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1001725 CIFCr Cu4 O20 Sr8 Tl3A m m 23.778; 15.244; 17.67699
90; 90; 90
1018.1Martin, C; Letouze, F; Maignan, A; Seshadri, R; Michel, C; Hervieu, M; Raveau, B
The superconducting copper oxychromate Tl3 (Cr O4) Sr8 Cu4 O16 : long- range ordering between thallium and chromium
Chemistry of Materials (1,1989-, 1996, 8, 865-873
1001822 CIFB0.8 Mn3.2 O10 Sr4A m m 23.7865; 15.854; 7.654
90; 90; 90
459.5Pelloquin, D; Hervieu, M; Michel, C; Nguyen, N; Raveau, B
A new manganese oxyborate, Sr4 Mn3 (B1-x Mnx) O10, closely related to the perovskite structure type
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1997, 134, 395-408
1508068 CIFC60 Cl6 Li SbA m m 212.297; 9.9506; 29.05
90; 90; 90
3554.6Aoyagi, Shinobu; Nishibori, Eiji; Sawa, Hiroshi; Sugimoto, Kunihisa; Takata, Masaki; Miyata, Yasumitsu; Kitaura, Ryo; Shinohara, Hisanori; Okada, Hiroshi; Sakai, Takeshi; Ono, Yoshihiro; Kawachi, Kazuhiko; Yokoo, Kuniyoshi; Ono, Shoichi; Omote, Kenji; Kasama, Yasuhiko; Ishikawa, Shinsuke; Komuro, Takashi; Tobita, Hiromi
A layered ionic crystal of polar Li@C(60) superatoms.
Nature chemistry, 2010, 2, 678-683
1509917 CIFAg5 Cl2 P S4A m m 27.409; 11.143; 6.258
90; 90; 90
516.651Mewis, A.; Joergens, S.
Ag5 P S4 Cl2 and Ag15 (P S4)4 Cl3 - crystal structures and their relation to Ag3 P S4
Solid State Sciences, 2007, 9, 213-217
1510476 CIFAu2 VA m m 24.684; 8.482; 4.81
90; 90; 90
191.1Schubert, K.; Stolz, E.
Strukturuntersuchungen in einigen zu T4-B1 homologen und quasihomologen Systemen
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1962, 53, 433-444
1510507 CIFAu3 MgA m m 223.59; 5.74; 19.83
90; 90; 90
2685.11Burkhardt, K.; Schubert, K.
Ueber die Strukturen einiger Phasen in der Naehe der Zusammensetzung Au3 Mg
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1965, 56, 864-870
1521131 CIFAl D1.04 Ni TbA m m 23.8257; 12.4668; 7.2964
90; 90; 90
347.996Hauback, B.C.; Palhaugen, L.; Fjellvag, H.; Yartys', V.A.; Yvon, K.
Crystal and magnetic structure of Tb Ni Al - based deuterides, Tb Ni Al D0.3 and Tb Ni Al D1.04, studied by neutron diffraction and synchrotron radiation
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1999, 293, 178-184
1522913 CIFGd Sn3A m m 24.3552; 4.4039; 22.044
90; 90; 90
422.801Skolozdra, R.V.; Pecharskii, V.K.; Aksel'rud, L.G.; Koretskaya, O.E.
Two crystal structures in the Gd - Sn system
Dopovidi Akademii Nauk Ukrains'koi RSR, Seriya B: Geologichni, Khimichni ta Biologichni Nauki, 1986, 1986, 51-54
1523063 CIFRh5 V3A m m 24.32; 5.42; 9.276
90; 90; 90
217.192Waterstrat, R.M.; Dickens, B.
The crystal structure of V3 Rh5
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1973, 31, 61-67
1524452 CIFEu3 Ga5A m m 215.333; 4.577; 11.018
90; 90; 90
773.234Grin', Yu.; Yatsenko, S.P.; Fedorova, E.G.; Sabirzyanov, N.A.; Sichevich, O.M.; Yarmolyuk, Ya.P.
Die Kristallstruktur von Eu3 Ga5
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1987, 136, 55-60
1524607 CIFCu11 Sb3A m m 24.324; 19.08; 4.724
90; 90; 90
389.739Jandali, M.Z.; Rajasekharan, T.; Schubert, K.
Crystal structure of Au10 In3
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 1982, 73, 354-359
1526310 CIFP7 Pd9 Zr5A m m 23.815; 26.3189; 6.511
90; 90; 90
653.747Heerdmann, A.; Mewis, A.; Johrendt, D.
Palladiumpnictide des Zirconiums und Hafniums mit einem Metall: Nichtmetall-Verhaeltnis von 2:1
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2000, 626, 1393-1399
1526312 CIFHf5 P7 Pd9A m m 23.776; 26.382; 6.5
90; 90; 90
647.52Heerdmann, A.; Johrendt, D.; Mewis, A.
Palladiumpnictide des Zirconiums und Hafniums mit einem Metall:Nichtmetall-Verhaeltnis von 2:1
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2000, 626, 1393-1399
1531157 CIFAl D1.23 Ni TbA m m 23.6689; 12.3714; 7.6583
90; 90; 90
347.606Brinks, H.W.; Yartys', V.A.; Fjellvag, H.; Hauback, B.C.
Structure and magnetic properties of (Tb Ni Al)-based deuterides
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2002, 330, 169-174
1533266 CIFNi Si3 YA m m 24.01; 3.947; 20.958
90; 90; 90
331.712Yarovets, V.I.
The crystal structure of Y Ni Si3 compound
Vestn. L'vov. Un-ta. Ser. Khim., 1977, 1977, 30-34
1540302 CIFCe2 Cu Ge6A m m 24.0756; 4.2152; 21.5408
90; 90; 90
370.06Konyk, M.B.; Salamakha, P.S.; Bodak, O.I.; Pecharskii, V.K.
Crystal structue of Cu2 Cu Ge6
Soviet Physics, Crystallography (= Kristallografiya), 1988, 33, 494-495
1540777 CIFC2 Dy NiA m m 23.552; 4.49; 6.018
90; 90; 90
95.978Yakinthos, J.K.; Reimers, W.; Kotsanidis, P.A.; Schaefer, W.; Will, G.; Kockelmann, W.
The two-component non-collinear antiferromagnetic structures of Dy Ni C2 and Ho Ni C2
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1994, 136, 327-334
1540778 CIFC2 Ho NiA m m 23.53; 4.486; 6.014
90; 90; 90
95.235Yakinthos, J.K.; Kotsanidis, P.A.; Will, G.; Schaefer, W.; Kockelmann, W.; Reimers, W.
The two-component non-collinear antiferromagnetic structures of Dy Ni C2 and Ho Ni C2
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1994, 136, 327-334
1541393 CIFC24 H68 F4 N4 O116 Si56A m m 212.525; 11.391; 22.053
90; 90; 90
3146.35Corma, A.; Puche, M.; Teat, S.J.; Rey, F.; Sankar, G.
A zeolite structure (ITQ-13) with three sets of medium-pore crossing channels formed by 9- and 10-rings
Angew. Chem. Int. ed., 2003, 42, 1156-1159
1541780 CIFO34 U13A m m 24.143; 51.532; 6.74
90; 90; 90
1438.97Kovba, L.M.; Komarevtseva, N.I.; Kuz'mitcheva, E.U.
On the Crystal Structures of U13 O34 and delta-U2 O5
Radiokhimiya, 1979, 21, 754-757

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