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1000027 CIFMg O4 SC m c m5.182; 7.893; 6.506
90; 90; 90
266.1Rentzeperis, P J; Soldatos, C T
The Crystal Structure of the Anhydrous Magnesium Sulfate
Acta Crystallographica (1,1948-23,1967), 1958, 11, 686-688
1000077 CIFCr F3 H0.0999 N0.0333C m c m7.276; 12.48; 7.364
90; 90; 90
668.7de Pape, R; Le Bail, A; Lubin, F; Ferey, G
Les varietes "bronze de tungstene hexagonal" des trifluorures CrF~3~ et VF~3~
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1987, 24, 545-551
1000078 CIFF3 H0.0801 N0.0267 VC m c m7.425; 12.835; 7.563
90; 90; 90
720.8de Pape, R; Le Bail, A; Lubin, F; Ferey, G
Les varietes "bronze de tungstene hexagonal" des trifluorures CrF~3~ et VF~3~
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1987, 24, 545-551
1000085 CIFCr5 F17 Rb2C m c m7.418; 25.67; 14.624
90; 90; 90
2784.7Laligant, Y; Le Bail, A; Ferey, G
Crystal structure determination of Rb~2~Cr~5~F~17~
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1989, 26, 445-454
1000187 CIFF3 Fe H0.66 O0.33C m c m7.423; 12.73; 7.526
90; 90; 90
711.2Leblanc, M; Ferey, G; Chevalier, P; Calage, Y; de Pape, R
Hexagonal Tungsten Bronze-Type Fe(III) Fluoride: (H~2~O)~0.33~FeF~3~; Crystal Structure, Magnetic Properties, Dehydration to a New Form of Iron Trifluoride
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1983, 47, 53-58
1000200 CIFAl F5 H2 O Rb2C m c m9.604; 8.379; 7.542
90; 90; 90
606.9Fourquet, J L; Plet, F; de Pape, R
La structure cristalline de Rb~2~ Al F~5~, H~2~ O. Retour critique sur le type structural Tl~2~ Al F~5~
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 19-26
1000238 CIFAl F3C m c m6.931; 12.002; 7.134
90; 90; 90
593.4LeBail, A; Jacoboni, C; LeBlanc, M; de Pape, R; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J L
Crystal structure of the metastable form of aluminium trifluoride $- beta-Al F~3~ and the gallium and indium homologs
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 77, 96-101
1000262 CIFAl F5 H2 K2 OC m c m9.2; 8.119; 7.486
90; 90; 90
559.2Fourquet, J L; Boulard, B; Plet, F
K~2~ Al F~5~ H~2~ O: Location of Hydrogen Atoms by X-Ray Diffraction and Raman Spectroscopy Study
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 81, 35-39
1000321 CIFC Ba Cu F2 O3C m c m4.889; 8.539; 9.588
90; 90; 90
400.3Mercier, N; Leblanc, M
Existence of 3d transition metal fluorocarbonates: synthesis, characterization of BaM(CO~3~)F~2~ (M=Mn, Cu) and crystal structure of BaCu(CO~3~)F~2~
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1993, 30, 217-225
1000348 CIFAl F5 MnC m c m3.5837; 9.854; 9.537
90; 90; 90
336.8Ferey, G; Leblanc, M; Mercier, A - M
A new refinement of the crystal structure of MnAlF~5~: new structural correlations with MnCrF~5~ and Cr~2~F~5~ using orthogonal subcell twinning
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1993, 102, 9-19
1000361 CIFC Ba3 F7 O3 ScC m c m11.519; 13.456; 5.974
90; 90; 90
926Mercier, N.; Leblanc, M.
A scandium fluorocarbonate, Ba~3~Sc(CO~3~)F~7~
Acta Crystallographica, Section C: Crystal Structure Communications, 1994, 50, 1862-1864
1000379 CIFCa O4 Tl2C m c m3.3255; 11.022; 10.479
90; 90; 90
384.1Goutenoire, F; Caignaert, V; Hervieu, M; Michel, C; Raveau, B
Chemical twinning of the rock salt structure: Ca Tl2 O4 and Ca2 Tl2 O5, the first two members of the new series Can Tl2 On+3
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1995, 114, 428-434
1000380 CIFCa1.88 O5 Tl2.12C m c m3.3431; 11.159; 13.499
90; 90; 90
503.6Goutenoire, F; Caignaert, V; Hervieu, M; Michel, C; Raveau, B
Chemical twinning of the rock salt structure: Ca Tl2 O4 and Ca2 Tl2O5, the first two members of the new series Can Tl2 On+3
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1995, 114, 428-434
1000393 CIFBa3 F9 O TaC m c m5.9422; 26.39499; 5.959
90; 90; 90
934.6Crosnier-Lopez, M - P; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J - L; Laligant, Y
Synthesis and crystal structure of Ba3 Ta O F9
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1995, 92, 457-468
1000475 CIFF3 Ga H0.07 O0.07C m c m7.21; 12.398; 7.333
90; 90; 90
655.5LeBail, A; Jacoboni, C; LeBlanc, M; de Pape, R; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J L
Crystal structure of the metastable form of aluminium trifluoride $- beta-Al F3 and the gallium and indium homologs
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 77, 96-101
1001235 CIFK Nb5 O25 Ti6C m c m6.611; 8.88; 30.154
90; 90; 90
1770.2Groult, D; Raveau, B
K Ti~6~ Nb~5~ O~25~: A member of a series of chemically twinned Rutile oxides (A M~3~ O~9~)(M~2~ O~4~)~n~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1983, 18, 141-146
1001353 CIFBa Nb4 O17 Ti3C m c m6.639; 8.957; 21.145
90; 90; 90
1257.4Mezaoui, D; Michel, C; Groult, D; Raveau, B
A M~3~ O~9~ (M~2~ O~4~)~n~: A series of oxides derived from the rutile structure by chemical twinning
Materials Research Bulletin, 1986, 21, 1039-1044
1005006 CIFN5 Ta3C m c m3.8862; 10.2118; 10.2624
90; 90; 90
407.3Brese, N E; O'Keefe, M; Rauch, P; DiSalvo, F J
Structure of Ta~3~N~5~ at 16 K by time-of-flight neutron diffraction
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1991, 47, 2291-2294
1005013 CIFCa3 N3 VC m c m8.544; 10.38; 5.064
90; 90; 90
449.1Vennos, D A; DiSalvo, F J
Synthesis and characterization of a new ternary nitride, Ca~3~VN~3~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1992, 100, 401-401
1005042 CIFN5 Na Ta3C m c m3.995; 10.197; 10.331
90; 90; 90
420.9Clarke, S J; DiSalvo, F J
A new conducting ternary nitride : Nax Ta3 N5 (0<x<1.4)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1997, 132, 394-398

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