo3 section of the binary system aluminum- molybdenum
Metallurgical Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 1991, 22, 1729-1738
1523008 CIFBi I TeP 34.346; 4.346; 6.835
90; 90; 120
111.802Tomokiyo, A.; Kawano, S.; Okada, T.
Phase diagram of system (Bi2 Te3)-(Bi I3) and crystal structure of Bi Te I
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 1977, 16, 291-298
1525782 CIFRb Sb0.33 Te6 UP 39.0925; 9.0925; 8.129
90; 90; 120
582.015Choi, K.-S.; Kanatzidis, M.G.
Unique periodic modulations in the infinite (Tex)(n-) chains of Rb U Sb0.33 Te6
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2001, 161, 17-22
1526857 CIFBe4 N6 O19P 313.638; 13.638; 6.475
90; 90; 120
1042.97Troyanov, S.I.; Tikhomirov, G.A.; Znamenkov, K.O.; Morozov, I.V.
Crystal structure of beryllium nitrate complexes (N O)2 (Be (N O3)4) and Be O (N O3)6
Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 2000, 45, 1941-1948
1527995 CIFBa Ge4 O9P 311.61; 11.61; 4.74
90; 90; 120
553.316Robbins, C.; Perloff, A.; Block, S.
Crystal structure of Ba Ge Ge3 O9 and its relation to benitoite
Journal of Research of the National Bureau of Standards, Section A. Physics and Chemistry, 1966, 70, 385-391
1528032 CIFGe Li1.08 Zn0.92P 34.277; 4.277; 9.373
90; 90; 120
148.487Schoenemann, H.; Schuster, H.U.
Li1.25 Zn Ge und Li Cu0.93 As - zwei isotype Phasen
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1977, 432, 87-94
1528033 CIFAs Cu0.93 LiP 34.125; 4.125; 9.025
90; 90; 120
132.992Schoenemann, H.; Schuster, H.U.
Li1.25 Zn Ge und Li Cu0.93 As - zwei isotype Phasen
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1977, 432, 87-94
1528813 CIFC0.36 Al30 Ca11.415 Cl1.56 K9.789 Na18.423 O154.74 S5.45 Si30P 312.847; 12.847; 26.461
90; 90; 120
3782.16Rastsvetaeva, R.K.; Chukanov, N.V.; Ivanova, A.G.
Crystal structure of a new ten-layer feldspathoid of the cancrinite group
Kristallografiya, 2009, 54, 223-230
1529638 CIFFe1.17 Li1.8 S2P 33.908; 3.908; 6.279
90; 90; 120
83.048Blandeau, L.; Ouvrard, G.; Rouxel, J.; Brec, R.; Calage, Y.
Transition-metal dichalcogenides from disintercalation processes. Crystal structure determination and Moessbauer study of Li2 Fe S2 and its disintercalates Lix Fe S2 (0.2< x< 2)
Journal of Physics C, 1987, 20, 4271-4281

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