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1001687 CIFNa O11 V6P -6 2 c5.699; 5.699; 13.07
90; 90; 120
367.6De Roy, M E; Besse, J P; Chevalier, R; Gasperin, M
Synthese et structure cristalline de Na V6 O11
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1987, 67, 185-189
1009043 CIFFe SP -6 2 c5.968; 5.968; 11.74
90; 90; 120
362.1Bertaut, F
La structure de sulfure de fer
Journal de Physique et du Radium, 1954, 15, 775-775
1010303 CIFCs2 O6 S2P -6 2 c6.326; 6.326; 11.535
90; 90; 120
399.8Haegg, G.
Die Kristallstruktur von Caesiumdithionat, Cs~2~S~2~O~6~
Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, Abteilung B: Chemie der Elementarprozesse, Aufbau der Materie, 1932, 18, 327-342
1010958 CIFC Ce0.5 F La0.5 O3P -6 2 c7.094; 7.094; 9.718
90; 90; 120
423.5Oftedal, I
Zur Kristallstruktur von Bastnaesit (Ce La) F C O3
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1931, 78, 462-469
1100722 CIFC33 H15 Cl4 Fe4 N3 O17P -6 2 c12.531; 12.531; 18.476
90; 90; 120
2512.5Andrea C. Sudik; Adrien P. Côté; Omar M. Yaghi
Metal-Organic Frameworks Based on Trigonal Prismatic Building Blocks and the New "acs" Topology
Inorganic Chemistry, 2005, 44, 2998-3000
1100723 CIFC40.5 H18 Fe3 N3 O16P -6 2 c13.01; 13.01; 14.874
90; 90; 120
2180.3Andrea C. Sudik; Adrien P. Côté; Omar M. Yaghi
Metal-Organic Frameworks Based on Trigonal Prismatic Building Blocks and the New "acs" Topology
Inorganic Chemistry, 2005, 44, 2998-3000
1510580 CIFAu6 K4 S5P -6 2 c9.631; 9.631; 9.856
90; 90; 120
791.725Klepp, K.O.; Bronger, W.
Darstellung und Kristallstruktur von K4 Au6 S5 - ein Thioaurat mit anionischen (Au6 S5)-Baugruppen
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1988, 137, 13-20
1510581 CIFAu6 Rb4 S5P -6 2 c9.983; 9.983; 9.95
90; 90; 120
858.768Weithaler, C.; Klepp, K.O.
Preparation and crystal structures of the new gold rich thioaurates Rb4 Au6 S5 and Cs4 Au6 S5
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1996, 243, 12-18
1520876 CIFH8 Mg O9 Se2P -6 2 c9.434; 9.434; 10.492
90; 90; 120
808.687Boldt, K.; Engelen, B.; Panthoefer, M.; Mueller, H.; Unterderweide, K.
Mg (H Se O3)2 . 3(H2 O) : crystal structure, rotational and orientational disorder of 'free' (H Se O3)(-) ions and low temperature phase transition
Journal of Molecular Structure, 1999, 475, 35-41
1521129 CIFAl D0.303 Ni TbP -6 2 c7.0433; 7.0433; 7.7826
90; 90; 120
334.355Hauback, B.C.; Fjellvag, H.; Palhaugen, L.; Yartys', V.A.; Yvon, K.
Crystal and magnetic structure of Tb Ni Al - based deuterides, Tb Ni Al D0.3 and Tb Ni Al D1.04, studied by neutron diffraction and synchrotron radiation
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1999, 293, 178-184
1521635 CIFF3 La3 O9 Si3P -6 2 c7.0832; 7.0832; 10.8948
90; 90; 120
473.379Mueller-Bunz, H.; Schleid, T.
La3 F3 (Si3 O9): das erste Fluoridsilicat aus dem ternaeren System La F3 / La2 O3 / Si O2
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1999, 625, 1377-1383
1523635 CIFGa Mg2P -6 2 c7.794; 7.794; 6.893
90; 90; 120
362.627Frank, K.; Schubert, K.
Kristallstrukturen von Mg2 Ga und Mg2 Tl
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1970, 20, 215-221
1527418 CIFCo5.56 Er8 Ga10.44P -6 2 c8.607; 8.607; 6.898
90; 90; 120
442.545Gladyshevskii, R.E.; Cenzual, K.; Parthe, E.
Er2 Rh Si3 and R2 Co Ga3 (R= Y, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb) with Lu2 Co Ga3 type structure: new members of the Al B2 structure family
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1992, 189, 221-228
1527419 CIFCo Ga3 Lu2P -6 2 c8.659; 8.659; 6.823
90; 90; 120
443.039Gladyshevskii, R.E.; Cenzual, K.; Parthe, E.
Er2 Rh Si3 and R2 Co Ga3 (R= Y, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb) with Lu2 Co Ga3 type structure: new members of the Al B2 structure family
Journal of Alloys Compd., 1992, 189, 221-228
1527482 CIFBa3 O7.11 Pt2.07P -6 2 c10.108; 10.108; 8.638
90; 90; 120
764.318Haradem, P.S.; Chamberland, B.L.; Gleizes, A.; Katz, L.
A structural model for barium platinum oxide, Ba3 Pt2 O7
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1977, 21, 217-223
1528115 CIFCe2 Rh Si3P -6 2 c8.262; 8.262; 8.439
90; 90; 120
498.875Szytula, A.; Leciejewicz, J.; Maletka, K.
Neutron diffraction study of Ce2 Rh Si3, Nd2 Rh Si3 and Th2 Rh Si3
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 1993, 118, 302-306
1530015 CIFNb S2P -6 2 c3.35; 3.35; 17.94
90; 90; 120
174.358Graf, H.A.; Lerf, A.; Schoellhorn, R.
A crystal structure investigation of the hydrated layered chalcogenides Kx (H2 O)y Nb S2 and Kx (H2 O)y Ta S2
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1977, 55, 213-220
1530016 CIFS2 TaP -6 2 c3.336; 3.336; 18.18
90; 90; 120
175.217Graf, H.A.; Schoellhorn, R.; Lerf, A.
A crystal structure investigation of the hydrated layered chalcogenides Kx (H2 O)y Nb S2 and Kx (H2 O)y Ta S2
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1977, 55, 213-220
1533027 CIFBa5 Na2 O14 Ru3P -6 2 c5.9261; 5.9261; 24.4
90; 90; 120
742.093Quarez, E.; Mentre, O.
Electrosynthesis, structural transitions and characterization of the new 10H-(Ba5 Ru3 Na2 O14)
Solid State Sciences, 2003, 5, 1105-1116
1533648 CIFHo2 Rh Si3P -6 2 c8.086; 8.086; 7.804
90; 90; 120
441.891Bazela, W.; Wawrzynska, E.; Szytula, A.; Penc, B.; Zygmunt, A.; Stuesser, N.
Magnetic structures of R2 Rh Si3 (R = Ho, Er) compounds
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2003, 360, 76-80

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