Crystallography Open Database

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1001683 CIFO19 P5 Si V3P 6314.4671; 14.4671; 7.4605
90; 90; 120
1352.3Leclaire, A; Chahboun, H; Groult, D; Raveau, B
V3 P5 Si O19, a vanadosilicophospahte built up from V2 O9 octahedra clusters
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1986, 65, 168-177
1004012 CIFCu Ge La3 S7P 6310.2935; 10.2935; 5.8619
90; 90; 120
537.89Poduska, K. M.; DiSalvo, F. J.; Min, K.; Halasyamani, P. S.
Structure determination of La~3~CuGeS~7~ and La~3~CuGeSe~7~
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2002, 335, L5-L9
1005055 CIFGe2 La6 Mg S14P 6310.367; 10.367; 5.814
90; 90; 120
541.1Gitzendanner, R L; Spencer, C M; DiSalvo, F J; Pell, M A; Ibers, J A
Synthesis and structure of a new quaternary rare-earth sulfide, La6 Mg Ge2 S14, and the related compound La6 Mg Si2 S14
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1997, 131, 399-404
1005056 CIFLa6 Mg S14 Si2P 6310.363; 10.363; 5.742
90; 90; 120
534Gitzendanner, R L; Spencer, C M; DiSalvo, F J; Pell, M A; Ibers, J A
Synthesis and structure of a new quaternary rare-earth sulfide, La6 Mg Ge2 S14, and the related compound La6 Mg Si2 S14
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1997, 131, 399-404
1007038 CIFH9 Na2 O11 P TeP 635.908; 5.908; 15.09
90; 90; 120
456.1Durif, A; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T; Guitel, J C
Structures de deux phosphotellurates. Te (O H)~6~ ((N H~4~)~2~ H P O~4~)~2~ et Te (O H)~6~ (Na~2~ H P O~4~) (H~2~ O)
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1979, 35, 1444-1447
1008710 CIFC12 H84 N36 O42 P12P 6315.904; 15.904; 16.67
90; 90; 120
3651.6Schuelke, U; Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Preparation and crystal structure of guanidinium cyclododecaphosphate hexahydrate: (C (N H2)3)12 P12 O36 . 6(H2 O)
Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1995, 621, 1232-1236
1008753 CIFAl4 K Na3 O16 Si4P 6310.01; 10.01; 8.405
90; 90; 120
729.4Buerger, M J; Klein, G E; Donnay, G
Determination of the crystal structure of nepheline
American Mineralogist, 1954, 39, 805-818
1008754 CIFAl4 K Na3 O16 Si4P 6310.05; 10.05; 8.38
90; 90; 120
733Buerger, M J; Klein, G E; Hamburger, G
The structure of nepheline
American Mineralogist, 1947, 32, 197-197
1008761 CIFAl Na O4 SiP 6310.05; 10.05; 8.38
90; 90; 120
733Buerger, M J; Klein, G E; Hamburger, G
Structure of Nepheline
Geological Society of America, Bulletin, 1946, 57, 1182-1183
1010549 CIFC Al3 Ca Na3 O15 Si3P 6312.72; 12.72; 5.18
90; 90; 120
725.8Kôzu, Shukusuké; Takané, Katsutoshi
Crystal structure of Cancrinite from Dôdô, Korea, II
Proceedings of the Imperial Academy (Tokyo), 1933, 9, 105-108
1011053 CIFC SiP 633.095; 3.095; 15.17
90; 90; 120
125.8Ott, H
Die Gitterstruktur des Karborunds ( Si C ) I.
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie, Kristallgeometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie (-144,1977), 1925, 61, 515-531
1100062 CIFFe0.333 I2 Li O6P 635.4632; 5.4632; 5.0859
90; 90; 120
131.5Lan, Y; Chen, X; Tao, Z; Xie, A; Jiang, P; Xu, T; Xu, Y
X-ray powder diffraction data and Rietveld refinement for a new iodate: (LiFe~1/3~)(IO~3~)~2~
Power Diffraction, 2002, 17, 132-134
1101055 CIFC20 H14 O2P 6327.864; 27.864; 12.983
90; 90; 120
8729.7Yamamura, Kimiaki; Kawashima Taiga; Eda, Kazuo; Tajima, Fukue; Hashimoto, Masao
Solid solution of triptycenequinone and triptycenehydroquinone as a non-stoichiometric quinhydrone. Bathochromic changes in color caused by local intermolecular interaction between p-benzoquinone and hydroquinone moieties
Journal of Molecular Structure, 2005, 737, 1-6
1501943 CIFC20 H20P 6317.959; 17.959; 7.9998
90; 90; 120
2234.5Krämer, Katja; Leong, Paul; Lautens, Mark
Enantioselective palladium-catalyzed carbozincation of cyclopropenes.
Organic letters, 2011, 13, 819-821
1503374 CIFC93 H81 Au Cl O9 PP 6315.923; 15.923; 18.741
90; 90; 120
4115González, Ana Z; Toste, F. Dean
Gold(I)-catalyzed enantioselective [4 + 2]-cycloaddition of allene-dienes.
Organic letters, 2010, 12, 200-203
1504395 CIFC H Cl3P 635.8868; 5.8868; 6.6541
90; 90; 120
199.7Dziubek, Kamil F.; Katrusiak, Andrzej
Polar symmetry in new high-pressure phases of chloroform and bromoform.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2008, 112, 12001-12009
1504396 CIFC H Br3P 636.3229; 6.3229; 7.285
90; 90; 120
252.2Dziubek, Kamil F.; Katrusiak, Andrzej
Polar symmetry in new high-pressure phases of chloroform and bromoform.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2008, 112, 12001-12009
1504397 CIFC H Br3P 636.3119; 6.3119; 7.151
90; 90; 120
246.7Dziubek, Kamil F.; Katrusiak, Andrzej
Polar symmetry in new high-pressure phases of chloroform and bromoform.
The journal of physical chemistry. B, 2008, 112, 12001-12009
1505482 CIFC84 H84 La Na3 O12P 6315.2265; 15.2265; 18.1119
90; 90; 120
3636.6Wooten, Alfred J.; Carroll, Patrick J.; Walsh, Patrick J.
Impact of Na- and K-C pi-interactions on the structure and binding of M3(sol)n(BINOLate)3Ln catalysts.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 3359-3362
1505483 CIFC84 H84 Eu Na3 O12P 6315.152; 15.152; 18.2
90; 90; 120
3619Wooten, Alfred J.; Carroll, Patrick J.; Walsh, Patrick J.
Impact of Na- and K-C pi-interactions on the structure and binding of M3(sol)n(BINOLate)3Ln catalysts.
Organic letters, 2007, 9, 3359-3362

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