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1000503 CIFLa2.25 Li2 Nb1.25 O13 Ti2.75I 4/m m m3.88; 3.88; 32.39999
90; 90; 90
487.8Crosnier-Lopez, M P; Bhuvanesh, N S P; Duroy, H; Fourquet, J L
Irreversible electron-induced structural change during HREM imaging in lithium Ruddlesden-Popper phases in the series Li2 La(x) (Nb(2n-3x) Ti(3x-n) O(3n-1)) (n = 2,3,4) and Li2 Sr1.5 (Nb(3-x) Fe(x)) O(10-x)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1999, 145, 136-149
1004147 CIFO5 Pb0.3 V2C 1 2/m 115.478; 3.644; 10.123
90; 109.29; 90
538.9Mentre, O; Huve, M; Abraham, F
Bidimensional cationic ordering and thermal dependence in $-beta- Pb(x) V2 O5 bronzes
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1999, 145, 186-196
1004148 CIFO5 Pb0.304 V2P 1 21/m 115.478; 7.288; 10.123
90; 109.29; 90
1077.8Mentre, O; Huve, M; Abraham, F
Bidimensional cationic ordering and thermal dependence in $-beta- Pb(x) V2 O5 bronzes
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1999, 145, 186-196
1010411 CIFCl5 PP 4/n :19.2; 9.2; 7.4
90; 90; 90
626.3Powell, H M; Clark, D; Wells, A F
Crystal Structure of Phosphorus Pentachloride
Nature (London), 1940, 145, 149-149
1509221 CIFAg Ba O9 P3P 21 21 2111.0684; 12.3127; 5.9109
90; 90; 90
805.549Aouad, H.; Tanguy, B.; Maazaz, M.; Parent, C.; Gravereau, P.; Belharouak, I.; Mesnaoui, M.; le Flem, G.
Crystal structure and luminescence properties of silver in Ag M (P O3)3 (M = Mg, Zn, Ba) polyphosphates
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1999, 145, 97-103
1509458 CIFAg Mg O9 P3P c c a13.888; 10.7302; 9.97301
90; 90; 90
1486.19Maazaz, M.; Belharouak, I.; Tanguy, B.; Aouad, H.; Gravereau, P.; le Flem, G.; Mesnaoui, M.; Parent, C.
Crystal structure and luminescence properties of silver in Ag M (P O3)3 (M= Mg, Zn, Ba) polyphosphates
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1999, 145, 97-103
1509550 CIFAg Sn YbP -6 m 24.792; 4.792; 10.873
90; 90; 120
216.229Kuennen, B.; Poettgen, R.; Kotzyba, G.; Kussmann, D.; Felser, C.; Mosel, B.D.; Arpe, P.E.; Muellmann, R.
Structure and Properties of YbZnSn, YbAgSn, and Yb2Pt2Pb
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1999, 145, 668-677
1510218 CIFAu0.5 Cu0.49 Fe0.01F m -3 m3.877; 3.877; 3.877
90; 90; 90
58.276Heck, T.; Finkler, D. K. H.; Campbell, S. C.; Maurer, A. E.; Gonser, U.
Precission determination of the lattice parameters of Cu Au Fe alloys
Physica B+C, 1987, 145, 335-341
1510480 CIFAu2.85 In4.15 Sr2P -6 2 m15.016; 15.016; 4.579
90; 90; 120
894.149Rosenhahn, C.; Kotzyba, G.; Poettgen, R.; Mosel, B.D.; Kuennen, B.; Hoffmann, R.D.
Structure and Properties of Sr2Au3In4 and Eu2Au3In4
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1999, 145, 283-290
1510494 CIFAu3 Eu2 In4P -6 2 m14.897; 14.897; 4.549
90; 90; 120
874.267Mosel, B.D.; Kuennen, B.; Hoffmann, R.D.; Rosenhahn, C.; Kotzyba, G.; Poettgen, R.
Structure and Properties of Sr2Au3In4 and Eu2Au3In4
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1999, 145, 283-290
1510878 CIFB3 Ba3 O9 YbP 63 c m9.411; 9.411; 17.481
90; 90; 120
1340.81Khamaganova, T.N.; Bazarova, Zh.G.; Kuperman, N.M.
The double borates Ba3 Ln (B O3)3, Ln = La-Lu, Y
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1999, 145, 33-36
1513337 CIFO8 Pb5 SP 1 21/c 17.297; 11.698; 11.498
90; 90.93; 90
981.344Steele, I.M.; Pluth, J.J.
Crystal structure of tetrabasic lead sulfate (4(Pb O).(Pb S O4))
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 1998, 145, 528-533
1515891 CIFC201 H189 Cl18 F12 N8 O20 P8 Pd4 S4P 1 21/n 121.659; 23.21; 26.022
90; 100.67; 90
12855Eastoe, Julian; Fairlamb, Ian J. S.; Fernández-Hernández, Jesús M.; Filali, Emane; Jeffery, John C.; Lloyd-Jones, Guy C.; Martorell, Aina; Meadowcroft, Antony; Norrby, Per-Ola; Riis-Johannessen, Thomas; Sale, David A.; Tomlin, Paula M.
Interrogation of a dynamic multi-catalyst ensemble in asymmetric catalysis
Faraday Discussions, 2010, 145, 27
1520881 CIFCo4 O12 Sr5P 3 c 19.4; 9.4; 20.2
90; 90; 120
1545.74Boulahya, K.; Parras, M.; Gonzalez-Calbet, J.M.
The An+2 Bn B' O3n+3 family (B = B' = Co): ordered intergrowth between 2h-(Ba Co O3) and Ca3 Co2 O6 structures
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1999, 145, 116-127
1521136 CIFCo Mo TeP 21 21 25.2432; 5.052; 8.8432
90; 90; 90
234.244Hayashi, H.; Kokawa, N.; Moriga, T.; Koto, K.; Sugiyama, S.
The Rietveld analysis of crystal structure of an additive telluromolybdate Co Te Mo O6
Journal of Molecular Catalysis, 1999, 145, 301-307
1521323 CIFLa Ni O3.914 SrI 4/m m m3.82428; 3.82428; 12.4283
90; 90; 90
181.765Millburn, J.E.; Rosseinsky, M.J.; Green, M.A.; Neumann, D.A.
Evolution of the structure of the K2 Ni F4 phases La2-x Srx Ni O4+d with oxidation state: octahedral distortion and phase separation (0.2 < x < 1.0)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1999, 145, 401-420
1521324 CIFLa1.67 Ni O4 Sr0.33I 4/m m m3.8268; 3.8268; 12.7086
90; 90; 90
186.11Millburn, J.E.; Green, M.A.; Neumann, D.A.; Rosseinsky, M.J.
Evolution of the structure of the K2 Ni F4 phases La2-x Srx Ni O4+d with oxidation state: octahedral distortion and phase separation (0.2 < x < 1.0)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1999, 145, 401-420
1521325 CIFLa1.2 Ni O4 Sr0.8I 4/m m m3.8144; 3.8144; 12.5597
90; 90; 90
182.739Millburn, J.E.; Rosseinsky, M.J.; Green, M.A.; Neumann, D.A.
Evolution of the structure of the K2 Ni F4 phases La2-x Srx Ni O4+d with oxidation state: octahedral distortion and phase separation (0.2 < x < 1.0)
Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 1999, 145, 401-420
1522404 CIFFe0.08 Ti0.092 V0.828F m -3 m4.264; 4.264; 4.264
90; 90; 90
77.527Lynch, F.J.; Maeland, A.J.; Libowitz, G.G.
Lattice parameter variation and thermodynamics of dihydride formation in the vanadium-rich V-Ti-Fe/H2 system
Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Frankfurt Am Main), 1985, 145, 51-59
1522405 CIFFe0.1 Ti0.18 V0.72I m -3 m3.04; 3.04; 3.04
90; 90; 90
28.094Lynch, F.J.; Maeland, A.J.; Libowitz, G.G.
Lattice parameter variation and thermodynamics of dihydride formation in the vanadium-rich V-Ti-Fe/H2 system
Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Frankfurt Am Main), 1985, 145, 51-59

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