Crystallography Open Database

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1008914 CIFB7 Mg3 O12.65 S0.85F -4 3 c12.097; 12.097; 12.097
90; 90; 90
1770.2Fouassier, C; Levasseur, A; Joubert, J C; Muller, J; Hagenmueller, P
Les systemes B2 O3 - MO - MS boracites M-S (M= Mg, Mn, Fe, Cd) et sodalites M-S (M= Co, Zn)
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1970, 375, 202-208
1011284 CIFB14 Cl2 Mg6 O26F -4 3 c12.1; 12.1; 12.1
90; 90; 90
1771.6Mehmel, M
Kristallstrukturelle Untersuchungen an Borazit
Fortschritte der Mineralogie, 1932, 17, 436-438
1511652 CIFB7 Br Cu3 O13F -4 3 c11.955; 11.955; 11.955
90; 90; 90
1708.63Nelmes, R.J.; Hay, W.J.
Structural studies of boracites- VI. The cubic phase of cobalt iodine boracite, Co3 B7 O13 I, and of copper bromine boracite Cu3 B7 O13 Br
Journal of Physics C, 1981, 14, 5247-5257
1511653 CIFB7 Br Mn3 O13F -4 3 c12.31; 12.31; 12.31
90; 90; 90
1865.41Crottaz, O.; Schmid, H.; Kubel, F.
High temperature single crystal X-ray diffraction: structure of cubic manganese iodine and manganese bromine boracites
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1995, 120, 60-63
1511656 CIFB7 Cd2.988 O12.765 S1.88F -4 3 c12.491; 12.491; 12.491
90; 90; 90
1948.91Nelmes, R.J.; Gould, S.E.B.; Gould, R.O.
Structural studies of boracites. VII. Cadmium sulphur boracite at room temperature
Journal of Physics C, 1981, 14, 5259-5267
1511657 CIFB7 Cl Cr3 O13F -4 3 c12.132; 12.132; 12.132
90; 90; 90
1785.65Nelmes, R.J.; Thornley, F.R.
Structural studies of boracites. The cubic phase of chromium chlorine boracite, Cr3 B7 O13 Cl
Journal of Physics C, 1974, 7, 3855-3874
1511664 CIFB7 Co3 I O13F -4 3 c12.11; 12.11; 12.11
90; 90; 90
1775.96Bugakov, V.I.; Pakhomov, V.I.; Saifuddinov, V.Z.
Preparation and structure of Co3 B7 O13 I crystals
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Neorganicheskie Materialy, 1980, 16, 142-144
1511673 CIFB7 Fe3 I O13F -4 3 c12.22869; 12.22869; 12.22869
90; 90; 90
1828.69Kubel, F.
Powder diffraction refinement of cubic and rhombohedral iron iodine boracite, Fe3 B7 O13 I
Ferroelectrics, 1994, 160, 61-65
1511677 CIFB7 I Mn3 O13F -4 3 c12.3404; 12.3404; 12.3404
90; 90; 90
1879.26Crottaz, O.; Kubel, F.; Schmid, H.
High temperature single crystal X-ray diffraction: structure of cubic manganese iodine and manganese bromine boracites
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1995, 120, 60-63
1511678 CIFB7 I Ni3 O13F -4 3 c12.044; 12.044; 12.044
90; 90; 90
1747.08Thornley, F.R.; Nelmes, R.J.
Structural studies of boracites: III. The cubic phase of nickel iodine boracite, Ni3 B7 O13 I, at room temperature
Journal of Physics C, 1976, 9, 665-680
1515861 CIFC32 H138 Cu4 F4 N12 O33F -4 3 c37.295; 37.295; 37.295
90; 90; 90
51874Seeber, Georg; Cooper, Geoffrey J. T.; Newton, Graham N.; Rosnes, Mali H.; Long, De-Liang; Kariuki, Benson M.; Kögerler, Paul; Cronin, Leroy
Following the self assembly of supramolecular MOFs using X-ray crystallography and cryospray mass spectrometry
Chemical Science, 2010, 1, 62
1528553 CIFFe11.08 La Si1.92F -4 3 c11.4524; 11.4524; 11.4524
90; 90; 90
1502.07Han Mikyung; Miller, G.J.
An application of the "coloring problem": structure - composition - bonding relationships in the magnetocaloric materials La Fe(13-x) Si(x)
Industrial Heating, 2008, 47, 515-528
1532589 CIFAl96 K9.41 O384 Rb124.48 Si96F -4 3 c24.6645; 24.6645; 24.6645
90; 90; 90
15004.3Ikeda, T.; Kodaira, T.
Crystal structure annd magnetic properties of rubidium clusters in zeolite LTA
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 2001, 135, 3416-3423
1535707 CIFI4 In KF -4 3 c19.908; 19.908; 19.908
90; 90; 90
7890.11Burnus, R.; Meyer, G.
Synthese und Kristallstrukturen der Alkali-Tetraiodoindate(III), AInI4 (A = Li, K, Rb, Cs)
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1991, 602, 31-37
1541660 CIFB7 I Ni3 O13F -4 3 c12.016; 12.016; 12.016
90; 90; 90
1734.92Thornley, F.R.; Kennedy, N.S.J.; Nelmes, R.J.
Structural studies of boracites: IV. Thermal motion in cubic Ni3 B7 O13 I at 77
Journal of Physics C, 1976, 9, 681-692
1552094 CIFGa7 H12 Na5 O6 S13F -4 3 c17.577; 17.577; 17.577
90; 90; 90
5430Jack Rumble; Paz Vaqueiro
Na5(Ga4S)(GaS4)3 6H2O: A three-dimensional gallium sulphide containing a novel octahedral building block
Solid State Sciences, 2011, 13, 1137-1142
1553643 CIFC27 H33 B2 F11 Fe N6F -4 3 c29.3374; 29.3374; 29.3374
90; 90; 90
25250.2Thorarinsdottir, Agnes E.; Gaudette, Alexandra I.; Harris, T. David
Spin-crossover and high-spin iron(ii) complexes as chemical shift <sup>19</sup>F magnetic resonance thermometers.
Chemical science, 2017, 8, 2448-2456
1553647 CIFC27 H33 B2 F11 N6 ZnF -4 3 c29.282; 29.282; 29.282
90; 90; 90
25107.4Thorarinsdottir, Agnes E.; Gaudette, Alexandra I.; Harris, T. David
Spin-crossover and high-spin iron(ii) complexes as chemical shift <sup>19</sup>F magnetic resonance thermometers.
Chemical science, 2017, 8, 2448-2456
1554594 CIFC152 H144 Cd4 F24 N28 O24 S8F -4 3 c34.3297; 34.3297; 34.3297
90; 90; 90
40458.5Percástegui, Edmundo G; Mosquera, Jesús; Ronson, Tanya K.; Plajer, Alex J.; Kieffer, Marion; Nitschke, Jonathan R.
Waterproof architectures through subcomponent self-assembly.
Chemical science, 2019, 10, 2006-2018
1562289 CIFAg4 H18 Mn5 N6 Se13 Sn3F -4 3 c19.1263; 19.1263; 19.1263
90; 90; 90
6996.69Xiong, Wei-Wei; Miao, Jianwei; Li, Pei-Zhou; Zhao, Yanli; Liu, Bin; Zhang, Qichun
{[M(NH3)6][Ag4M4Sn3Se13]}∞(M=Zn, Mn): Three-dimensional chalcogenide frameworks constructed from quaternary metal selenide clusters with two different transition metals
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2014, 218, 146-150

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