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Searching space group like 'P m -3 n'

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1008074 CIFO4 Pd3 SrP m -3 n5.826; 5.826; 5.826
90; 90; 90
197.7Muller, O; Roy, R
Synthesis and Crystal Chemistry of Some New Complex Palladium Oxides
Advances in Chemistry Series, 1971, 98, 28-38
1008075 CIFCa O4 Pd3P m -3 n5.747; 5.747; 5.747
90; 90; 90
189.8Muller, O; Roy, R
Synthesis and Crystal Chemistry of Some New Complex Palladium Oxides
Advances in Chemistry Series, 1971, 98, 28-38
1008076 CIFCd O4 Pd3P m -3 n5.742; 5.742; 5.742
90; 90; 90
189.3Muller, O; Roy, R
Synthesis and Crystal Chemistry of Some New Complex Palladium Oxides
Advances in Chemistry Series, 1971, 98, 28-38
1008965 CIFO4 Pt3P m -3 n5.585; 5.585; 5.585
90; 90; 90
174.2Muller, Olaf; Roy, Rustum
Formation and stability of the platinum and rhodium oxides at high oxygen pressures and the structures of Pt~3~O~4~, β-PtO~2~ and RhO~2~
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1968, 16, 129-146
1010032 CIFCr3 SiP m -3 n4.555; 4.555; 4.555
90; 90; 90
94.5Boren, B
Roentgenuntersuchung der Legierungen von Silicium mit Chrom, Mangan, Kobalt und Nickel
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1933, 11, 1-28
1011299 CIFSi V3P m -3 n4.712; 4.712; 4.712
90; 90; 90
104.6Wallbaum, H J
Ueber das Vanadiumsilicid, V3 Si
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1939, 31, 362-362
1505080 CIFC3 H21.33 O8.67P m -3 n12.069; 12.069; 12.069
90; 90; 90
1758Udachin, Konstantin A.; Ratcliffe, Christopher I.; Ripmeester, John A.
Structure, dynamics and ordering in structure i ether clathrate hydrates from single-crystal X-ray diffraction and 2H NMR spectroscopy.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2007, 111, 11366-11372
1505081 CIFC2.28 H19.9 O8.81P m -3 n11.9454; 11.9454; 11.9454
90; 90; 90
1704.5Udachin, Konstantin A.; Ratcliffe, Christopher I.; Ripmeester, John A.
Structure, dynamics and ordering in structure i ether clathrate hydrates from single-crystal X-ray diffraction and 2H NMR spectroscopy.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2007, 111, 11366-11372
1508418 CIFBa8 Ga14.5 Sn31.5P m -3 n11.68; 11.68; 11.68
90; 90; 90
1593.4Schαfer, Marion C.; Yamasaki, Yuki; Fritsch, Veronika; Bobev, Svilen
Ternary Compounds in the Sn-Rich Section of the Ba-Ga-Sn System: Ba8Ga16-xSn30+x (1.1 <= x <= 2.8) Clathrates of Type-I and Type-VIII, and BaGa2-xSn4+x (x ? 0.2) with a Clathrate-like Structure
Crystals, 2012, 1, 145-162
1509849 CIFAg3.8 Ba8 Si42.2P m -3 n10.478; 10.478; 10.478
90; 90; 90
1150.36Woll, P.; Cordier, G.
Neue ternaere intermetallische Verbindungen mit Clathratstruktur: Ba8 (T, Si)6 Si40 und Ba8 (T, Ge)6 Ge40 mit T = Ni, Pd, Pt, Cu, Ag, Au
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1991, 169, 291-302
1509914 CIFAg3 Ba4 Ge20P m -3 n10.84; 10.84; 10.84
90; 90; 90
1273.76Woll, P.; Cordier, G.
Neue intermetallische Verbindungen mit Clathratstruktur: Ba8 (T, Si)6 Si40 und Ba6 (T, Ge)6 Ge40 mit T= Ni, Pd, Pt, Cu, Ag, Au
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1991, 169, 291-302
1510097 CIFAu0.3 Ge0.7 Nb3P m -3 n5.174; 5.174; 5.174
90; 90; 90
138.509Elton, J.; Oesterreicher, H.
Superconductivity of hydrides of Nb3 Au.75 Ir.25 and Nb3 Au1-x Gex
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1983, 90, 37-39
1510127 CIFAu0.3 Nb3 Pt0.7P m -3 n5.169; 5.169; 5.169
90; 90; 90
138.108Snead, C.L.jr.; Webb, G.W.; Cox, D.E.; Wire, M.S.; Sweedler, A.R.
The effect of atomic order on the superconducting properties of A15 Nb3 Au and Nb3 Au1-x Ptx alloys
Solid State Communications, 1983, 48, 125-127
1510253 CIFAu Nb3P m -3 n5.215; 5.215; 5.215
90; 90; 90
141.828Ramakrishnan, S.; Saxena, M. C.; Chandra, G.
Effect of Cr and Fe impurities on superconducting A-15 Nb~76~Au~24~ and Ti~75~Sb~25~
Physica B+C, 1986, 141, 185-190
1510254 CIFAu Nb3P m -3 n5.208; 5.208; 5.208
90; 90; 90
141.258Muller, J.; Flukiger, R.; Spitzli, P.; Heiniger, F.
Annealing conditions and superconducting behaviour of Nb-based A15-type compounds
Physics Letters A, 1969, 29, 407-408
1510255 CIFAu Nb3P m -3 n5.198; 5.198; 5.198
90; 90; 90
140.446Baier, M.; Wagner, F.E.; Antonov, V.E.; Wordel, R.; Antonova, T.E.
Moessbauer study of the hydrides of Nb3 Me with A15 structure
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1991, 172, 358-365
1510267 CIFAu0.5 Nb3 Os0.5P m -3 n5.165; 5.165; 5.165
90; 90; 90
137.788Dwight, A.E.
Alloying behavior of columbium
Metallurgical Society Conferences, Proceedings, 1961, 10, 383-405
1510277 CIFAu0.5 Nb3 Pt0.5P m -3 n5.182; 5.182; 5.182
90; 90; 90
139.153Fluekiger, R.; Heiniger, F.; Muller, J.; Spitzli, P.
Annealing conditions and superconductiong behaviour od Nb-based A15-type compounds
Physics Letters A, 1969, 29, 407-408
1510279 CIFAu Pt Ti6P m -3 n5.062; 5.062; 5.062
90; 90; 90
129.708Pietrokowsky, P.
Phase relationships in the system Ti3 Au - Ti3 Pt
Scripta Metallurgica, 1968, 2, 379-383
1510309 CIFAu Ta3P m -3 n5.22; 5.22; 5.22
90; 90; 90
142.237Raub, E.; Beeskow, H.; Menzel, D.
Tantal-Gold Legierungen
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1961, 52, 189-193

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