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1008882 CIFNa O3I m 2 m3.507; 5.7703; 5.2701
90; 90; 90
106.6Klein, W; Armbruster, K; Jansen, M
Synthesis and crystal structure determination of sodium ozonide
Chemical Communications, 1998, 1998, 707-708
1501471 CIFC45 H35 Cd Cl N4 O7P 1 21/n 111.4616; 16.3861; 20.877
90; 95.0205; 90
3905.89Katarzyna Grubel; Brynna J. Laughlin; Thora R. Maltais; Rhett C. Smith; Atta M. Arif; Lisa M. Berreau
Photochemically-induced dioxygenase-type CO-release reactivity of Group 12 metal flavonolate complexes
Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 10431-10433
1501472 CIFC45 H35 Cl Hg N4 O7P 1 21/n 111.4117; 16.3761; 20.9794
90; 95.007; 90
3905.65Katarzyna Grubel; Brynna J. Laughlin; Thora R. Maltais; Rhett C. Smith; Atta M. Arif; Lisa M. Berreau
Photochemically-induced dioxygenase-type CO-release reactivity of Group 12 metal flavonolate complexes
Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 10431-10433
1501473 CIFC45 H35 F3 N4 O7 S ZnP 1 21/c 110.1785; 16.3337; 24.162
90; 91.037; 90
4016.34Katarzyna Grubel; Brynna J. Laughlin; Thora R. Maltais; Rhett C. Smith; Atta M. Arif; Lisa M. Berreau
Photochemically-induced dioxygenase-type CO-release reactivity of Group 12 metal flavonolate complexes
Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 10431-10433
1501474 CIFC46 H38 Cd Cl N5 O8P -113.2066; 13.243; 14.306
102.54; 116.809; 99.7178
2075.18Katarzyna Grubel; Brynna J. Laughlin; Thora R. Maltais; Rhett C. Smith; Atta M. Arif; Lisa M. Berreau
Photochemically-induced dioxygenase-type CO-release reactivity of Group 12 metal flavonolate complexes
Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 10431-10433

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