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1000039 CIFAl6 Ca9 O18P a -315.263; 15.263; 15.263
90; 90; 90
3555.7Mondal, P; Jeffery, J W
The crystal structure of tricalcium aluminate, Ca~3~ Al~2~ O~6~
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1975, 31, 689-697
1000299 CIFAl F6 H6 K O2P a -38.6472; 8.6472; 8.6472
90; 90; 90
646.6Rousseau, J J; Boulard, B; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J L
K(H~3~O)~2~AlF~6~: ESR, infrared and Raman spectroscopy studies
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1990, 27, 913-924
1000327 CIFBi0.5 O7 P2 Ta0.5P a -38.253; 8.253; 8.253
90; 90; 90
562.1Oyetola, S; Verbaere, A; Guyomard, D; Crosnier, M P; Piffard, Y; Tournoux, M
New ZrP~2~O~7~-like diphosphates of either mixed (M^III^~1/2~M'^V^~1/2~) cations (M=Sb,Bi,Nd,Eu;M'=Sb, Nb,Ta) or M'^V^ cations (M'=Ta,Nb):synthesis and structure
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1991, 28, 23-36
1000328 CIFO7 P1.901 Ta0.899P a -38.109; 8.109; 8.109
90; 90; 90
533.2Oyetola, S; Verbaere, A; Guyomard, D; Crosnier, M P; Piffard, Y; Tournoux, M
New ZrP~2~O~7~-like diphosphates of either mixed (M^III^~1/2~M'^V^~1/2~) cations (M=Sb,Bi,Nd,Eu;M'=Sb, Nb,Ta) or M'^V^ cations (M'=Ta,Nb):synthesis and structure
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1991, 28, 23-36
1000342 CIFBa F5.5 H1.5 Nb O1.5P a -39.9259; 9.9259; 9.9259
90; 90; 90
977.9Crosnier-Lopez, M P; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J L
BaNbF~7-x~(OH)~x~: preparation and crystal structure
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1993, 30, 549-556
1000413 CIFC3 H18 F6 Fe N9P a -314.13; 14.13; 14.13
90; 90; 90
2821.2Fourquet, J L; Plet, F; Calage, Y; DePape, R
Crystal structure and magnetic characterization of (C (N H2)3)3 Fe F6
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1987, 69, 76-80
1001095 CIFBa2 Cr O6 UP a -38.301; 8.301; 8.301
90; 90; 90
572Grenet, J V; Michel, A
Etude cristallographique des composes Ba~2~ Fe U O~6~ et Ba~2~ Cr U O~6~
Annales de Chimie (Paris) (Vol=Year), 1971, 1971, 83-88
1001133 CIFBa2 Fe1.333 O6 U0.667P a -38.25; 8.25; 8.25
90; 90; 90
561.5Padel, L; Poix, P; Michel, A
Preparation et etude cristallographique du systeme Ba~2~ Mg U O~6~ - Ba~2~ Fe~1.333~ U.~667~ O~6~
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1972, 9, 337-350
1001134 CIFBa2 Fe0.667 Mg0.5 O6 U0.833P a -38.328; 8.328; 8.328
90; 90; 90
577.6Padel, L; Poix, P; Michel, A
Preparation et etude cristallographique du systeme Ba~2~ Mg U O~6~ - Ba~2~ Fe~1.333~ U.~667~ O~6~
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1972, 9, 337-350
1001320 CIFAs1.5 Cd4 I3 P0.5P a -312.955; 12.955; 12.955
90; 90; 90
2174.3Rebbah, A; Deschanvres, A
Etude comparative des structures des phases Cd~4~ A~2~ I~3~ (A=As, P) et de leur solution solide
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 125-132
1001321 CIFAs Cd4 I3 PP a -312.884; 12.884; 12.884
90; 90; 90
2138.7Rebbah, A; Deschanvres, A
Etude comparative des structures des phases Cd~4~ A~2~ I~3~ (A=As, P) et de leur solution solide
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 125-132
1001322 CIFAs0.5 Cd4 I3 P1.5P a -312.843; 12.843; 12.843
90; 90; 90
2118.4Rebbah, A; Deschanvres, A
Etude comparative des structures des phases Cd~4~ A~2~ I~3~ (A=As, P) et de leur solution solide
Revue de Chimie Minerale, 1981, 18, 125-132
1001323 CIFAs Br3 Cd4 PP a -312.521; 12.521; 12.521
90; 90; 90
1963Rebbah, A; Deschanvres, A
Structure cristalline de Cd~4~ P As Br~3~
Annales de Chimie (Paris) (Vol=Year), 1981, 1981, 585-590
1001387 CIFMo O7 P2P a -37.944; 7.944; 7.944
90; 90; 90
501.3Leclaire, A; Borel, M M; Grandin, A; Raveau, B
Structure of molybdenum (IV) diphosphate Mo P~2~ O~7~
European Journal of Solid State Inorganic Chemistry, 1988, 25, 323-327
1001415 CIFAs2 Hg4 I3P a -312.999; 12.999; 12.999
90; 90; 90
2196.5Labbe, P; Ledesert, M; Raveau, B; Rebbah, A
Crystal structure of Hg~4~ As~2~ I~3~
Zeitschrift fuer Kristallographie (149,1979-), 1989, 187, 117-123
1001624 CIFAs2 Cd4 I3P a -312.993; 12.993; 12.993
90; 90; 90
2193.5Gallay, J; Allais, G; Deschanvres, A
Structure de Cd4 As2 I3
Acta Crystallographica B (24,1968-38,1982), 1975, 31, 2274-2276
1005005 CIFLi7 N4 NbP a -39.829; 9.829; 9.829
90; 90; 90
949.6Vennos, D A; DiSalvo, F J
Structure of lithium niobium nitride
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1992, 48, 610-612
1008245 CIFF2 PdP a -35.329; 5.329; 5.329
90; 90; 90
151.3Tressaud, A; Soubeyroux, J L; Touhara, H; Demazeau, G; Langlais, F
On a new structural type of fluorine compounds: crystal and magnetic structures of a high pressure form of Pd F~2~
Materials Research Bulletin, 1981, 16, 207-214
1008428 CIFK6 O18 P6P a -315.753; 15.753; 15.753
90; 90; 90
3909.2Averbuch-Pouchot, M T
Crystal chemistry of cyclo-hexaphosphates. I. Structure of anhydrous potassium cyclo-hexaphosphate
Acta Crystallographica C (39,1983-), 1989, 45, 1273-1275
1008450 CIFAl6 O18 Sr9P a -315.8476; 15.8476; 15.8476
90; 90; 90
3980.1Alonso, J A; Rasines, I; Soubeyroux, J L
Tristrontium dialuminium hexaoxide: An intricate superstructure of perovskite
Inorganic Chemistry, 1990, 29, 4768-4771

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