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Searching space group like 'P 42/n m c :1'
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Bibliography |
1010063 | CIF | Hg I2 | P 42/n m c :1 | 4.357; 4.357; 12.36 90; 90; 90 | 234.6 | Bijvoet, J M; Claassen, A; Karssen, A The crystal structure of red mercuric iodide Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Academie van Wetenschappen, 1926, 29, 529-546 |
1010287 | CIF | P2 Zn3 | P 42/n m c :1 | 8.097; 8.097; 11.45 90; 90; 90 | 750.7 | Stackelberg, M von; Paulus, R Untersuchungen an den Phosphiden und Arseniden des Zinks und Cadmiums. Das Zn~3~ P~2~ - Gitter. Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung B: Chemie der Elementarprozesse, Aufbau der Materie, 1935, 28, 427-460 |
1010643 | CIF | Hg I2 | P 42/n m c :1 | 4.357; 4.357; 12.36 90; 90; 90 | 234.6 | Claassen, A F P J De kristalstructuur van rood mercuri-iodide. Onderzoekingen over verstrooiende vermogens in het bijzonder van zuurstof Thesis, Univ. Amsterdam, 1926, 1926, 1-78 |
1011349 | CIF | As2 Zn3 | P 42/n m c :1 | 8.316; 8.316; 11.76 90; 90; 90 | 813.3 | Stackelberg, M von; Paulus, R Untersuchungen an den Phosphiden und Arseniden des Zinks und Cadmiums. Das Zn3 P3 - Gitter Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung B: Chemie der Elementarprozesse, Aufbau der Materie, 1935, 28, 427-460 |
1511507 | CIF | B4 Rh4 Y | P 42/n m c :1 | 5.308; 5.308; 7.403 90; 90; 90 | 208.579 | Misra, S.K.; Postma, H. Low-temperature ordered states of R Rh4 B4, (R= rare earth) due to dipole-dipole and exchange interactions Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1984, 30, 1285-1293 |
1511508 | CIF | B4 Rh4 Y | P 42/n m c :1 | 5.308; 5.308; 7.403 90; 90; 90 | 208.579 | Vandenberg, J.M.; Matthias, B.T. Crystallography of new ternary borides Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 1977, 74, 1336-1337 |
1511598 | CIF | B4 Ce Co4 | P 42/n m c :1 | 5.059; 5.059; 7.063 90; 90; 90 | 180.767 | Kuz'ma, Yu.B.; Bilonizhko, N.S. Crystal structure of the compound Ce Co4 B4 and its analogs Soviet Physics, Crystallography (= Kristallografiya), 1972, 16, 897-898 |
1521474 | CIF | O1.9516 Y0.0952 Zr0.9044 | P 42/n m c :1 | 3.6162; 3.6162; 5.1576 90; 90; 90 | 67.445 | Lamas, D.G.; Walsoe de Reca, N.E. X-ray diffraction study of compositionally homogeneous, nanocrystalline yttria-doped zirconia powders Journal of Materials Science, 2000, 35, 5563-5567 |
1521475 | CIF | O1.93545 Y0.1309 Zr0.86955 | P 42/n m c :1 | 3.6251; 3.6251; 5.1401 90; 90; 90 | 67.548 | Lamas, D.G.; Walsoe de Reca, N.E. X-ray diffraction study of compositionally homogeneous, nanocrystalline yttria-doped zirconia powders Journal of Materials Science, 2000, 35, 5563-5567 |
1521476 | CIF | O1.90111 Y0.19822 Zr0.80189 | P 42/n m c :1 | 3.6297; 3.6297; 5.1394 90; 90; 90 | 67.71 | Lamas, D.G.; Walsoe de Reca, N.E. X-ray diffraction study of compositionally homogeneous, nanocrystalline yttria-doped zirconia powders Journal of Materials Science, 2000, 35, 5563-5567 |
1521477 | CIF | O1.89316 Y0.21432 Zr0.78584 | P 42/n m c :1 | 3.6325; 3.6325; 5.1426 90; 90; 90 | 67.857 | Lamas, D.G.; Walsoe de Reca, N.E. X-ray diffraction study of compositionally homogeneous, nanocrystalline yttria-doped zirconia powders Journal of Materials Science, 2000, 35, 5563-5567 |
1525705 | CIF | O2 Zr | P 42/n m c :1 | 3.5781; 3.5781; 5.1623 90; 90; 90 | 66.092 | Bouvier, P.; Dianoux, A.J.; Djurado, E.; Lucazeau, G.; Ritter, C. Low temperature phase transformation of nanocrystalline tetragonal Zr O2 by neutron and Raman scattering studies International Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2001, 3, 647-654 |
1526427 | CIF | O2 Zr | P 42/n m c :1 | 3.612; 3.612; 5.212 90; 90; 90 | 67.999 | Igawa, N.; Ishii, Y. Crystal structure of metastable tetragonal zirconia up to 1473 K Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2001, 84, 1169-1171 |
1527945 | CIF | Nd4 O15 W3 | P 42/n m c :1 | 9.92; 9.92; 12.5 90; 90; 90 | 1230.08 | Polyanskaya, T.M.; Borisov, S.V.; Belov, N.V. The structure of Nd4 W3 O15 Kristallografiya, 1970, 15, 1135-1139 |
1529100 | CIF | O1.95 Sc0.1 Zr0.9 | P 42/n m c :1 | 3.64; 3.64; 5.27 90; 90; 90 | 69.825 | Barker, W.W.; Garrett, W.; Bailey, F.P. A High-Temperature Neutron Diffraction Study of Pure and Scandia-Stabilized Zirconia Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1973, 7, 448-453 |
1539650 | CIF | Eu2 Ni8 Si3 | P 42/n m c :1 | 9.98; 9.98; 7.485 90; 90; 90 | 745.509 | Belan, B.D.; Bel'skii, V.K.; Pecharskii, V.K.; Bodak, O.I.; Zhuk, T.V. Crystal structure of europium nickel silicide (Eu2 Ni8 Si3) Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains'koi RSR, Seriya A: Fiziko-Matematichni Ta Tekhnichni Nauki, 1986, 48, 65-67 |
1540416 | CIF | Ce0.15 O2 Zr0.85 | P 42/n m c :1 | 3.63249; 3.63249; 5.22879 90; 90; 90 | 68.9938 | Yashima, M.; Hirose, T.; Katano, S.; Suzuki, Y.; Kakihana, M.; Yoshimura, M. Structural changes of ZrO~2~-CeO~2~ solid solutions around the monoclinic-tetragonal phase boundary Physical Review B, 1995, 51, 8434-8437 |
1541068 | CIF | Hg I2 | P 42/n m c :1 | 4.361; 4.361; 12.45 90; 90; 90 | 236.778 | Turner, D.E.; Harmon, B.N. Electronic structure of red mercuric iodide Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1989, 40, 10516-10522 |
1542740 | CIF | Ce0.12 O2 Zr0.88 | P 42/n m c :1 | 3.627; 3.627; 5.2336 90; 90; 90 | 68.849 | Wang, X.-L.; Hubbard, C.R.; Alexander, K.B.; Becher, P.F. Neutron diffraction measurements of the residual stresses in Al2O3 - ZrO2 (CeO2) ceramic composites Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 1994, 77, 1569-1575 |
2002996 | CIF Paper | C8 H24 N2 O4 S | P 42/n m c :1 | 7.5355; 7.5355; 10.991 90; 90; 90 | 624.11 | Malchus, Michael; Jansen, Martin Structural Investigations of the Phase Transitions of Tetramethylammonium Sulfate Acta Crystallographica, Section B, 1998, 54, 494-502 |
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