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1000027 CIFMg O4 SC m c m5.182; 7.893; 6.506
90; 90; 90
266.1Rentzeperis, P J; Soldatos, C T
The Crystal Structure of the Anhydrous Magnesium Sulfate
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1958, 11, 686-688
1000077 CIFCr F3 H0.0999 N0.0333C m c m7.276; 12.48; 7.364
90; 90; 90
668.7de Pape, R; Le Bail, A; Lubin, F; Ferey, G
Les varietes "bronze de tungstene hexagonal" des trifluorures CrF~3~ et VF~3~
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1987, 24, 545-551
1000078 CIFF3 H0.0801 N0.0267 VC m c m7.425; 12.835; 7.563
90; 90; 90
720.8de Pape, R; Le Bail, A; Lubin, F; Ferey, G
Les varietes "bronze de tungstene hexagonal" des trifluorures CrF~3~ et VF~3~
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1987, 24, 545-551
1000085 CIFCr5 F17 Rb2C m c m7.418; 25.67; 14.624
90; 90; 90
2784.7Laligant, Y; Le Bail, A; Ferey, G
Crystal structure determination of Rb~2~Cr~5~F~17~
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1989, 26, 445-454
1000187 CIFF3 Fe H0.66 O0.33C m c m7.423; 12.73; 7.526
90; 90; 90
711.2Leblanc, M; Ferey, G; Chevalier, P; Calage, Y; de Pape, R
Hexagonal Tungsten Bronze-Type Fe(III) Fluoride: (H~2~O)~0.33~FeF~3~; Crystal Structure, Magnetic Properties, Dehydration to a New Form of Iron Trifluoride
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1983, 47, 53-58
1000200 CIFAl F5 H2 O Rb2C m c m9.604; 8.379; 7.542
90; 90; 90
606.9Fourquet, J L; Plet, F; de Pape, R
La structure cristalline de Rb~2~ Al F~5~, H~2~ O. Retour critique sur le type structural Tl~2~ Al F~5~
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 19-26
1000238 CIFAl F3C m c m6.931; 12.002; 7.134
90; 90; 90
593.4LeBail, A; Jacoboni, C; LeBlanc, M; de Pape, R; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J L
Crystal structure of the metastable form of aluminium trifluoride $- beta-Al F~3~ and the gallium and indium homologs
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 77, 96-101
1000262 CIFAl F5 H2 K2 OC m c m9.2; 8.119; 7.486
90; 90; 90
559.2Fourquet, J L; Boulard, B; Plet, F
K~2~ Al F~5~ H~2~ O: Location of Hydrogen Atoms by X-Ray Diffraction and Raman Spectroscopy Study
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 81, 35-39
1000321 CIFC Ba Cu F2 O3C m c m4.889; 8.539; 9.588
90; 90; 90
400.3Mercier, N; Leblanc, M
Existence of 3d transition metal fluorocarbonates: synthesis, characterization of BaM(CO~3~)F~2~ (M=Mn, Cu) and crystal structure of BaCu(CO~3~)F~2~
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1993, 30, 217-225
1000348 CIFAl F5 MnC m c m3.5837; 9.854; 9.537
90; 90; 90
336.8Ferey, G; Leblanc, M; Mercier, A - M
A new refinement of the crystal structure of MnAlF~5~: new structural correlations with MnCrF~5~ and Cr~2~F~5~ using orthogonal subcell twinning
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1993, 102, 9-19
1000361 CIFC Ba3 F7 O3 ScC m c m11.519; 13.456; 5.974
90; 90; 90
926Mercier, N.; Leblanc, M.
A scandium fluorocarbonate, Ba~3~Sc(CO~3~)F~7~
Acta Crystallographica, Section C: Crystal Structure Communications, 1994, 50, 1862-1864
1000379 CIFCa O4 Tl2C m c m3.3255; 11.022; 10.479
90; 90; 90
384.1Goutenoire, F; Caignaert, V; Hervieu, M; Michel, C; Raveau, B
Chemical twinning of the rock salt structure: Ca Tl2 O4 and Ca2 Tl2 O5, the first two members of the new series Can Tl2 On+3
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1995, 114, 428-434
1000380 CIFCa1.88 O5 Tl2.12C m c m3.3431; 11.159; 13.499
90; 90; 90
503.6Goutenoire, F; Caignaert, V; Hervieu, M; Michel, C; Raveau, B
Chemical twinning of the rock salt structure: Ca Tl2 O4 and Ca2 Tl2O5, the first two members of the new series Can Tl2 On+3
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1995, 114, 428-434
1000393 CIFBa3 F9 O TaC m c m5.9422; 26.39499; 5.959
90; 90; 90
934.6Crosnier-Lopez, M - P; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J - L; Laligant, Y
Synthesis and crystal structure of Ba3 Ta O F9
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1995, 92, 457-468
1000475 CIFF3 Ga H0.07 O0.07C m c m7.21; 12.398; 7.333
90; 90; 90
655.5LeBail, A; Jacoboni, C; LeBlanc, M; de Pape, R; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J L
Crystal structure of the metastable form of aluminium trifluoride $- beta-Al F3 and the gallium and indium homologs
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 77, 96-101
1001235 CIFK Nb5 O25 Ti6C m c m6.611; 8.88; 30.154
90; 90; 90
1770.2Groult, D; Raveau, B
K Ti~6~ Nb~5~ O~25~: A member of a series of chemically twinned Rutile oxides (A M~3~ O~9~)(M~2~ O~4~)~n~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 141-146
1001353 CIFBa Nb4 O17 Ti3C m c m6.639; 8.957; 21.145
90; 90; 90
1257.4Mezaoui, D; Michel, C; Groult, D; Raveau, B
A M~3~ O~9~ (M~2~ O~4~)~n~: A series of oxides derived from the rutile structure by chemical twinning
Materials Research Bulletin, 1986, 21, 1039-1044
1005006 CIFN5 Ta3C m c m3.8862; 10.2118; 10.2624
90; 90; 90
407.3Brese, N E; O'Keefe, M; Rauch, P; DiSalvo, F J
Structure of Ta~3~N~5~ at 16 K by time-of-flight neutron diffraction
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 2291-2294
1005013 CIFCa3 N3 VC m c m8.544; 10.38; 5.064
90; 90; 90
449.1Vennos, D A; DiSalvo, F J
Synthesis and characterization of a new ternary nitride, Ca~3~VN~3~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1992, 100, 401-401
1005042 CIFN5 Na Ta3C m c m3.995; 10.197; 10.331
90; 90; 90
420.9Clarke, S J; DiSalvo, F J
A new conducting ternary nitride : Nax Ta3 N5 (0<x<1.4)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1997, 132, 394-398
1005044 CIFCe2 Pd9 Sb3C m c m13.769; 8.0412; 9.3482
90; 90; 90
1035Gordon, R A; DiSalvo, F J; Poettgen, R; Brese, N E
Crystal structure, electric and magnetic behaviour of Ce2 Pd9 Sb3
Journal of the Chemical Society. Faraday Transactions, 1996, 92, 2167-2171
1005045 CIFCa3 Cr N3C m c m8.503; 10.284; 5.032
90; 90; 90
440Vennos, D A; Badding, M E; Disalvo, F J
Synthesis, structure, and properties of a new ternary metal Ca3 Cr N3
Inorganic Chemistry, 1990, 29, 4059-4062
1005053 CIFC4 B2 Ca9 Cl8C m c m11.6291; 13.4159; 12.0862
90; 90; 90
1885.6Reckeweg, O; DiSalvo, F J; Meyer, H-J
An expected calcium carbido borate chloride:Ca9 Cl8 (B C2)2
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1999, 625, 1408-1410
1006165 CIFFe6 Ge6 TbC m c m8.1293; 17.73192; 5.11877
90; 90; 90
737.9Schobinger-Papamantellos, P; Oleksyn, O; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Andre, G; Brueck, E; Buschow, K H J
Atomic disorder, magnetic order and phase transitions of Tb Fe6 Ge6 studied by X-ray, neutron diffraction and magnetic measurements (I).
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1998, 182, 96-110
1006166 CIFFe6 Ge6 TbC m c m8.13071; 17.69899; 5.12618
90; 90; 90
737.7Zaharko, O; Schobinger-Papamantellos, P; Ritter, C; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Buschow, K H J
Influence of thermal history on crystal structure, microstructure and magnetic properties of Tb Fe6 Ge6 (II)
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1998, 187, 293-308
1006167 CIFFe6 Ge6 TbC m c m8.1293; 17.73192; 5.11877
90; 90; 90
737.9Zaharko, O; Schobinger-Papamantellos, P; Ritter, C; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Buschow, K H J
Influence of thermal history on crystal structure, microstructure and magnetic properties of Tb Fe6 Ge6 (II)
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1998, 187, 293-308
1006168 CIFFe6 Ge6 TbC m c m8.1292; 17.73227; 5.11886
90; 90; 90
737.9Zaharko, O; Schobinger-Papamantellos, P; Ritter, C; Rodriguez-Carvajal, J; Buschow, K H J
Influence of thermal history on crystal structure, microstructure and magnetic properties of Tb Fe6 Ge6 (II)
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1998, 187, 293-308
1007165 CIFAg18 Bi4 O12C m c m10.63; 14.229; 23.91
90; 90; 90
3616.5Masse, R.; Tordjman, I.; Durif, A.
Etude structurale d'un sous-oxyde d'argent bismuth Bi~4~Ag~18~O~12~
Comptes Rendus des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie 2: Mecanique-Physique, Chimie, Sciences de l'Univers, Sciences de la Terre, 1986, 302, 631-633
1007200 CIFAg9 H8 N2 Na O34 P8C m c m17.254; 7.543; 23.465
90; 90; 90
3053.9Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Durif, A
Structure of nonasilver sodium cyclooctaphosphate dinitrate tetrahydrate: Ag~9~NaP~8~O~24~(NO~3~)~2~ . 4H~2~O
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1992, 48, 1173-1176
1008082 CIFCr Ni O4C m c m5.482; 8.237; 6.147
90; 90; 90
277.6Muller, O; White, W B; Roy, R
X-ray diffraction study of the chromates of nickel, magnesium and cadmium
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1969, 130, 112-120
1008083 CIFCr Mg O4C m c m5.497; 8.368; 6.147
90; 90; 90
282.8Muller, O; White, W B; Roy, R
X-ray diffraction study of the chromates of nickel, magnesium and cadmium
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1969, 130, 112-120
1008084 CIFCd Cr O4C m c m5.678; 8.723; 6.926
90; 90; 90
343Muller, O; White, W B; Roy, R
X-ray diffraction study of the chromates of nickel, magnesium and cadmium
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1969, 130, 112-120
1008104 CIFCo Cr O4C m c m5.524; 8.308; 6.234
90; 90; 90
286.1Pernet, M; Quezel, G; Coing-Boyat, J; Bertaut, E F
Structures magnetiques des chromates de cobalt et de nickel
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie (72,1949-100,1977), 1969, 92, 264-273
1008105 CIFCr Ni O4C m c m5.484; 8.22; 6.127
90; 90; 90
276.2Pernet, M; Quezel, G; Coing-Boyat, J; Bertaut, E F
Structures magnetiques des chromates de cobalt et de nickel
Bulletin de la Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Cristallographie (72,1949-100,1977), 1969, 92, 264-273
1008276 CIFI3 S2 Sb Sn2C m c m4.25; 13.99; 16.38
90; 90; 90
973.9Ibanez, A; Jumas, J C; Olivier-Fourcade, J; Philippot, E
Mise en evidence d'un desordre statistique dans les structures chalcogenoiodures d'etain et d'antimoine.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1984, 55, 833-913
1008277 CIFI3 S2 Sb Sn2C m c m4.275; 14.059; 16.465
90; 90; 90
989.6Ibanez, A; Jumas, J C; Olivier-Fourcade, J; Philippot, E
Mise en evidence d'un desordre statistique dans les structures chalcogenoiodures d'etain et d'antimoine.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1984, 55, 83-91
1008278 CIFI3 Sb Se2 Sn2C m c m4.298; 14.085; 17.222
90; 90; 90
1042.6Ibanez, A; Jumas, J C; Olivier-Fourcade, J; Philippot, E
Mise en evidence d'un desordre statistique dans les structures chalcogenoiodures d'etain et d'antimoine.
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1984, 55, 83-91
1008374 CIFBa S3 VC m c m6.7572; 11.4866; 5.5994
90; 90; 90
434.6Ghedira, M; Anne, M; Chenavas, J; Marezio, M; Sayetat, F
Powder neutron diffraction studies of the low-temperature phase transitions in stoichiometric Ba V S~3~
Journal of Physics C, 1986, 19, 6489-6503
1008440 CIFFe Pr Si2C m c m4.103; 17.04; 4.016
90; 90; 90
280.8Malaman, B; Venturini, G; Le Caer, G; Pontonnier, L; Fruchart, D; Tomala, K; Sanchez, J P
Magnetic structures of Pr Fe Si~2~ and Nd Fe Si~2~ from neutron and Moessbauer studies
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1990, 41, 4700-4712
1008441 CIFFe Pr Si2C m c m4.103; 17.04; 4.016
90; 90; 90
280.8Malaman, B; Venturini, G; Le Caer, G; Pontonnier, L; Fruchart, D; Tomala, K; Sanchez, J P
Magnetic structures of Pr Fe Si~2~ and Nd Fe Si~2~ from neutron and Moessbauer studies
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1990, 41, 4700-4712
1008442 CIFFe Nd Si2C m c m4.082; 16.98; 4.004
90; 90; 90
277.5Malaman, B; Venturini, G; Le Caer, G; Pontonnier, L; Fruchart, D; Tomala, K; Sanchez, J P
Magnetic structures of Pr Fe Si~2~ and Nd Fe Si~2~ from neutron and Moessbauer studies
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1990, 41, 4700-4712
1008443 CIFFe Nd Si2C m c m4.072; 16.896; 3.996
90; 90; 90
274.9Malaman, B; Venturini, G; Le Caer, G; Pontonnier, L; Fruchart, D; Tomala, K; Sanchez, J P
Magnetic structures of Pr Fe Si~2~ and Nd Fe Si~2~ from neutron and Moessbauer studies
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1990, 41, 4700-4712
1008444 CIFFe Nd Si2C m c m4.072; 16.896; 3.996
90; 90; 90
274.9Malaman, B; Venturini, G; Le Caer, G; Pontonnier, L; Fruchart, D; Tomala, K; Sanchez, J P
Magnetic structures of Pr Fe Si~2~ and Nd Fe Si~2~ from neutron and Moessbauer studies
Physical Review, Serie 3. B - Condensed Matter (18,1978-), 1990, 41, 4700-4712
1008465 CIFAu K2 PC m c m9.787; 7.395; 6.168
90; 90; 90
446.4Eisenmann, B; Klein, J; Somer, M
Crystal structure of dipotassium catena-phosphidoaurate
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-), 1991, 197, 277-278
1008532 CIFF5 H2 Mn O Tl2C m c m9.688; 8.002; 8.339
90; 90; 90
646.5Nunez, P; Tressaud, A; Darriet, J; Hagenmuller, P; Hahn, G; Frenzen, G; Massa, W; Babel, D; Boireau, A; Soubeyroux, J L
A new linear chain compound: crystal and magnetic structures of Tl~2~MnF~5~.H~2~O
Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 31, 770-774
1008533 CIFF5 H2 Mn O Tl2C m c m9.526; 7.861; 8.317
90; 90; 90
622.8Nunez, P; Tressaud, A; Darriet, J; Hagenmuller, P; Hahn, G; Frenzen, G; Massa, W; Babel, D; Boireau, A; Soubeyroux, J L
A new linear chain compound: crystal and magnetic structures of Tl~2~MnF~5~.H~2~O
Inorganic Chemistry, 1992, 31, 770-774
1008886 CIFFe6 Ge6 YC m c m8.11975; 17.72995; 5.11821
90; 90; 90
736.8Schobinger-Papamantellos, P; Buschow, K H J; de Boer, F R; Ritter, C; Isnard, O; Fauth, F
The Fe ordering in R Fe6 Ge6 compounds with non-magnetic R (R = Y, Lu, Hf) studied by neutron diffraction and magnetic measurements
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1998, 267, 59-65
1010265 CIFSi2 ZrC m c m3.72; 14.61; 3.67
90; 90; 90
199.5Naray-Szabo, S
Die Struktur des Zirkoniumsilicids Zr Si~2~
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1937, 97, 223-228
1010866 CIFAl17.01 Co1.93 Fe1.87 H2.26 Mg1.09 Mn0.02 Ni0.2 O47.3 Si7.75 Ti0.11C m c m7.86; 16.62; 5.65
90; 90; 90
738.1Skerl, A C; Bannister, F A; Groves, A W
Lusakite, a cobalt-bearing silicate from Northern Rhodesia.
Mineralogical Magazine and Journal of the Mineralogical Society (1876- 1968), 1934, 23, 598-606
1011342 CIFFe2 O5 TiC m c m3.725; 9.79; 9.93
90; 90; 90
362.1Pauling, L
The crystal structure of pseudobrookite
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1930, 73, 97-113
1011359 CIFI TlC m c m5.24; 4.57; 12.92
90; 90; 90
309.4Helmholz, L
The crystal structure of the low temperature modification of thallous iodide.
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1936, 95, 129-137
1011379 CIFAl F5 H2 K2 OC m c m9.19; 8.11; 7.45
90; 90; 90
555.3Brosset, C
Herstellung und Kristallbau der Verbindungen Tl Al F4 und Tl2 Al F5
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1937, 235, 139-147
1100438 CIFC17 H49 Cl13 N3 O2 P5 Ti3C m c m14.217; 16.97; 19.746
90; 90; 90
4763.97Miekisch, Thomas; Harms, Klaus; Wocadlo, Sigrid; Massa, Werner; Neumüller, Bernhard; Frommen, Christoph; Dehnicke, Kurt
Die Kristallstruckturen der Phosphaniminato-Komplexe. [Ti~3~^IV^Cl~8~(NPMe~3~)~3~]Cl und [V~2~^III/IV^Cl~4~(NPPh~3~)~3~] / Crystal Structures of the Phosphoraneiminato Complexes [Ti~3~^IV^Cl~8~(NPMe~3~)~3~]Cl and [V~2~^III/IV^Cl~4~(NPPh~3~)~3~]
Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, B: A Journal of Chemical Sciences, 1997, 52, 1484-1490
1100971 CIFCu Mn O4 VC m c m5.787; 8.807; 6.41
90; 90; 90
326.69Hamdi Ben Yahia; Etienne Gaudin; Jacques Darriet; Michael Banks; Reinhard K. Kremer; Antoine Villesuzanne; Myung-Hwan Whangbo
Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Magnetic Properties, and Electronic Structure of the New Ternary Vanadate CuMnVO4
Inorganic Chemistry, 2005, 44, 3087-3093
1101175 CIFC0.5 H2 O2.5 P0.5 V0.5C m c m7.467; 13.8824; 9.3289
90; 90; 90
967.03Ouellette, Wayne; Yu, Ming Hui; O'Connor, Charles J.; Zubieta, Jon
Structural Diversity of the Oxovanadium Organodiphosphonate System: A Platform for the Design of Void Channels
Inorganic Chemistry, 2006, 45, 3224-3239
1101177 CIFC H4 O3 P0.5 V0.5C m c m7.4362; 19.1491; 9.3446
90; 90; 90
1330.64Ouellette, Wayne; Yu, Ming Hui; O'Connor, Charles J.; Zubieta, Jon
Structural Diversity of the Oxovanadium Organodiphosphonate System: A Platform for the Design of Void Channels
Inorganic Chemistry, 2006, 45, 3224-3239
1507767 CIFAl F4 NaC m c m3.6121; 14.952; 5.2692
90; 90; 90
284.58Le Bail, A
Crystal structure of NaAlF4, a new aristotype
Powder Diffraction, 2009, 24, 301-305
1508417 CIFBa Ga1.79 Sn4.21C m c m4.5383; 12.2486; 14.3747
90; 90; 90
799.06Schαfer, Marion C.; Yamasaki, Yuki; Fritsch, Veronika; Bobev, Svilen
Ternary Compounds in the Sn-Rich Section of the Ba-Ga-Sn System: Ba8Ga16-xSn30+x (1.1 <= x <= 2.8) Clathrates of Type-I and Type-VIII, and BaGa2-xSn4+x (x ? 0.2) with a Clathrate-like Structure
Crystals, 2012, 1, 145-162
1508998 CIFAg0.53 Cd0.47C m c m3.116; 4.89; 4.779
90; 90; 90
72.819Masson, D.B.; Barrett, C.S.
Effect of deformation and low temperatures on the structures of Ag Cd and Au Zn
Transactions of the Metallurgical Society of Aime, 1958, 212, 260-265
1509163 CIFAg CaC m c m4.058; 11.457; 4.654
90; 90; 90
216.376Merlo, F.
Crystal structures of Ca Ag, Ca Au und Sr Zn
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1982, 86, 241-246
1509225 CIFAg Ba Se3 YC m c m4.239; 14.03; 10.636
90; 90; 90
632.557Ibers, J.A.; Christuk, A.E.; Wu, P.
New quaternary chalcogenides BaLnMQ3 (Ln=rare earth or Sc; M=Cu,Ag; Q=S,Se). II. Structure and property variation vs rare-earth element
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1994, 110, 337-344
1509226 CIFAg Ba Te3 YC m c m4.4773; 14.856; 11.336
90; 90; 90
754.011Ibers, J.A.; Yang, Y.-T.
Synthesis and characterisation of a series of quaternary chalcogenides Ba Ln M Q3 (Ln = rare earth, M = coinage metal, Q = Se or Te)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1999, 147, 366-371
1509234 CIFAg Bi Cl2 SC m c m3.971; 13.712; 8.824
90; 90; 90
480.47Soehnel, T.; Poudeu Poudeu, P.F.; Ruck, M.
Synthese, Kristallstruktur und elektronische Bandstruktur der isotypen Sulfidchloride Cu Bi S Cl2 und Ag Bi S Cl2
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2004, 630, 63-67
1509264 CIFAg Cl2 CsC m c m4.3736; 19.199; 5.685
90; 90; 90
477.362Hoppe, R.; Meyer, G.; Gaebell, H.C.
Ueber Chloroargentate(I): Cs Ag Cl2 und schwarzes Cs Ag Cl2+x
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1983, 497, 199-205
1509528 CIFAg S3 TaC m c m3.3755; 14.0608; 7.7486
90; 90; 90
367.766Marsh, R.E.
The space group of Ag Ta S3
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1993, 102, 283-283
1509834 CIFAg3.6 Mo9 Se11C m c m11.91; 13.614; 11.679
90; 90; 90
1893.67Potel, M.; le Marouille, J.Y.; Gougeon, P.; Padiou, J.; Sergent, M.
Ag3.6 Mo9 Se11: Premier compose a clusters Mo9 dans des motifs Mo9 Se11
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1984, 51, 218-226
1509901 CIFAg4.8 Al5.2 Ba2C m c m11.026; 8.723; 5.52
90; 90; 90
530.912Cordier, G.; Roehr, C.
Zur Kenntnis der ternaeren Aluminide Ba5 Cu1.9 Al3.1, Ba Ag2.4 Al2.6, Ba16 Ag7 Al27 und Ba3 Ag14.6 Al6.4
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1991, 170, 333-357
1509985 CIFAg3 Cs Gd2 Se5C m c m4.2943; 15.424; 17.501
90; 90; 90
1159.18Huang, F.Q.; Ibers, J.A.
Syntheses, structures and physical properties of the new quaternaryrare-earth chalcogenides Rb Nd2 Cu S4, Rb Sm2 Cu S4, Cs La2 Cu Se4, Cs Sm2 Cu Se4, Rb Er2 Cu3 S5, Cs Gd2 Ag3 Se5, Cs Tb2 Ag3 Se5 and Rb2 Gd4 Cu4 S9
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2001, 158, 299-306
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Syntheses, structures and physical properties of the new quaternaryrare-earth chalcogenides Rb Nd2 Cu S4, Rb Sm2 Cu S4, Cs La2 Cu Se4, Cs Sm2 Cu Se4, Rb Er2 Cu3 S5, Cs Gd2 Ag3 Se5, Cs Tb2 Ag3 Se5 and Rb2 Gd4 Cu4 S9
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Syntheses and structures of the new quaternary rubidium selenides Rb Ln2 Cu Se4 (Ln = Sm, Gd, Dy), Rb1.5 Ln2 Cu2.5 Se5 (Ln = Gd, Dy),and Rb Sm2 Ag3 Se5
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