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Searching journal of publication like 'Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982)' volume of publication is 28

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2107348 CIFH3 K2 Mn O9.5 S2P 1 21/n 119.5; 9.72; 9.63
90; 104.5; 90
1767.13Borene, J.; Solery, J.P.
Structure cristalline de sulfates doubles hydrates de Wyrouboff
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1972, 28, 2687-2694
2107350 CIFC6 H6.8 Fe N6 O1.6R -3 m :H11.5; 11.5; 34.35
90; 90; 120
3934.17Haser, R.; Pierrot, M.
Etude structurale de la serie des hexacyanoferrates(II,III) d'hydrogene: H3+x (Fe(II)x Fe(III)1-x (C N)6)(H2 O)y. III. La phase rhomboedr. R, H(II)0.6 Fe(II)3.6 Fe(III)0.4 (C N)6) (H2 O)1.6 et...
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1972, 28, 2542-2547
2107351 CIFC6 H5.33 Fe N6 OP 1 21/a 128.98; 11.2; 6.11
90; 92.55; 90
1981.2Haser, R.; Penel, C.; Pierrot, M.
Etude structurale de la serie des hexacyanofarrates(II,III) d'hydrogene: H3+x (Fe(II)x Fe(III)1-x (C N)6)(H2 O)y. IV. La phase monocl. M: H3.33 Fe(II)0.33 Fe(III)0.67 (C N)6)(H2 O)2.66,...
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1972, 28, 2548-2554
2107353 CIFB6 Na2 O10P 1 21/c 18.99; 11.033; 12.107
90; 90.5; 90
1200.81Krogh-Moe, J.
The crystal structure of a sodium triborate modification, beta-Na2 O (B2 O3)3
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1972, 28, 1571-1576
2107355 CIFC10 H4 Au5 I2 K5 N10 O2P -111.592; 7.309; 9.825
111.27; 99.91; 92.46
759.104Bertinotti, C.; Bertinotti, B.
Structure cristalline du complex a valence mixte Au(III) iodocyanure-Au(I) cyanure (1:4) de potassium dihydrate
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1972, 28, 2635-2639
2107357 CIFCl9 P TeI 2 m b12.1; 16.64; 12.52
90; 90; 90
2520.83Collins, P.H.; Webster, M.
The crystal structure of the 1:1 compound formed between phosphorus pentachloride and tellurium tetrachloride, Cl9 P Te
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1972, 28, 1260-1264
2107358 CIFMg2 Na2 O15 Si6C m c e14.165; 17.59; 10.205
90; 90; 90
2542.7Cradwick, M.E.; Taylor, H.F.W.
The crystal structure of Na2 Mg2 Si6 O15
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1972, 28, 3583-3587
2107361 CIFF O TlI -4 3 m10.78; 10.78; 10.78
90; 90; 90
1252.73Vlasse, M.; Grannec, J.; Portier, J.
The crystal structure of thallium oxyfluoride, Tl O F
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1972, 28, 3426-3428
2107364 CIFC2 Cl K Na22 O42 S9P 63/m10.49; 10.49; 21.24
90; 90; 120
2024.12Kato, K.; Saalfeld, H.
The crystal structure of hansakite, K Na22 (Cl (C O3)2 (S O4)9) and its relation to the K2 S O4 I structure type
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1972, 28, 3614-3617
2107366 CIFB4 K2 O7P -16.484; 9.604; 10.413
89.28; 102.75; 101.25
619.985Krogh-Moe, J.
The crystal structure of potassium biborate, K2 O (B2 O3)2
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1972, 28, 3089-3093
2107367 CIFCa5 Cl O12 P3P 1 1 21/b9.628; 19.256; 6.764
90; 90; 120
1086.02Mackie, P.E.; Elliott, J.C.; Young, R.A.
Monocline structure of synthetic Ca5 (P O4)3 Cl, chlorapatite
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1972, 28, 1840-1848
2107369 CIFCa13 F10 H12 O34 Si10R -3 :H9.36; 9.36; 36.48
90; 90; 120
2767.82Merlino, S.
The crystal structure of zeophyllite
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1972, 28, 2726-2732
2107370 CIFCr2 Na2 O7P -17.702; 10.38; 9.402
89.41; 109.57; 114.26
638.561Panagiotopoulos, N.C.; Brown, I.D.
The crystal structure of beta-Na2 Cr2 O7
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1972, 28, 1352-1357
2107371 CIFCr2 Na O7 RbP 1 21/c 112.947; 11.133; 10.037
90; 93.42; 90
1444.15Panagiotopoulos, N.C.; Brown, I.D.
Sodium rubidium dichromate and sodium cesium dichromate
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1972, 28, 2880-2882
2107376 CIFAg Cl2 H36 N9 O12 S8I -4 2 d13.132; 13.132; 16.668
90; 90; 90
2874.39Bigoli, F.; Camellini, T.M.; Tiripicchio, A.
Crystal and molecular structure of ennea-ammonium dichloride tetrathiosulfatoargentate, (N H4)9 Cl2 (Ag (S2 O3)4)
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1972, 28, 2079-2083
2107379 CIFS2 Zr9I 41/a m d :29.752; 9.752; 19.216
90; 90; 90
1827.47Cheng Horng, Y.; Franzen, H.F.
The crystal structure of Zr9 S2
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1972, 28, 1399-1404
2107380 CIFBr18 H21 K8 O10 Rh3P b a m15.32; 16.63; 9.3
90; 90; 90
2369.38Coetzer, J.; Robb, W.; Bekker, P.; Bekker, Z.
The crystal and molecular structure of H K8 Rh3 Br18 (H2 O)10
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1972, 28, 3587-3591
2107385 CIFH12 Na6 O24 P6C c m e11.58; 18.54; 10.48
90; 90; 90
2249.99McAdam, A.; Jost, K.H.; Beagley, B.
Refinement of the structure of sodium hexametaphosphate hexahydrate, Na6 (P6 O18) (H2 O)6
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1972, 28, 2740-2743
2107386 CIFC H17 Cl2 Co N6 O SP 21 21 218.74; 8.74; 14.52
90; 90; 90
1109.15Snow, M.R.; Boomsma, R.F.
The crystal structures and isomerisation of the linkage isomers thiocyanato- and isothiocyanatopenta-amminecobalt(III) dichloride, (Co (S C N) (N H3)5) Cl2 H2 O and (Co (N C S) (N H3)5) Cl
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1972, 28, 1908-1913
2107393 CIFF4 H2 O3 Rb2 UP b c a8.881; 14.547; 11.975
90; 90; 90
1547.07Brusset, H.; Rubinstein-Auban, A.; Dao, N.Q.
Structure cristalline de Rb2 U O2 F4 (H2 O)
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1972, 28, 2617-2619

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