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Searching space group like 'P -3 c 1'
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Bibliography |
1001001 | CIF | Ge4 O9 Rb2 | P -3 c 1 | 12.08; 12.08; 9.86 90; 90; 120 | 1246.1 | Goreaud, M; Raveau, B Structure cristalline de Rb~2~ Ge~4~ O~9~ et Rb~2~ Ti Ge~3~ O~9~ de type tetragermanate et etude structurale comparee de germanates en anneaux Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1976, 32, 1536-1540 |
1001002 | CIF | Ge3 O9 Rb2 Ti | P -3 c 1 | 12.19; 12.19; 10.14 90; 90; 120 | 1304.9 | Goreaud, M; Raveau, B Structure cristalline de Rb~2~ Ge~4~ O~9~ et Rb~2~ Ti Ge~3~ O~9~ de type tetragermanate et etude structurale comparee de germanates en anneaux Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1976, 32, 1536-1540 |
1001118 | CIF | Ge3 K2 O9 Ti | P -3 c 1 | 11.916; 11.916; 10.018 90; 90; 120 | 1231.9 | Choisnet, J; Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B Evolution structural de nouveaux germanates et silicates de type Wadeite et de structure apparentee Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1973, 7, 408-417 |
1001119 | CIF | Ge3 O9 Rb2 Ti | P -3 c 1 | 12.195; 12.195; 10.148 90; 90; 120 | 1307 | Choisnet, J; Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B Evolution structural de nouveaux germanates et silicates de type Wadeite et de structure apparentee Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1973, 7, 408-417 |
1001120 | CIF | Ge3 K2 O9 Sn | P -3 c 1 | 12.082; 12.082; 10.181 90; 90; 120 | 1287.1 | Choisnet, J; Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B Evolution structural de nouveaux germanates et silicates de type Wadeite et de structure apparentee Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1973, 7, 408-417 |
1001121 | CIF | Ge3 O9 Rb2 Sn | P -3 c 1 | 12.305; 12.305; 10.205 90; 90; 120 | 1338.2 | Choisnet, J; Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B Evolution structural de nouveaux germanates et silicates de type Wadeite et de structure apparentee Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1973, 7, 408-417 |
1001122 | CIF | Ge3 O9 Sn Tl2 | P -3 c 1 | 12.351; 12.351; 10.134 90; 90; 120 | 1338.8 | Choisnet, J; Deschanvres, A; Raveau, B Evolution structural de nouveaux germanates et silicates de type Wadeite et de structure apparentee Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1973, 7, 408-417 |
1001226 | CIF | F15 Fe Na Np3 | P -3 c 1 | 9.802; 9.802; 13.004 90; 90; 120 | 1082 | Cousson, A; Abazli, H; Pages, M; Gasperin, M Structure de Na Fe Np~3~ F~15~ Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1982, 38, 2668-2670 |
1008215 | CIF | Co4 Nb2 O9 | P -3 c 1 | 5.177; 5.177; 14.168 90; 90; 120 | 328.8 | Bertaut, E F; Corliss, L; Forrat, F; Aleonard, R; Pauthenet, R Etude de niobates et tantalates de metaux transition bivalents Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1961, 21, 234-251 |
1008216 | CIF | Mn4 Nb2 O9 | P -3 c 1 | 5.335; 5.335; 14.32 90; 90; 120 | 353 | Bertaut, E F; Corliss, L; Forrat, F; Aleonard, R; Pauthenet, R Etude de niobates et tantalates de metaux transition bivalents Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1961, 21, 234-251 |
1008924 | CIF | Mn4 Nb2 O9 | P -3 c 1 | 5.177; 5.177; 14.168 90; 90; 120 | 328.8 | Bertaut, F; Corliss, L; Forrat, F Structure cristallographique et magnetique de niobates et tantalates de metaux de transition bivalents. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1960, 251, 1733-1735 |
1008925 | CIF | Co4 Nb2 O9 | P -3 c 1 | 5.177; 5.177; 14.168 90; 90; 120 | 328.8 | Bertaut, F; Corliss, L; Forrat, F Structure cristallographique et magnetique de niobates et tantalates de metaux de transition bivalents. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences (1884 - 1965), 1960, 251, 1733-1735 |
1010037 | CIF | Cu3 P | P -3 c 1 | 7.07; 7.07; 7.135 90; 90; 120 | 308.9 | Steenberg, B The Crystal Structure of Cu~3~ As and Cu~3~ P Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1938, 12, 1-15 |
1010982 | CIF | As Cu3 | P -3 c 1 | 7.088; 7.088; 7.232 90; 90; 120 | 314.7 | Steenberg, B The Crystal Structure of Cu3 As and Cu3 P Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1938, 12, 1-15 |
1100260 | CIF | C56 H52 I N3 Na O0.5 P3 | P -3 c 1 | 15.3323; 15.3323; 25.4556 90; 90; 120 | 5182.37 | Gröb, Thorsten; Müller, Christoph; Massa, W.; Miekisch, Thomas; Seybert, Gert; Harms, Klaus; Dehnicke, Kurt Die Kristallstrukturen der Phosphanimin-Komplexe [NaI(HNPPh~3~)~3~] und [SrI~2~(HNPPh~3~)~2~(THF)~2~] sowie des Natrium-triphenylphosphaniminats [NaNPPh~3~]~6~ Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2001, 627, 2191-2197 |
1509260 | CIF | C18 H33 N9 O19 Ru | P -3 c 1 | 14.007; 14.007; 18.333 90; 90; 120 | 3115 | M. Angustias Romero; Juan M. Salas; Michel Simard; Miguel Quirós; André L. Beauchamp Platinum Group Metal - Ketoxime Complexes: Crystal Structure of Hydrogen fac-Tris(dimethylviolurato)ruthenate(II) Heptahydrate Polyhedron, 1990, 9, 2733-2739 |
1510235 | CIF | Au Mg3 | P -3 c 1 | 8.072; 8.072; 8.488 90; 90; 120 | 478.959 | Daams, J.L.C.; van Vucht, J.H.N. Contribution to the system Mg-Au-Hg Philips Journal of Research, 1984, 39, 275-292 |
1510236 | CIF | Au Mg3 | P -3 c 1 | 8.04; 8.04; 8.46 90; 90; 120 | 473.602 | van Look, N.; Schubert, K. Kristallstrukturuntersuchungen im System Au-Mg und einigen verwandten Legierungen Metall (Berlin), 1969, 23, 4-6 |
1513868 | CIF | C48 H60 Cr Fe N3 P4 | P -3 c 1 | 16.2739; 16.2739; 23.1328 90; 90; 120 | 5305.69 | Kuppuswamy, Subramaniam; Bezpalko, Mark W.; Powers, Tamara M.; Wilding, Matthew J. T.; Brozek, Carl K.; Foxman, Bruce M.; Thomas, Christine M. A series of C3-symmetric heterobimetallic Cr‒M (M = Fe, Co and Cu) complexes Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 1617 |
1513869 | CIF | C48 H60 Co Cr N3 P4 | P -3 c 1 | 16.2999; 16.2999; 22.8438 90; 90; 120 | 5256.2 | Kuppuswamy, Subramaniam; Bezpalko, Mark W.; Powers, Tamara M.; Wilding, Matthew J. T.; Brozek, Carl K.; Foxman, Bruce M.; Thomas, Christine M. A series of C3-symmetric heterobimetallic Cr‒M (M = Fe, Co and Cu) complexes Chemical Science, 2014, 5, 1617 |
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