Crystallography Open Database

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Searching space group like 'P n -3 :2'

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1001744 CIFFe H5 O6 SnP n -3 :27.629; 7.629; 7.629
90; 90; 90
444Morgenstern-Badarau, I; Michel, A
Sur l'existence d'un oxyhydroxyde double de fer(III) et d'etain(IV)
Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 1976, 38, 1400-1402
1004040 CIFBi3 O11 Ru3P n -3 :29.302; 9.302; 9.302
90; 90; 90
804.9Abraham, F; Thomas, D
Structure cristalline de Bi~3~ Ru~3~ O~11~
Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France (Vol=Year), 1975, 1975, 25-29
1004063 CIFLa3 O11 Ru3P n -3 :29.466; 9.466; 9.466
90; 90; 90
848.2Abraham, F; Trehoux, J; Thomas, D
La liaison metal-metal dans les clusters M~12~ O~36~: II-Preparation et etude structurelle de la phase La~3~ Ru~3~ O~11~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1978, 13, 805-810
1004066 CIFIr3 La3 O11P n -3 :29.499; 9.499; 9.499
90; 90; 90
857.1Abraham, F; Trehoux, J; Thomas, D
Preparation et etude structurale d'un nouveau compose contenant le cluster M~12~ O~36~ * La~3~ Ir~3~ O~11~
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1979, 63, P57-P63
1008051 CIFBi3 Ga O11 Sb2P n -3 :29.4907; 9.4907; 9.4907
90; 90; 90
854.9Sleight, A W; Bouchard, R J
A new cubic K Sb O~3~ derivative structure with interpenetrating networks. Crystal structure of Bi~3~ Ga Sb~2~ O~11~
Inorganic Chemistry, 1973, 12, 2314-2316
1503643 CIFC24 H28.42 Br2 N5 O4.71P n -3 :225.657; 25.657; 25.657
90; 90; 90
16890Han, Zheng-Guo; Zhang, Ge; Jiang, Bo; Ma, Ning; Shi, Feng; Tu, Shu-Jiang
Diversity Synthesis of Pyrimido[4,5-b][1,6]naphthyridine and Its Derivatives under Microwave Irradiation
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry, 2009, 11, 809
1509156 CIFAg Br14 W6P n -3 :213.355; 13.355; 13.355
90; 90; 90
2381.95Peters, K.; von Schnering, H.G.; Grin', Yu.; Borrmann, H.; Zheng Yueqing
The cluster compounds Ag (W6 Br14) and Ag2 (W6 Br14)
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1999, 625, 2115-2115
1525447 CIFK2 Na O9 Sb3P n -3 :29.515; 9.515; 9.515
90; 90; 90
861.443Watelet, H.; Picard, J.P.; Baud, G.; Besse, J.P.; Chevalier, R.
Classement des porteurs de charge et conductivite du compose K8 Na4 Sb12 O36 de structure K Sb O3 cubique
Materials Research Bulletin, 1981, 16, 877-882
1527728 CIFCa H6 O6 PbP n -3 :28.252; 8.252; 8.252
90; 90; 90
561.924Levy-Clement, C.; Billiet, Y.
Etude structurale de Ca Pb (O H)6 et Cd Pb (O H)6
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie (72,1949-100,1977), 1976, 99, 361-372
1527729 CIFCd H6 O6 PbP n -3 :28.15; 8.15; 8.15
90; 90; 90
541.343Levy-Clement, C.; Billiet, Y.
Etude structurale de Ca Pb (O H)6 et Cd Pb (O H)6
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie (72,1949-100,1977), 1976, 99, 361-372
1527884 CIFH6 Mn O6 SnP n -3 :27.885; 7.885; 7.885
90; 90; 90
490.236Norlund Christensen, A.; Hazell, R.G.
Hydrothermal preparation of hydroxy stannates. The crystal structure of Mn Sn (O H)6
Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1-27,1973-42,1988), 1969, 23, 1219-1224
1529830 CIFAs11.18 Ca5.92 Fe2.97 H4 Mn1.7 O40.68 Ti3P n -3 :215.984; 15.984; 15.984
90; 90; 90
4083.72Edenharter, A.; Nowacki, W.; Weibel, M.
Zur Struktur und Zusammensetzung von Cafarsit. Cafarsit, ein As(III) - Oxid, kein Arsenat
Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen, 1977, 57, 1-16
1530977 CIFK0.1 Li0.9 O3 SbP n -3 :29.681; 9.681; 9.681
90; 90; 90
907.32Watelet, H.; Picard, J.P.; Baud, G.; Besse, J.P.; Chevalier, R.
Structure et proprietes de conduction du compose K0.1 Li0.9 Sb O3
Solid State Ionics, 1981, 2, 191-194
1537051 CIFBr14 K2 W6P n -3 :213.808; 13.808; 13.808
90; 90; 90
2632.65Zheng, Y.-Q.; Peters, K.; Grin', Yu.; von Schnering, H.G.
Syntheses and crystal structures of the cluster compounds A2 ((W6 Br8) Br6) with A= K, Rb, Cs
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1998, 624, 506-512
1541729 CIFCa D5.45 H0.55 O6 SnP n -3 :28.15; 8.15; 8.15
90; 90; 90
541.343Cohen-Addad, C.
Etude structurale des hydroxystannates Ca Sn (O H)6 et Zn Sn (O H)6 par diffraction neutronique, absorption infrarouge et resonance magnetique nucleaire
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie (72,1949-100,1977), 1968, 91, 315-324
1555259 CIFC14 H20 O16.75P n -3 :211.4074; 11.4074; 11.4074
90; 90; 90
1484.43Cui, Peng; McMahon, David P.; Spackman, Peter R.; Alston, Ben M.; Little, Marc A.; Day, Graeme M.; Cooper, Andrew I.
Mining predicted crystal structure landscapes with high throughput crystallisation: old molecules, new insights
Chemical Science, 2019, 10, 9988
1560109 CIFC0.92 Bi0.15 N1.25 Ni0.17 S0.86P n -3 :212.12528; 12.12528; 12.12528
90; 90; 90
1782.69Lee, Jie Yie; Ling, Sanliang; Argent, Stephen P.; Senn, Mark S.; Cañadillas-Delgado, Laura; Cliffe, Matthew J.
Controlling multiple orderings in metal thiocyanate molecular perovskites Ax{Ni[Bi(SCN)6]}
Chemical Science, 2021, 12, 3516-3525
1562012 CIFBi12 Ni2.666 O44 Sb9.334P n -3 :29.54721; 9.54721; 9.54721
90; 90; 90
870.221Egorysheva, A. V.; Ellert, O. G.; Zubavichus, Y. V.; Gajtko, O. M.; Efimov, N. N.; Svetogorov, R. D.; Murzin, V. Yu.
New complex bismuth oxides in the Bi2O3–NiO–Sb2O5 system and their properties
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2015, 225, 97-104
1562034 CIFBi3 Fe O11 Sb2P n -3 :29.51521; 9.51521; 9.51521
90; 90; 90
861.5Egorysheva, A.V.; Ellert, O.G.; Gajtko, O.M.; Efimov, N.N.; Svetogorov, R.D.; Zubavichus, Y.V.; Grigorieva, A.V.
The Bi2O3‒Fe2O3‒Sb2O5 system phase diagram refinement, Bi3FeSb2O11 structure peculiarities and magnetic properties
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2015, 225, 278-284
1570666 CIFC3 OP n -3 :22.776; 2.776; 2.776
90; 90; 90
21.392Ortín-Rubio, Borja; Rostoll-Berenguer, Jaume; Vila, Carlos; Proserpio, Davide M.; Guillerm, Vincent; Juanhuix, Judith; Imaz, Inhar; Maspoch, Daniel
Net-clipping as a top-down approach for the prediction of topologies of MOFs built from reduced-symmetry linkers.
Chemical science, 2023, 14, 12984-12994

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