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Searching journal of publication like 'Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-)' volume of publication is 19

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4002363 CIFBa Mn O2.99R -3 m :H5.6791; 5.6791; 35.345
90; 90; 120
987.228Adkin, J.J.; Hayward, M.A.
Ba Mn O(3-x) revisited: a structural and magnetic study
Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-), 2007, 19, 755-762
4002364 CIFBa Mn O2.95P 63/m m c5.6736; 5.6736; 18.755
90; 90; 120
522.836Adkin, J.J.; Hayward, M.A.
Ba Mn O(3-x) revisited: a structural and magnetic study
Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-), 2007, 19, 755-762
4002365 CIFBa Mn O2.91P 63/m m c5.6547; 5.6547; 23.1936
90; 90; 120
642.27Adkin, J.J.; Hayward, M.A.
Ba Mn O(3-x) revisited: a structural and magnetic study
Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-), 2007, 19, 755-762
4002366 CIFBa0.875 Mn O3 Sr0.125R -3 m :H5.6397; 5.6397; 20.8973
90; 90; 120
575.616Adkin, J.J.; Hayward, M.A.
Ba Mn O(3-x) revisited: a structural and magnetic study
Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-), 2007, 19, 755-762
4002367 CIFBa Mn O2.92P -6 m 25.6445; 5.6445; 13.9565
90; 90; 120
385.086Adkin, J.J.; Hayward, M.A.
Ba Mn O(3-x) revisited: a structural and magnetic study
Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-), 2007, 19, 755-762
4002381 CIFH2 O10 Rb2 Si3 ZrP 21 21 2110.4782; 13.3831; 7.294
90; 90; 90
1022.84Fewox, C.S.; Kirumakki, S.R.; Clearfield, A.
Structural and mechanistic investigation of rubidium ion exchange in potassium zirconium trisilicate
Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-), 2007, 19, 384-392
4002401 CIFBa0.97 Ce0.87 La0.03 O2.91 Y0.13P b n m6.2219; 6.2134; 8.7667
90; 90; 90
338.913Kruth, A.; Davies, R.A.; Islam, M.S.; Irvine, J.T.S.
Combined neutron diffraction and atomistic modeling studies of structure, defects, and water incorporation in doped barium cerate perovskites
Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-), 2007, 19, 1239-1248
4002402 CIFBa0.9 Ce0.8 La0.1 O2.83 Y0.2P b n m6.1953; 6.199; 8.7567
90; 90; 90
336.298Kruth, A.; Davies, R.A.; Islam, M.S.; Irvine, J.T.S.
Combined neutron diffraction and atomistic modeling studies of structure, defects, and water incorporation in doped barium cerate perovskites
Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-), 2007, 19, 1239-1248
4002415 CIFBa Co0.58 Mn0.42 O2.83P 63/m m c5.69348; 5.69348; 28.5751
90; 90; 120
802.184Miranda, L.; Ramirez-Castellanos, J.; Varela, A.; Gonzalez-Calbet, J.; Parras, M.; Hernando, M.; Fernandez-Diaz, M.T.; Hernandez, M.G.
Structural chemistry and magnetic properties of the Ba Mn0.4 Co0.6 O2.83 hexagonal perovskite
Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-), 2007, 19, 1503-1508

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