Crystallography Open Database
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Searching space group like 'R -3 m :H'
COD ID | Links | Formula | Space group | Cell parameters | Cell volume | Bibliography |
1000065 | CIF | C | R -3 m :H | 2.46; 2.46; 33.45 90; 90; 120 | 175.3 | Nixon, D E; Parry, G S; Ubbelohde, A R Order-disorder transformations in graphite nitrates Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences (76,1906-), 1966, 291, 324-339 |
1000470 | CIF | C Ba F O6 Sm | R -3 m :H | 5.016; 5.016; 37.94398 90; 90; 120 | 826.8 | Mercier, N; Leblanc, M Crystal growth and structures of rare earth fluorocarbonates: I. Structures of Ba Sm (C O3)2 F and Ba3 La2 (C O3)5 F2: revision of the corresponding huanghoite and cebaite type structures European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1993, 30, 195-205 |
1000489 | CIF | H6 Li6 O21 P6 | R -3 m :H | 15.7442; 15.7442; 12.5486 90; 90; 120 | 2693.8 | Toumi, M.; Hlel, F.; Ben Chaabane, T.; Smiri, L.; Laligant, Y.; Emery, J. X-ray powder structure determination of Li~6~P~6~O~18~ · 3H~2~O European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry, 1998, 35, 689-697 |
1001005 | CIF | H3 Nb33 O90 Tl10.5 | R -3 m :H | 7.51; 7.51; 43.29 90; 90; 120 | 2114.5 | Gasperin, M Synthese d'une nouvelle famille d'oxydes doubles: A~8~^+^ B~22~^5+^ O~59~ structure du compose a thallium et niobium Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1977, 33, 398-402 |
1001017 | CIF | Nb30 O90 Rb12 W3 | R -3 m :H | 7.486; 7.486; 43.1 90; 90; 120 | 2091.7 | Michel, C; Guyomarch, A; Raveau, B Nouveaux echangeurs cationiques avec une structure a tunnels entrecroises: les oxides A~12~ M~33~ O~90~ et A~12~ M~33~ O~90~ (H~2~ O)~12~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 22, 393-403 |
1001025 | CIF | Cd Cl4 H6 Na2 O3 | R -3 m :H | 7.89; 7.89; 26.52 90; 90; 120 | 1429.7 | Boistelle, R; Pepe, G; Simon, B; Leclaire, A Structure cristalline du sel mixte Cd Cl~2~ (Na Cl)~2~ (H~2~ O)~3~ Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1974, 30, 2200-2203 |
1001351 | CIF | Na O3.5 U | R -3 m :H | 3.911; 3.911; 17.857 90; 90; 120 | 236.5 | Gasperin, M Na~2~U~2~O~7~: Synthese et structure d'un monocristal Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1986, 119, 83-90 |
1001381 | CIF | K O3.5 U | R -3 m :H | 3.96; 3.96; 19.82 90; 90; 120 | 269.2 | Jove, J; Cousson, A; Gasperin, M Synthesis and crystal structure of K~2~ U~2~ O~7~ and Moessbauer (^237^Np) studies of K~2~ Np~2~ O~7~ and Ca Np O~4~ Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 139, 345-350 |
1001679 | CIF | Na O3.5 U | R -3 m :H | 3.911; 3.911; 17.85699 90; 90; 120 | 236.5 | Gasperin, M Na2 U2 O7: Synthese et structure d'un monocristal Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1986, 119, 83-90 |
1001718 | CIF | Ba Mn O3 | R -3 m :H | 5.663; 5.663; 20.95499 90; 90; 120 | 582 | Boullay, P; Hervieu, M; Labbe, P; Raveau, B Single crystal and HREM study of the "Bi-Sr" stabilized Ba Mn O3 9R polytype Materials Research Bulletin, 1997, 32, 35-42 |
1004071 | CIF | Bi1.72 O3 Sr0.53 | R -3 m :H | 3.971; 3.971; 28.41 90; 90; 120 | 388 | Boivin, J C; Thomas, D J Structural investigations on bismuth-based oxides Solid State Ionics, 1981, 3, 457-462 |
1004074 | CIF | Ba0.156 Bi0.844 O1.422 | R -3 m :H | 4.005; 4.005; 28.54 90; 90; 120 | 396.5 | Conflant, P; Boivin, J C; Nowogrocki, G; Thomas, D Etude structurale par diffractometrie X a haute temperature du conducteur anionique Bi~.844~ Ba~.156~ O~1.422~ Solid State Ionics, 1983, 9, 925-928 |
1004075 | CIF | Ba0.156 Bi0.844 O1.422 | R -3 m :H | 4.023; 4.023; 28.66 90; 90; 120 | 401.7 | Conflant, P; Boivin, J C; Nowogrocki, G; Thomas, D Etude structurale par diffractometrie x a haute temperature du conducteur anionique Bi~.844~ Ba~.156~ O~1.422~ Solid State Ionics, 1983, 9, 925-928 |
1004076 | CIF | Ba0.156 Bi0.844 O1.422 | R -3 m :H | 4.025; 4.025; 28.71 90; 90; 120 | 402.8 | Conflant, P; Boivin, J C; Nowogrocki, G; Thomas, D Etude structurale par diffractometrie x a haute temperature du conducteur anionique Bi~.844~ Ba~.156~ O~1.422~ Solid State Ionics, 1983, 9, 925-928 |
1004077 | CIF | Ba0.156 Bi0.844 O1.422 | R -3 m :H | 4.032; 4.032; 28.76 90; 90; 120 | 404.9 | Conflant, P; Boivin, J C; Nowogrocki, G; Thomas, D Etude structurale par diffractometrie x a haute temperature du conducteur anionique Bi~.844~ Ba~.156~ O~1.422~ Solid State Ionics, 1983, 9, 925-928 |
1004078 | CIF | Ba0.156 Bi0.844 O1.422 | R -3 m :H | 4.054; 4.054; 28.88 90; 90; 120 | 411.1 | Conflant, P; Boivin, J C; Nowogrocki, G; Thomas, D Etude structurale par diffractometrie x a haute temperature du conducteur anionique Bi~.844~ Ba~.156~ O~1.422~ Solid State Ionics, 1983, 9, 925-928 |
1004079 | CIF | Ba0.156 Bi0.844 O1.422 | R -3 m :H | 4.057; 4.057; 28.9 90; 90; 120 | 411.9 | Conflant, P; Boivin, J C; Nowogrocki, G; Thomas, D Etude structurale par diffractometrie x a haute temperature du conducteur anionique Bi~.844~ Ba~.156~ O~1.422~ Solid State Ionics, 1983, 9, 925-928 |
1004087 | CIF | Bi0.7 La0.3 O1.38 | R -3 m :H | 4.04; 4.04; 27.557 90; 90; 120 | 389.5 | Mercurio, D; El Farissi, M; Champarnaud Mesjard, J C; Frit, B; Conflant, P; Roult, G Etude structurale par diffraction X sur monocristal et diffraction neutronique sur poudre de l'oxyde mixte Bi~.7~ La~.3~ O~1.5~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 80, 133-143 |
1004088 | CIF | Bi0.7 La0.3 O1.5 | R -3 m :H | 4.04; 4.04; 27.557 90; 90; 120 | 389.5 | Mercurio, D; El Farissi, M; Champarnaud Mesjard, J C; Frit, B; Conflant, P; Roult, G Etude structurale par diffraction X sur monocristal et diffraction neutronique sur poudre de l'oxyde mixte Bi~.7~ La~.3~ O~1.5~ Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 80, 133-143 |
1004101 | CIF | Bi0.75 O1.36 Sr0.25 | R -3 m :H | 3.97; 3.97; 28.53999 90; 90; 120 | 389.6 | Mercurio, D; Champarnaud-Mesjard, J C; Frit, B; Conflant, P; Boivin, J C; Vogt, T Thermal evolution of the crystal structure of the rhombohedral Bi~0.75~Sr~0.25~O~1.375~ phase: a single crystal neutron diffraction study Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1994, 112, 1-8 |
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