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Searching space group like 'P 63/m m c'

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1000049 CIFK2 O4 SP 63/m m c5.947; 5.947; 8.375
90; 90; 120
256.5Miyake, M; Morikawa, H; Iwai, S I
Structure Reinvestigation of the High-Temperature Form of K~2~ S O~4~
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1980, 36, 532-536
1000343 CIFC4 F La2 Na3 O12P 63/m m c5.083; 5.083; 23.034
90; 90; 120
515.4Mercier, N; Taulelle, F; Leblanc, M
Growth, structure, NMR characterization of a new fluorocarbonate Na~3~La~2~(CO~3~)~4~F
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1993, 30, 609-617
1000463 CIFC La2 O5P 63/m m c4.0755; 4.0755; 15.957
90; 90; 120
229.5Attfield, J. P.; Ferey, G.
Structure determination of La2 O2 C O3-II and the unusual disordered phase La2 O2.52 (C O3)0.74 Li0.52 using powder diffraction
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 82, 132-138
1000464 CIFC0.85 La2 O4.85P 63/m m c4.0852; 4.0852; 16.2211
90; 90; 120
234.4Attfield, J. P.; Ferey, G.
Structure determination of La2 O2 C O3-II and the unusual disordered phase La2 O2.52 (C O3)0.74 Li0.52 using powder diffraction
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 82, 132-138
1000465 CIFC0.74 La2 Li0.52 O4.74P 63/m m c4.058; 4.058; 16.22189
90; 90; 120
231.3Attfield, J. P.; Ferey, G.
Structure determination of La2 O2 C O3-II and the unusual disordered phase La2 O2.52 (C O3)0.74 Li0.52 using powder diffraction
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 82, 132-138
1000469 CIFCs8 Nb10 O41 Si6P 63/m m c7.342; 7.342; 22.16599
90; 90; 120
1034.8Crosnier, M P; Pagnoux, C; Guyomard, D; Verbaere, A; Piffard, Y; Tournoux, M
The crystal structure of a novel cyclotrisilicate: Cs8 Nb10 O23 (Si3 O9)2. Its relationship with the pyrochlore and benitoite types
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1991, 28, 971-981
1001026 CIFO78 Rb10 Ta29.2P 63/m m c7.505; 7.505; 36.37
90; 90; 120
1774.1Michel, C; Guyomarch, A; Raveau, B
Nouveaux echangeurs cationiques avec une structure a tunnels entrecroises: les niobates et tantalates A~10~ M~29.2~ O~78~ et A~10~ M~29.2~ O~78~ (H~2~ O)~10~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1978, 25, 251-261
1001144 CIFFe3 GeP 63/m m c5.169; 5.169; 4.222
90; 90; 120
97.7Turbil, J P; Billiet, Y; Michel, A
Contribution a l'etude cristallographique de la phase Fe~3~ Ge de structure D O~19~
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie C, Sciences Chimiques (1966-), 1969, 269, 309-311
1001175 CIFBa3 Fe2 O9 WP 63/m m c5.77; 5.77; 14.14
90; 90; 120
407.7Seveque, F; Delamoye, P; Poix, P; Michel, A
Preparation et caracteres cristallographiques de l'oxyde mixte Ba~3~ Fe~2~ W O~9~
Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie C, Sciences Chimiques (1966-), 1969, 269, 1536-1538
1001258 CIFAl11 La Mn O19P 63/m m c5.574; 5.574; 22.008
90; 90; 120
592.2Gasperin, M; Saine, M C; Kahn, A; LaVille, F; Lejus, A M
Influence of M^2+^ ions substitution on the structure of lanthanum hexaaluminates with magnetoplumbite structure
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1984, 54, 61-69
1001259 CIFAl11.95 La0.9 O18.9P 63/m m c5.577; 5.577; 22.003
90; 90; 120
592.7Gasperin, M; Saine, M C; LaVille, F; Lejus, A M; Kahn, A
Influence of M^2+^ ions substitution on the structure of lanthanum hexaaluminates with magnetoplumbite structure
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1984, 54, 61-69
1001260 CIFAl11.5 La0.85 O18.5P 63/m m c5.55; 5.55; 22.021
90; 90; 120
587.4Gasperin, M; Saine, M C; LaVille, F; Lejus, A M; Kahn, A
Influence of M^2+^ ions substitution on the structure of lanthanum hexaaluminates with magnetoplumbite structure
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1984, 54, 61-69
1001261 CIFAl11.55 La0.85 O18.6P 63/m m c5.55; 5.55; 22.031
90; 90; 120
587.7Gasperin, M; Saine, M C; LaVille, F; Lejus, A M; Kahn, A
Influence of M^2+^ ions substitution on the structure of lanthanum hexaaluminates with magnetoplumbite structure
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1984, 54, 61-69
1001324 CIFAg10 H20 O88 Ta29.2P 63/m m c7.52; 7.52; 36.45
90; 90; 120
1785.1Marini, A; Michel, C; Raveau, B
Etude du comportement des ions en insertion dans les oxydes A~10~ M~29.2~ O~78~ et A~10~ M~29.2~ O~78~ (H~2~ O)~10~
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1979, 16, 73-79
1001325 CIFNb29.2 O78 Tl10P 63/m m c7.532; 7.532; 36.42
90; 90; 120
1789.3Marini, A; Michel, C; Raveau, B
Etude du comportement des ions en insertion dans les oxydes A~10~ M~29.2~ O~78~ et A~10~ M~29.2~ O~78~ (H~2~ O)~10~
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1979, 16, 73-79
1001416 CIFAl11 Fe La0.96 O19P 63/m m c5.586; 5.586; 22.017
90; 90; 120
595Tronc, E; Laville, F; Gasperin, M; Lejus, A M; Vivien, D
Structural and Spectroscopic Investigations of La Fe Al~11~ O~19~ Compounds
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1989, 81, 192-202
1001462 CIFAl11 Gd0.46 La0.43 Mg0.635 O18.46P 63/m m c5.565; 5.565; 21.89
90; 90; 120
587.1Salem, Y; Linares, C; Jacquier, B; Saine, M C; Gasperin, M; Lejus, A M; Vivien, D
The sites of Gd^3+^ in the luminescent matrix La~1- x~Gd~x~MgAl~11~O~19~: single crystal structure determination and site- selective excitation of Gd^3+^
Journal of Chemical Physics, 1990, 93, 7076-7084
1001680 CIFAl11 La Ni O19P 63/m m c5.57; 5.57; 22.00999
90; 90; 120
591.4Laville, F; Perrin, M; Lejus, A M; Gasperin, M; Moncorge, R; Vivien, D
Synthesis, crystal growth, structural determination, and optical absorption spectroscopy of the magnetoplumbite type compound La Ni Al11 O19
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 65, 301-308
1001843 CIFF13 Na Np3P 63/m m c8.022; 8.022; 16.51299
90; 90; 120
920.3Cousson, A; Abazli, H; Pages, M; Gasperin, M
Fluorure de neptunium et de sodium: Na Np3 F13
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1983, 39, 318-320
1006000 CIFFe12 O19 SrP 63/m m c5.8844; 5.8844; 23.05
90; 90; 120
691.2Obradors, X; Solans, X; Collomb, A; Samaras, D; Rodriguez, J; Pernet, M; Font-Altaba, M
Crystal structure of strontium hexaferrite Sr Fe~12~ O~19~
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 72, 218-224

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