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Searching space group like 'P 62 2 2'

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1008170 CIFMg2 NiP 62 2 25.205; 5.205; 13.236
90; 90; 120
310.5Soubeyroux, J L; Fruchart, D; Mikou, A; Pezat, M; Darriet, B
Etude structurale du systeme Mg~2~ Ni - H~2~. I - La solution solide Mg~2~ Ni H~x~ (x=0.30)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1984, 19, 895-904
1008171 CIFMg2 NiP 62 2 25.205; 5.205; 13.236
90; 90; 120
310.5Soubeyroux, J L; Fruchart, D; Mikou, A; Pezat, M; Darriet, B
Etude structurale du systeme Mg~2~ Ni - H~2~. I - La solution solide Mg~2~ Ni H~x~ (x=0.30)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1984, 19, 895-904
1008172 CIFD0.3 Mg2 NiP 62 2 25.256; 5.256; 13.435
90; 90; 120
321.4Soubeyroux, J L; Fruchart, D; Mikou, A; Pezat, M; Darriet, B
Etude structurale du systeme Mg~2~ Ni - H~2~. I - La solution solide Mg~2~ Ni H~x~ (x=0.30)
Materials Research Bulletin, 1984, 19, 895-904
1008285 CIFD0.3 Mg2 NiP 62 2 25.256; 5.256; 13.435
90; 90; 120
321.4Darriet, B; Soubeyroux, J L; Pezat, M; Fruchart, D
Structural and hydrogen diffusion study in the Mg~2~ Ni H~2~ system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1984, 103, 153-162
1008286 CIFD0.3 Mg2 NiP 62 2 25.256; 5.256; 13.435
90; 90; 120
321.4Darriet, B; Soubeyroux, J L; Pezat, M; Fruchart, D
Structural and hydrogen diffusion study in the Mg~2~ Ni H~2~ system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1984, 103, 153-162
1008287 CIFD0.3 Mg2 NiP 62 2 25.256; 5.256; 13.435
90; 90; 120
321.4Darriet, B; Soubeyroux, J L; Pezat, M; Fruchart, D
Structural and hydrogen diffusion study in the Mg~2~ Ni H~2~ system
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1984, 103, 153-162
1010033 CIFCr Si2P 62 2 24.422; 4.422; 6.351
90; 90; 120
107.5Boren, B
Roentgenuntersuchung der Legierungen von Silicium mit Chrom, Mangan, Kobalt und Nickel
Arkiv foer Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, A, 1934, 11, 1-28
1011200 CIFO2 SiP 62 2 25.013; 5.013; 5.47
90; 90; 120
119Wyckoff, Ralph W. G.
XXIX. Kriterien für hexagonale Raumgruppen und die Kristallstruktur von β-quarz
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1926, 63, 507-537
1100019 CIFO2 SiP 62 2 24.9977; 4.9977; 5.4601
90; 90; 120
118.1Wright, A F; Lehmann, M S
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1981, 36, 371-380
1511030 CIFB Ce Pt2P 62 2 25.4898; 5.4898; 7.886
90; 90; 120
205.826Noel, H.; Almeida, M.; Potel, M.; Sologub, O.L.; Salamakha, P.S.; Godart, C.
New structure type of ternary intermetallic borides Ce Pt2 B
Journal of Alloys Compd., 2000, 307, 40-44
1511208 CIFB La Pt2P 62 2 25.5222; 5.5222; 7.8978
90; 90; 120
208.574Sologub, O.L.; Hiebl, K.; Salamakha, P.S.
Crystal structure and physical properties of new ternary R Pt2 B compounds, R = La, Pr, Nd
Solid State Communications, 2003, 127, 379-383
1511261 CIFB Nd Pt2P 62 2 25.4242; 5.4242; 7.8799
90; 90; 120
200.781Sologub, O.L.; Salamakha, P.S.; Hiebl, K.
Crystal structure and physical properties of new ternary R Pt2 B compounds, R = La, Pr, Nd
Solid State Communications, 2003, 127, 379-383
1521676 CIFCo K5 O46 W12P 62 2 219.118; 19.118; 12.383
90; 90; 120
3919.6Nolan, A.L.; Allen, C.C.; Burns, R.C.; Craig, D.C.; Lawrance, G.A.
X-ray structural studies of K6 (Co(II) W12 O40) . ca 16(H2 O) and K5 (Co(III) W12 O40). ca 16(H2 O) and structural trends along the (X W12 O40)(n-) series, where X = P(V), Si(IV), Co(III) and Co(II)
Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2000, 53, 59-66
1521677 CIFCo H6 K5 O43 W12P 62 2 219.111; 19.111; 12.509
90; 90; 120
3956.58Nolan, A.L.; Allen, C.C.; Burns, R.C.; Lawrance, G.A.; Craig, D.C.
X-ray structural studies of K6 (Co(II) W12 O40) . ca 16(H2 O) and K5 (Co(III) W12 O40). ca 16(H2 O) and structural trends along the (X W12 O40)(n-) series, where X = P(V), Si(IV), Co(III) and Co(II)
Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2000, 53, 59-66
1522843 CIFMg2 NiP 62 2 25.198; 5.198; 13.21
90; 90; 120
309.105Schefer, J.; Haelg, W.; Fischer, P.; Stucki, F.; Schlapbach, L.; Didisheim, J.J.; Yvon, K.
New structure results for hydrides and deuterides of the hydrogen storage material Mg2 Ni
Journal of the Less-Common Metals, 1980, 74, 65-73
1528655 CIFNb Si2P 62 2 24.819; 4.819; 6.592
90; 90; 120
132.575Kubiak, R.; Horyn, R.; Broda, H.; Lukaszewicz, K.
Refinement of the Crystal Structure of Nb Si2, Nb Ge2 and Ta Ge2
Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Serie des Sciences Chimiques, 1972, 20, 429-436
1528656 CIFGe2 TaP 62 2 24.938; 4.938; 6.73
90; 90; 120
142.118Kubiak, R.; Lukaszewicz, K.; Horyn, R.; Broda, H.
Refinement of the Crystal Structure of Nb Si2, Nb Ge2 and Ta Ge2
Bulletin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Serie des Sciences Chimiques, 1972, 20, 429-436
1531002 CIFBe F2P 62 2 24.806; 4.806; 5.2404
90; 90; 120
104.824Wright, A.F.; Fitch, A.N.; Wright, A.C.
The preparation and structure of the alpha- and beta-quartz polymorphs of beryllium fluoride
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1988, 73, 298-304
1531931 CIFBe F2P 62 2 24.9; 4.9; 5.38
90; 90; 120
111.868Narten, A.H.
Diffraction pattern and structure of noncrystalline Be F2 and Si O2 at 25 C
Journal of Chemical Physics, 1972, 56, 1905-1909
1531932 CIFO1.76 Si0.88P 62 2 25; 5; 5.49
90; 90; 120
118.862Narten, A.H.
Diffraction pattern and structure of noncrystalline Be F2 and Si O2 at 25 C
Journal of Chemical Physics, 1972, 56, 1905-1909

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