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Searching journal of publication like 'Dalton Transactions'

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1546826 CIFC81 H59 B F24 Ir N2 P2P -117.3484; 17.38548; 29.3494
81.8139; 77.513; 62.9306
7686.07Emerson-King, Jack; Knighton, Richard C.; Gyton, Matthew R.; Chaplin, Adrian B.
Rotaxane synthesis exploiting the M( <scp>i</scp> )/M( <scp>iii</scp> ) redox couple
Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 11645-11655
1546827 CIFC78 H52 B F24 N2 P2 RhC 1 2 125.683; 8.80488; 22.6553
90; 135.53; 90
3589Emerson-King, Jack; Knighton, Richard C.; Gyton, Matthew R.; Chaplin, Adrian B.
Rotaxane synthesis exploiting the M( <scp>i</scp> )/M( <scp>iii</scp> ) redox couple
Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 11645-11655
1546828 CIFC68 H47 B F24 Ir N2 PP 1 21/c 112.8095; 24.9098; 19.7755
90; 100.243; 90
6209.45Emerson-King, Jack; Knighton, Richard C.; Gyton, Matthew R.; Chaplin, Adrian B.
Rotaxane synthesis exploiting the M( <scp>i</scp> )/M( <scp>iii</scp> ) redox couple
Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 11645-11655
1546829 CIFC142 H98 B2 F48 P4 Rh2P -113.2601; 14.7604; 18.6577
105.777; 101.193; 103.196
3291.04Emerson-King, Jack; Knighton, Richard C.; Gyton, Matthew R.; Chaplin, Adrian B.
Rotaxane synthesis exploiting the M( <scp>i</scp> )/M( <scp>iii</scp> ) redox couple
Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 11645-11655
1546830 CIFC150 H122 B2 F48 Ir N3 O8 P2P -116.6021; 18.6428; 28.5944
75.55; 84.8989; 65.815
7817.1Emerson-King, Jack; Knighton, Richard C.; Gyton, Matthew R.; Chaplin, Adrian B.
Rotaxane synthesis exploiting the M( <scp>i</scp> )/M( <scp>iii</scp> ) redox couple
Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 11645-11655
1546831 CIFC68 H47 B F24 N2 P RhP 1 21/c 112.7985; 24.8791; 19.8716
90; 99.467; 90
6241.2Emerson-King, Jack; Knighton, Richard C.; Gyton, Matthew R.; Chaplin, Adrian B.
Rotaxane synthesis exploiting the M( <scp>i</scp> )/M( <scp>iii</scp> ) redox couple
Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 11645-11655
1546853 CIFC33 H25 F6 Ir N7 PP 1 21/c 18.4719; 18.6483; 41.05
90; 93.604; 90
6472.5Fiorini, Valentina; Zanoni, Ilaria; Zacchini, Stefano; Costa, Anna Luisa; Hochkoeppler, Alejandro; Zanotti, Valerio; Ranieri, Anna Maria; Massi, Massimiliano; Stefan, Alessandra; Stagni, Stefano
Methylation of Ir( <scp>iii</scp> )-tetrazolato complexes: an effective route to modulate the emission outputs and to switch to antimicrobial properties
Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 12328-12338
1546854 CIFC31 H23 Cl4 F10 Ir N7 PP 1 21/c 116.992; 11.9864; 17.811
90; 96.203; 90
3606.4Fiorini, Valentina; Zanoni, Ilaria; Zacchini, Stefano; Costa, Anna Luisa; Hochkoeppler, Alejandro; Zanotti, Valerio; Ranieri, Anna Maria; Massi, Massimiliano; Stefan, Alessandra; Stagni, Stefano
Methylation of Ir( <scp>iii</scp> )-tetrazolato complexes: an effective route to modulate the emission outputs and to switch to antimicrobial properties
Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 12328-12338
1546855 CIFC38 H31 Ir N10P 1 21/n 110.1798; 21.5492; 15.7661
90; 98.325; 90
3422.1Fiorini, Valentina; Zanoni, Ilaria; Zacchini, Stefano; Costa, Anna Luisa; Hochkoeppler, Alejandro; Zanotti, Valerio; Ranieri, Anna Maria; Massi, Massimiliano; Stefan, Alessandra; Stagni, Stefano
Methylation of Ir( <scp>iii</scp> )-tetrazolato complexes: an effective route to modulate the emission outputs and to switch to antimicrobial properties
Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 12328-12338
1546856 CIFC86 H118 N6 O24 Ti6C 1 2/c 123.6329; 16.0739; 27.4246
90; 112.38; 90
9633.2Lv, Hai-Ting; Cui, Ying; Zhang, Yu-Min; Li, Hua-Min; Zou, Guo-Dong; Duan, Rui-Huan; Cao, Jun-Tao; Jing, Qiang-Shan; Fan, Yang
A 4-dimethylaminobenzoate-functionalized Ti <sub>6</sub> -oxo cluster with a narrow band gap and enhanced photoelectrochemical activity: a combined experimental and computational study
Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 12313-12319
1546857 CIFC52 H110 O25 Ti6C 1 2/c 123.3256; 19.2083; 18.3696
90; 110.276; 90
7720.4Lv, Hai-Ting; Cui, Ying; Zhang, Yu-Min; Li, Hua-Min; Zou, Guo-Dong; Duan, Rui-Huan; Cao, Jun-Tao; Jing, Qiang-Shan; Fan, Yang
A 4-dimethylaminobenzoate-functionalized Ti <sub>6</sub> -oxo cluster with a narrow band gap and enhanced photoelectrochemical activity: a combined experimental and computational study
Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 12313-12319
1546858 CIFC84 H132 O24 Ti6P 1 21/n 115.6777; 16.488; 18.4096
90; 103.72; 90
4623Lv, Hai-Ting; Cui, Ying; Zhang, Yu-Min; Li, Hua-Min; Zou, Guo-Dong; Duan, Rui-Huan; Cao, Jun-Tao; Jing, Qiang-Shan; Fan, Yang
A 4-dimethylaminobenzoate-functionalized Ti <sub>6</sub> -oxo cluster with a narrow band gap and enhanced photoelectrochemical activity: a combined experimental and computational study
Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 12313-12319
1546859 CIFC4 H8 Ag I2 NC 1 2/m 114.8097; 7.5317; 9.9117
90; 123.617; 90
920.67Liu, Guang-Ning; Zhang, Xu; Wang, Hong-Mei; Xu, Hong; Wang, Zi-Han; Meng, Xiang-Long; Dong, Ya-Nan; Zhao, Ruo-Yu; Li, Cuncheng
Do alkyl groups on aromatic or aliphatic structure directing agents affect water stabilities and properties of hybrid iodoargentates?
Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 12474-12486
1546860 CIFC20 H20 Ag3 I4 PP 1 21/c 112.8812; 25.6384; 8.4883
90; 108.577; 90
2657.2Liu, Guang-Ning; Zhang, Xu; Wang, Hong-Mei; Xu, Hong; Wang, Zi-Han; Meng, Xiang-Long; Dong, Ya-Nan; Zhao, Ruo-Yu; Li, Cuncheng
Do alkyl groups on aromatic or aliphatic structure directing agents affect water stabilities and properties of hybrid iodoargentates?
Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 12474-12486
1546861 CIFC21 H22 Ag3 I4 PP 1 21/c 113.1581; 25.7903; 8.5598
90; 108.903; 90
2748.1Liu, Guang-Ning; Zhang, Xu; Wang, Hong-Mei; Xu, Hong; Wang, Zi-Han; Meng, Xiang-Long; Dong, Ya-Nan; Zhao, Ruo-Yu; Li, Cuncheng
Do alkyl groups on aromatic or aliphatic structure directing agents affect water stabilities and properties of hybrid iodoargentates?
Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 12474-12486
1546862 CIFC21 H22 Ag5 I6 PP 1 21/c 114.977; 27.1022; 7.9818
90; 97.423; 90
3212.7Liu, Guang-Ning; Zhang, Xu; Wang, Hong-Mei; Xu, Hong; Wang, Zi-Han; Meng, Xiang-Long; Dong, Ya-Nan; Zhao, Ruo-Yu; Li, Cuncheng
Do alkyl groups on aromatic or aliphatic structure directing agents affect water stabilities and properties of hybrid iodoargentates?
Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 12474-12486
1546863 CIFC12 H40 Ag2 I8 N6 O2P 1 21/c 19.2674; 12.5749; 14.8451
90; 99.039; 90
1708.51Liu, Guang-Ning; Zhang, Xu; Wang, Hong-Mei; Xu, Hong; Wang, Zi-Han; Meng, Xiang-Long; Dong, Ya-Nan; Zhao, Ruo-Yu; Li, Cuncheng
Do alkyl groups on aromatic or aliphatic structure directing agents affect water stabilities and properties of hybrid iodoargentates?
Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 12474-12486
1546864 CIFC52 H66 Hg3 I8 N8 O8C 1 2/c 116.055; 20.351; 22.103
90; 96.976; 90
7168Huang, Yong-Qing; Zhao, Yue; Wang, Peng; Okamura, Taka-aki; Laforteza, Brian N.; Lu, Yi; Sun, Wei-Yin; Yu, Jin-Quan
One-pot synthesis of imidazolinium salts via the ring opening of tetrahydrofuran
Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 12430-12433
1546865 CIFF8 Fe2 Li5 O4 PP c c a18.835; 9.183; 9.479
90; 90; 90
1639.5Yaghoobnejad Asl, Hooman; Ghosh, Kartik; Choudhury, Amitava
A highly fluorinated lithium iron phosphate with interpenetrating lattices: electrochemistry and ionic conductivity
Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 12588-12596
1546866 CIFC31 H24 Dy F15 N2 Ni O12P 1 21/c 118.2854; 12.6822; 16.6662
90; 97.946; 90
3827.8Jiang, Lin; Liu, Yue; Liu, Xin; Tian, Jinlei; Yan, Shiping
Three series of heterometallic Ni <sup>II</sup> –Ln <sup>III</sup> Schiff base complexes: synthesis, crystal structures and magnetic characterization
Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 12558-12573

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